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  1. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Jack Ryan in Pedos in High Places   
    Let’s please the Librarian, the old bat, by starting a new thread for a new topic, which may not go anywhere, especially since it is just a request for comment from people who may not be interested enough to give one.
    But it strikes me as something that @Space Merchant would be competent to speak to, maybe also @Arauna since they both have commented on the sordid machinations in high places:
  2. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    To the irreligious, there is no appreciable difference between religions. It is rather like someone saying all orientals or all blacks look alike.
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Leave me your address. I’ll look you up.
  4. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    Wasn’t the saying of the workers in the USSR “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”?
  5. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Like those big dumb testosterone charged animals that live to ram each other with their horns just to prove who’s the man. It gets so old.

  6. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    Wasn’t the saying of the workers in the USSR “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”?
  7. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    Wasn’t the saying of the workers in the USSR “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”?
  8. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    A kinder gentler Stalin. Can it be?
    The greatest inducement to believe conspiracy theories comes when two or three of them turn out to be true.
  9. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    The Russian government were covering up their atrocities - this is why it is so hard to determine how many really died.  Even if people are wicked - they still try to cover up what they are doing because somehow they know it is wrong....
    Do not be misled......  this kind of power in the hands of few together with the philosophy that the death of few is for the greater good - is satanic.  This new world order speech looks similar.... this is why it is much more insidious than we expect.  The far left youth in America is talking this way. Because I am vigilant I notice it immediately.  Have you seen what Ms Cortez has been saying? This is an indication of the thought of the new generation.
    Use it  but do not trust Wiki - the pedia.  It is edited by scholars who come from these universities which are pushing the gender engineering agenda.  I have seen history rewritten when the agenda changes.   A good example is UNESCO - see how they are rewriting history to suit their agenda.  In South Africa, the history has also been rewritten.  I lived it - I know what is true and false. 
    Similarly, the scholars at all major universities are saying there is a wonderful religion of "peace". Hence, all the killers who are committing a real genocide in North Africa and middle east against Christians (large percentages of Christians are not getting refugee status and are being killed - but nothing in the news about a genocide) are called isolated cases by people who are mentally ill.  I know the religion and the history (I did my homework) .....I 'know' the university scholars are rewriting the 1400 years of war history.  ( Note: I hate the religious ideology of this religion - not the people......  I love the people but feel extremely sad to see them exploited by a bad mental state and the lies they are indoctrinated with). Fortunately there are the odd few who become JW but they all have a terrible time from family and a lot of suffering. 
    I live in a socialist Europe and I see how and when socialism works..... Communism is much different - it is extreme socialism - you do not want to live under it. There is a trend now to whitewash the history of communism. Why?  It is underestimated by the West and it is getting a better reputation...... Why?
    So despite the death tolls - this philosophy is back in another, more acceptable form.......And it was carefully engineered back! 
    Perestroika was a short aberration.  The Frankfort school left Germany (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School) and came to USA during the second world war. Its ideas were taken up by the French and changed to the new post modern way of thinking. This new way of thinking is "rebranded" communism but much more dangerous......the French revolution and the Russian revolution comes to mind.  The second phase of both revolutions killed many people.
    Why is this new philosophy so appealing to all students, colors of people and genders?  It promises total equality, dignity and acceptance.  Why are they so militant about it?  It teaches that social revolution is good for the greater good of all.  Communalism (the new philosophy of Agenda 21) fits in with this like a glove. This philosophy has  been undermining the west since the sexual revolution of the sixties.
    I know this is not going to work.  They will call 'peace' when they get the major part of the agenda done.... and then bring in the morals that all will have to adhere to - ONE human religion which accepts all creeds and all religions (and morals) and one may not protest it.  If you do not cooperate and preach your own religion - big problems for you!!
    With surveillance capabilities now available and already in operation - there is nothing they cannot do.
    This is how I see this unfolding...... Bible prophecy being fulfilled - exactly to the letter.    When one watches TV and sees the indoctrinated youth then one gets an idea what is lying ahead.  
    These riots in France started with the elderly and spread to others as they are sick of the social injustices of the governments who are only telling the news they are filtering.  Rapes, no-go zones, attacks, daily mentally sick people are killing others with knives... People are already afraid of the future and the new citizens have all the rights. 
    No matter how much they protest - behind the scenes the plan is going ahead as governments have committed to the agenda (Agenda 2030 is on internet too!) and the new migration compact which guarantees the rights of immigrants at financial expense and the rights of its citizens. (godly justice? - I call it human justice.....) 
    This is my take on the events happening.  I could be wrong.... but I am not taken in by this new diabolical philosophy.   
    I believe that all people will be equal under Jehovah - but it is a loving and willing process...... not forced on people.  It is a willingness to share at expense of self and yes - it will be a form of communalism - but loyalty to Jehovah and is principals will make people cooperate unselfishly to get the earth back to its previous condition.  No-one will tell others what to do.  The elders will be facilitators, inform and ask us to cooperate. explain the reasons. Unselfish love is no part of any human philosophy - only in the teachings of Christ.
    (So this Agenda 21 sounds wonderful!  it will not meet Jehovah's standards and will bring the great tribulation.)
    The 144000 will oversee from heaven but society here will be like loving sheep - no nasty qualities. Cooperation will be there in loving way.  This is the way of Jehovah.  (by the way - this is why I do not buy the story that the real anointed are outside the congregation now)..... The real anointed are going to heaven and elders are now being trained to take their place.  The 144000 do not need important places in the congregations right now.  They share in a precious heritage - but their focus should now be on preaching not ruling/teaching the congregation as individuals.
     We do not need human rulers...... this is the message throughout the bible.  Jehovah and Christ are our rulers - with the understanding of the previously imperfect 144,000 in heaven.  Each person will have self-control and correct themselves according to Jehovah's laws.   Their happiness at receiving "life" during the 1000 years will be their most cherished gift. 
  10. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    There is no evidence of this. There is always evidence of wicked, evil governments, of course, and there is always evidence of abuse of power. But the idea that there was anything close to 20 million deaths through deliberate state-sponsored killing with no accountability has no evidence to back it up.
    Before looking at the more probable numbers again, the background of the policies that promoted these damning numbers should be looked at. The primary goal of course is to make Western-leaning countries condemn communist and socialist governments. We "Westerners" (French, German, British, Italian, American, Australian, etc.) can always extol the theoretical virtues of communism, socialism, and social democracy, but we have been trained to deny that such programs, in practice, can ever truly result in anything but chaos and death.
    In fact, the Western foreign policy leaders in the United States become positively scared and weak-kneed when they hear anything positive about a socialist country improving the overall state of their economy. If more people are being treated fairly and being pulled out of famine and poverty, the US runs scared. The US and other imperialist nations had probably contributed the most in creating the bad and exploitative economic situation in those countries in the first place. Why do you think the US is quick to try to crush small to medium-sized countries that have no economic power and no real effect on the US? Why crush Grenada, Faulkland Islands, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Laos? Why sabotage Venezuala, Chile, Cuba?
    Sometimes the reason is clearly admitted by officials. Sometimes it comes through loud and clear in leaked documents. But following WW2, internal state department documents, included the following reasons for some of these interventions and US led terrorism. For example here is the documentation for why we had to crush Guatemala according to a U.S. State Department official in 1954:
    "Guatemala has become an increasing threat to the stability of Honduras and El Salvador. Its agrarian reform is a powerful propaganda weapon: its broad social program of aiding the workers and peasants in a victorious struggle against the upper classes and large foreign enterprises has a strong appeal to the populations of Central American neighbors where similar conditions prevail." Notice that the threat is that workers and peasants were successful and victorious in agrarian reform and the threat is that they were able to set a good example. Their democratic experiment had to be met with military invasion because, as the US admitted:
    "social and economic programs of the elected government met the aspirations" [of labor and peasantry and] "inspired the loyalty and conformed to the self-interest of most politically conscience Guatemalans." There are many more such examples of trying to crush and sabotage any state that succeeds at any kind of democracy that doesn't conform to US or Western interests. If even a small threat of a good example that is working to lift more people out of poverty, increase employment, increase health care, increase education, it must be crushed and sabotaged. If the country is too large, the alternative is repeated propaganda.
    This could even lead to a better understanding of why mainstream US and UK news outlets were running anti-Russia stories every two weeks or so since Trump's and Theresa May's election. But there is now more news of the strength and stability of China's economy and this "threat of good example" has required that mainstream media be fed anti-China stories about every two weeks for several months now. Since they are coming out better in the trade/tariff "war" for now, I wouldn't be surprised to see new anti-China stories every week for a while.
    And many of these stories have been shown to be without real evidence. The so-called total surveillance in China is nowhere near the level of total surveillance in the United States for example. The ratio of political prisoners is nowhere near the number in the United States. When Apple is caught stealing technology from Chinese smartphones, the US counters with a huge story about an unprovable Chinese data breach, or some other diversion. China steals technology from the US too, of course, but the problem is that it's becoming harder to make these cases against them when China reaches specific levels of technology well before the US: e.g., artificial intelligence levels, robotics, quantum computing and quantum communication, etc.
    The idea that Chinese can't travel abroad without specific "political" permission, the idea that millions of Muslims are in "concentration camps," or that they are invading Africa as a colonial imperialist military power, and many other such rumors have been foisted in a highly exaggerated manner upon the US and UK and other Western audiences, often discovered with fake evidence and fake witnesses. (Some have been caught.) -- In fact, on the China/Africa situation, even John Bolton admitted that the real problem was that China was treating these countries in such a way that the countries were beginning to side with China against the practices of the United States in those countries.
    Russia and China have made huge mistakes to be sure. But if we want to be honest and truthful we also have to be careful not to repeat things that are most likely untruths, even if we want to believe them, and they make perfect sense to our world view.
  11. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    I agree blood is blood - if it is 10 or 40 million.   But I am interested in how people get to that point of killing large numbers and how they justify it.... and could it happen again.  Are we on our way to another wave of this? 
    My mentioning these  numbers was to demonstrate how deadly the philosophy is and how we may see more killing. Under communism, neighbors snitched on neighbors they did not like and made up stories to get their apartments, food or other privileges.  Could this happen again?  Many of those in the Gulags were innocent victims.
    There is an arabic word THULM which means injustice... and the related word : thalaam means darkness.  Very apt for what is waiting for mankind.
  12. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    I have another character, who has yet to be featured in a book, set up his own think tank. He surrounded himself with bookshelves and a globe, because that’s what smart people do. He also displayed prominently a skull, which caused him much misery when it turned out to be critical evidence in the Mugsy McDonery missing persons case.
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Stalin has killed his millions, and Mao his tens of millions. REALLY?   
    I have another character, who has yet to be featured in a book, set up his own think tank. He surrounded himself with bookshelves and a globe, because that’s what smart people do. He also displayed prominently a skull, which caused him much misery when it turned out to be critical evidence in the Mugsy McDonery missing persons case.
  14. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in UN Compact 2018   
    One of my Tom Irregardless characters’ ancient Dads, I think it was Oscar Oxgoad, would stare at Trump on the TV screen and mutter “He’s the one! He will start it all!”
    He has said it of every President since Truman. 
    Not to make light of any previous posts. They all sound weighty and might well turn out to be so. Just had to slip this one in, so as to hoodwink some into thinking that I am carrying my weight.
  15. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Let us not underestimate JWI   
    Didn’t @JW Insider say he’d take care of this? Behold: 
    From The Week, December 14/ 2018

    One moment he’s fixing the toilets at Bethel. The next minute he’s fixing the computers for all humankind.
  16. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Alberta family taken in naked kidnapping case were frightened, want answers   
    It is always worrisome to be kidnapped by naked neighbors. I hate it when that happens.
  17. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    One of my Tom Irregardless characters’ ancient Dads, I think it was Oscar Oxgoad, would stare at Trump on the TV screen and mutter “He’s the one! He will start it all!”
    He has said it of every President since Truman. 
    Not to make light of any previous posts. They all sound weighty and might well turn out to be so. Just had to slip this one in, so as to hoodwink some into thinking that I am carrying my weight.
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    There is slavery and there is injustice from worldly governments and the slavery which Christ calls us to - which is totally different.   There is also fleshly thinking and spiritual thinking.  The principals of Jehovah will definitely be slavery to some people. 
    I recall doing field service in South Africa during the apartheid / segregation years.  If some of those whiteys learn they have to live with black people in the new world they would decline to speak to us - similar to the militant black people who belong to the "five pennies" religion or the black Israelite movement.   This is slavery to them or something beneath them.  They close the kingdom for themselves by their attitudes.
    Well one can apply this lesson to almost anything.  How many people close the kingdom for themselves because of their unyielding attitudes - they are the first that will call yielding a form of slavery.  
  19. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Leave me your address. I’ll look you up.
  20. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Outside of the context of the Christian organization, anybody can say that they are anointed.
    I can say it. You can say it. Anyone can say it. They might be genuine. They might be deluded. They might even be lying through their teeth, angling for future prominence. How would anyone ever know?
    In theory, that could also be true of any member of the Governing Body. In practice, it is next to impossible. They have supplied evidence of their anointing through decades of time. They have supplied a track record. They are not people who, though supposedly 'godly,' really couldn't get along with anybody, but they have submitted their faith to practical full-time and unpaid test.  
    They have proven their Christian qualities. Usually they have served in areas far more lowly than that of the ones whom they will later lead. No phony is going to do this....full-time, long-term, and unpaid...but only the genuine article.
    In contrast, the case seems far weaker with so-called anointed who pop up with unique views and presently begin to separate themselves because they can't get along, grumbling that nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry...I just cannot get my head around renegade anointed roaming in the wilds.
  21. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Let us not underestimate JWI   
    I could be wrong, but quite candidly....what are the chances? (Don't tell JTR, who thinks I am never wrong, nor JB, who will blame the GB)
    I posted about this awhile ago, , how this scam cheapens the Microsoft brand, and someone, I thought it was you , said they would talk to their acquaintance at Microsoft about it. 
    I witnessed to one of these characters recently. I long resisted suggestions to do that with telemarketers because it seemed to be using the truth as an offensive weapon, and I do not look at it that way.  But I got my head around it and resolved that if I could do it for real, with sincerity, I would give it a try.
    Whenever he would mention his service, I would interrupt and say, "yeah, I don't want that. But as long as you called, let me tell you what I am working on at present." I would observe that English obviously is not his first language, ask what one was, and tell him all about the drop-down box at JW.org to select one out of a thousand. I told him all about the online study lessons that make it possible for me to say "I don't want to study the Bible with you...do it yourself." I told him how we like the Bible because it helps one gets one's act together, raise a family, hope for the future, why does God allow suffering?...where are the dead? Why do they die in the first place? and so forth.
    He kept trying to bring things back to his product, and I would repeat the above. They are very persistent. I confess that, whereas with a householder you want to avoid asking awkward questions or ones that might make him feel uncomfortable, in time with this fellow I went out of my way to do it.
    It was rather fun. A friend who does it all the time says, "Look, I know you cannot respond to this because you're working, so don't worry, I don't expect feedback, but let me tell you about..."
    I would do it more, but I find that when calls come in, they do so unexpectedly, and I am usually not at a stopping point. Often I am right in the middle of pasting back the ears of the bombastic JTR and I know that he will be disappointed if he does not get a prompt reply to whatever drivel he is spinning.
  22. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Outside of the context of the Christian organization, anybody can say that they are anointed.
    I can say it. You can say it. Anyone can say it. They might be genuine. They might be deluded. They might even be lying through their teeth, angling for future prominence. How would anyone ever know?
    In theory, that could also be true of any member of the Governing Body. In practice, it is next to impossible. They have supplied evidence of their anointing through decades of time. They have supplied a track record. They are not people who, though supposedly 'godly,' really couldn't get along with anybody, but they have submitted their faith to practical full-time and unpaid test.  
    They have proven their Christian qualities. Usually they have served in areas far more lowly than that of the ones whom they will later lead. No phony is going to do this....full-time, long-term, and unpaid...but only the genuine article.
    In contrast, the case seems far weaker with so-called anointed who pop up with unique views and presently begin to separate themselves because they can't get along, grumbling that nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry...I just cannot get my head around renegade anointed roaming in the wilds.
  23. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Outside of the context of the Christian organization, anybody can say that they are anointed.
    I can say it. You can say it. Anyone can say it. They might be genuine. They might be deluded. They might even be lying through their teeth, angling for future prominence. How would anyone ever know?
    In theory, that could also be true of any member of the Governing Body. In practice, it is next to impossible. They have supplied evidence of their anointing through decades of time. They have supplied a track record. They are not people who, though supposedly 'godly,' really couldn't get along with anybody, but they have submitted their faith to practical full-time and unpaid test.  
    They have proven their Christian qualities. Usually they have served in areas far more lowly than that of the ones whom they will later lead. No phony is going to do this....full-time, long-term, and unpaid...but only the genuine article.
    In contrast, the case seems far weaker with so-called anointed who pop up with unique views and presently begin to separate themselves because they can't get along, grumbling that nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry...I just cannot get my head around renegade anointed roaming in the wilds.
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Leave me your address. I’ll look you up.
  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Outside of the context of the Christian organization, anybody can say that they are anointed.
    I can say it. You can say it. Anyone can say it. They might be genuine. They might be deluded. They might even be lying through their teeth, angling for future prominence. How would anyone ever know?
    In theory, that could also be true of any member of the Governing Body. In practice, it is next to impossible. They have supplied evidence of their anointing through decades of time. They have supplied a track record. They are not people who, though supposedly 'godly,' really couldn't get along with anybody, but they have submitted their faith to practical full-time and unpaid test.  
    They have proven their Christian qualities. Usually they have served in areas far more lowly than that of the ones whom they will later lead. No phony is going to do this....full-time, long-term, and unpaid...but only the genuine article.
    In contrast, the case seems far weaker with so-called anointed who pop up with unique views and presently begin to separate themselves because they can't get along, grumbling that nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry...I just cannot get my head around renegade anointed roaming in the wilds.
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