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  1. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    Very well. Bob and Alice Goodenov, pioneers in a city in Estonia, caught the two Russian journalists, actually named people, so you know they are credible, recording a congregation meeting to see if there was any way they could rearrange things to make JWs look nuts, and blew them into Estonian intelligence, who banned them for five years.
    Another way to look at it is that it is the play that the HQ brothers are following, not the actors in the play. You don’t have to know the names of the actors to follow the play. It can even be a distraction if you do.
    Best regards,
    One person who writes in the United States 
  2. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I could be wrong but I think Jack has a video of Caleb and Sophia swilling liquor at the store, and he is wetting himself with glee at the thought of posting it.
    If he does, I will counter with my video of TM III dumping his ice cream cone in the trash so he can put still another dollar in the contribution box.
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    This is true and it lets the air out of the balloon of these morons.
    Whenever I buy my liquor, Jack or Srecko, were they to chance to see me, would think they had met Groucho Marx.
  4. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Could it be that John is going to be my pal today? Yes! He picked up on the gist of the remark completely. We’re allies!
    Tomorrow it may be a different story.
  5. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Could it be that John is going to be my pal today? Yes! He picked up on the gist of the remark completely. We’re allies!
    Tomorrow it may be a different story.
  6. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Could it be that John is going to be my pal today? Yes! He picked up on the gist of the remark completely. We’re allies!
    Tomorrow it may be a different story.
  7. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Why on earth would you do that? If it is silliness to begin with, why dignify it by taking it seriously?
    Now you’ve got it! 
    You know, it just makes for a dull book when you do it that way.
    Is it just me? What are the letters to the Corinthians? Did Paul just gather information for his next book? Clearly, he capitalized on what those Corinthians had said, or what had been said about them, rather than cook up some speech detached from their needs.
    “For the disclosure was made to me about YOU, my brothers, by those of [the house of] Chloʹe, that dissensions exist among YOU. What I mean is this, that each one of YOU says...” (1 Corinthians 1:12)
    “YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU?” 4:8
    “Now concerning the things about which YOU wrote....”  7:1
    Most of the Greek scriptures consist of interactions with various congregations & we benefit by eavesdropping. That’s all I’m doing—imitating a pattern laid out by others.
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Why on earth would you do that? If it is silliness to begin with, why dignify it by taking it seriously?
    Now you’ve got it! 
    You know, it just makes for a dull book when you do it that way.
    Is it just me? What are the letters to the Corinthians? Did Paul just gather information for his next book? Clearly, he capitalized on what those Corinthians had said, or what had been said about them, rather than cook up some speech detached from their needs.
    “For the disclosure was made to me about YOU, my brothers, by those of [the house of] Chloʹe, that dissensions exist among YOU. What I mean is this, that each one of YOU says...” (1 Corinthians 1:12)
    “YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU?” 4:8
    “Now concerning the things about which YOU wrote....”  7:1
    Most of the Greek scriptures consist of interactions with various congregations & we benefit by eavesdropping. That’s all I’m doing—imitating a pattern laid out by others.
  9. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I haven’t actually made any comment about this. However, since I am being drawn into it anyway, let me clarify this nonsense once and for all. 
    This photo is not from Venezuela at all, but it is in one of the southern US states & is in fact a falled bank heist on the part of @Top Cat O'Malighan. His getaway car was hit broadside by @Vic Vomidog, flying at an unusual rate of speed because some Bethel hotshot and been spied with a can of beer, a special meeting of the Apostate Society had been called so as to see how to spin it, he was the Keynote speaker, and he was running late.
  10. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I haven’t actually made any comment about this. However, since I am being drawn into it anyway, let me clarify this nonsense once and for all. 
    This photo is not from Venezuela at all, but it is in one of the southern US states & is in fact a falled bank heist on the part of @Top Cat O'Malighan. His getaway car was hit broadside by @Vic Vomidog, flying at an unusual rate of speed because some Bethel hotshot and been spied with a can of beer, a special meeting of the Apostate Society had been called so as to see how to spin it, he was the Keynote speaker, and he was running late.
  11. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I haven’t actually made any comment about this. However, since I am being drawn into it anyway, let me clarify this nonsense once and for all. 
    This photo is not from Venezuela at all, but it is in one of the southern US states & is in fact a falled bank heist on the part of @Top Cat O'Malighan. His getaway car was hit broadside by @Vic Vomidog, flying at an unusual rate of speed because some Bethel hotshot and been spied with a can of beer, a special meeting of the Apostate Society had been called so as to see how to spin it, he was the Keynote speaker, and he was running late.
  12. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I don’t drink anymore, you know.
    (Of course, I don’t drink any less, either.)
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I haven’t actually made any comment about this. However, since I am being drawn into it anyway, let me clarify this nonsense once and for all. 
    This photo is not from Venezuela at all, but it is in one of the southern US states & is in fact a falled bank heist on the part of @Top Cat O'Malighan. His getaway car was hit broadside by @Vic Vomidog, flying at an unusual rate of speed because some Bethel hotshot and been spied with a can of beer, a special meeting of the Apostate Society had been called so as to see how to spin it, he was the Keynote speaker, and he was running late.
  14. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Frustrating job you have there
  15. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    Wasn’t it Jesus pattern, whenever he sought to draw his disciples out with questions, to wait for them to answer before telling them what was what? This straying from his example alone makes me dubious.
    In fact, my answer would have been different from the one you told me I should have. It would have been either 
    1. How would I know?
    2. I suppose so.
    It would be the same as if you had asked me about the cabinet of some human government. Are they unified?  How would I know?
    An assembly speaker (one of the Gentile elder Babylonian guardians, I suspect, or whatever you call them) spoke of the flow of holy spirit in one’s life & likened it to water coming from a hose. If you have turned the faucet on (asking for Holy Spirit, in his parallel) yet find that there is no water coming out the nozzle, you retrace the length of the hose to search for what you know you will find: a kink.
    The fact that spiritual food comes in abundance for we lowly sheep & a considerable system of support comes with it suggests to me that there are no appreciable kinks in the gathering of the body of Christ & that whatever you are insisting that I must pay attention to is not the real thing.
  16. Confused
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    the old hen
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from admin in Captain Kirk and his Jupiter 8, 1965   
    I used to think that William Shatner was the biggest jerk & I still haven’t absolved him completely. But I am fast getting there.
    What has turned me is noting how he delights in self-parody. He knows that he is a wooden actor. He knows that he has, for whatever reason, gone far beyond his talent. He accepts it all as a happy “one of those things” and joins his critics in ridiculing himself.
    My wife and I saw him in a Colombo rerun, playing a media star villain. It was impossible for someone to deliberately ham it so poorly, he was doing it on purpose, making fun of himself. The kicker was a scene when his character passes by the most prominently displayed oversized painting in his mansion—a portrait of himself!
  18. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Yeah! once again, the Terminator, brash as he is, nails it.
    I like this reproduced letter, and judging from the wording, I even imagine I know which helper wrote it:
    While I appreciate the concern of the brother who “witnessed” this, I also have some concerns about the assumptions made. Please keep in mind, there are a number of circumstances that others may not be aware of. For example, using the purchase in connection with visitors, graduates from Gilead or the Branch Committee School. Also, over what period of time will these [bottles] be used? As far as dedicated funds, some of our brothers had businesses prior to coming to Bethel. I will not get too personal on Brother Morris’s circumstances in that regard. It does point out that our dear brothers are a “theatrical spectacle,” so please assume the best of our dear brother. Thank you.
    One can be forgiven for imagining @Jack Ryan is having steamy sex over in his domain, so orgasmic is he over this. He has posted TWELVE (at least) separate topics about this!
    He is among the ones (those who have gone atheistic) who lectures everyone else about his superior skills of critical thinking. And yet he so clearly—you couldn’t ask for a better example—lets his wishful thinking drag him along as with hooks in his jaws. He leads with his heart, not with his head at all.
    Look, IF the brother was a deadbeat flatout drunkard on someone else’s dime, then yes, this is a video that would be consistent with it. But BECAUSE there exists such a video, the reverse is not by any means true. Far more likely is it that one of the factors the Bethel helper mentions is the reality.
    Anybody who knows how to think knows this is so, and yet Jack does not know it. He knows what he wants to think, and that is enough for him to fit any circumstance into his foregone conclusion. And yet he would boast of his “critical thinking” skills.
    “While I appreciate the concern of the brother who “witnessed” this, I also have some concerns about the assumptions made. Please keep in mind, there are a number of circumstances that others may not be aware of,” the helper says.
    No alcoholic could guzzle liquor the way Jack guzzles assumptions. And yet he would tell us that he has broken away from religion and has learned to use his intellect!
    He is either incredibly deceitful or incredibly stupid. Take your pick,
  19. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    I don’t quite know why, but I am somehow reminded of Amos Moses, who’s daddy would use him for alligator bait:
    Now everyone blamed his old man
    For making him mean as a snake
    When Amos Moses was a boy
    His daddy would use him for alligator bait
    Tie a rope around his neck and throw him in the swamp
    Alligator bait in the Louisiana bayou
  20. Confused
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I was worried that if I said @Witness specifically, @The Librarian (that old hen) might yell at me. I’m scared of her.
  21. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    I got that nick name because my Mom would tie a pork chop around my neck, to get the puppy to play with me.
  22. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I got about a minute into it, maybe a minute and a half, and I noticed three things about it.
    1) Lloyd is extremely pleased with himself.
    2) In his brief exchange about pants, where he somehow caught Bro Morris on the phone, (just THAT says something - that he takes a call from an unknown “brother” with unspecified concerns, instead of it being handled well down the line by some support staff) the latter comes across as warm, engaging, and not in the slightest bit full of himself (as Lloyd DOES seem) - “No, call the branch,” he laughs, “and I’d better not see you guys wearing them,” he quips, and “You’re kidding me, right?” It was impossible not to warm to the guy.
    3) Lloyd’s cooing concern of how difficult it is for an ordinary person, such as he, to speak with a GB member (notwithstanding that he had just done it), as though an 8:000,000 to 1 ratio meant nothing at all. In fact, apparently it is an 8 billion ratio to 1 that he expects anybody to be able to waltz through, since he said at the outset that he is not among the 8 million. 
    The guy is too infantile to endure, and I got no further. I mean, this thing runs 17 minutes.
    4) (Yeah, I know I said 3, but I thought of another) @Witness ‘s ridiculous assumption that she landed a major blow. “Here’s one for you, TTH,” she says, with no doubt whatsoever that I am going to clear the calendar and patiently analyze it, doubtless running it through several times so that all of her insinuations sink in. @Witness, who I simply asked a couple of questions of, and who thereafter regarded me as her star pupil for a time, and expressed such disappointment when she found that it was not so. I mean, this is a very strange woman. 
  23. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    The point is that that in 17 minutes I can read 20 times as much, without having to endure an unpleasant personality.
    No. I think it has something to do with his being that way.
    Taunting me, when I mentioned that I read plenty of non-JW material, he asked: “Which of the three major atheist books do you find the most compelling?”
    I replied: “Which of Dickens’ novels do you find the most compelling? Which of the Greek tragedies do you find the most compelling?”
    The shallow idiot. And I should watch him for 17 minutes when he is too lazy to put his information into written form, the way every intelligent person on the planet has done since the beginning of history? That’s why he is crying so about being denied the “right” to steal Bethel’s content so as to put it into his own framed context—he’s too dull to describe it himself as any credible chronicler must do.
    I have you to do that, and following the thread with some less biased people who CAN suffer through it, I can pretty well piece things together.
    Call it “forensic research.” Scientists do it all the time and we are called dodos if we do not eat up every word.
    ( I don’t think I have done the virus thing. I may have, but I normally walk right into those things and then spend two weeks at Best Buy while they operate.)
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Okay. Good to call a truce on that, I guess. I’ll try to hold back as well.
    You must understand that this is a site that purports to be a gathering spot for JWs, therefore I do have a sense (possibly unwise) of “defending my turf.”
    I would not behave that way were I on a site that does not purport to be a gathering spot for JWs.
  25. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    In fact, John, you are being fed a pack of lies, and I cannot believe that you are gullible enough to fall for it.
    During my years at Bethel, two GB members came down with pneumonia. Nobody could figure out why, because they had perfectly good space heaters for their pup tents. It turned out that, even though the temperature had been in the teens for days, they had kept them off so as not to waste dedicated funds.
    Three of them got hand fungus from the hours they spent every day on foot-washing detail.
    Two of them subsisted on honey and locusts. Four pressed their clothes with bricks so as not to waste electricity on ironing.
    One of them winced when I said ‘hello’ and I learned afterwards that he only says “greetings” because “hello” has “hell” in it.
    He winced even more and permanently injured his back carrying my bags to my room when I arrived, even though I told him I had brought my anvil collection.
    One of them, when I had a flat tire, gave me a wheel off his car, and then had to walk through the sleet to the airport, where he strapped himself to a wing of the plane to save money and flew to Portugal to serve as keynote speaker there.
    I visited Brother Morris in his tent, and he offered me a cup of coffee. As I sipped mine he diluted his to make it last longer.
    These brothers make more self-sacrifice in a day than you do in a year.
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