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  1. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    As far as I know I’m not trying to accuse you of anything. I’ve said you’re given to outbursts of anger and have assumed an odd ‘commission,’ as though an ‘anointing’ to battles apostates. Other than that, no accusations at all.
  2. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    I think she may be speaking of the parrot in the old Soviet joke about the man who implored the police to understand that the political views of his parrot were not his.
  3. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    JWI: “Good afternoon. This meeting of the closed club will now come to order.
    All else: Hear hear
    JWI First order of business is to consider a stack of applications for new members
    TTH: Do they all seem to represent diverse personalities?
    JWI: No, they all seem the same person with the same idiosyncrasies under a dozen different names.
    Thinking: I propose we put them in the trash. All in favor?
    Very well Motion carried. Time for refreshments. Pass the Bible chips, please?
  4. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    JWI: “Good afternoon. This meeting of the closed club will now come to order.
    All else: Hear hear
    JWI First order of business is to consider a stack of applications for new members
    TTH: Do they all seem to represent diverse personalities?
    JWI: No, they all seem the same person with the same idiosyncrasies under a dozen different names.
    Thinking: I propose we put them in the trash. All in favor?
    Very well Motion carried. Time for refreshments. Pass the Bible chips, please?
  5. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    JWI: “Good afternoon. This meeting of the closed club will now come to order.
    All else: Hear hear
    JWI First order of business is to consider a stack of applications for new members
    TTH: Do they all seem to represent diverse personalities?
    JWI: No, they all seem the same person with the same idiosyncrasies under a dozen different names.
    Thinking: I propose we put them in the trash. All in favor?
    Very well Motion carried. Time for refreshments. Pass the Bible chips, please?
  6. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from admin in 15 Minute Smart Cities   
    I first heard the term 15-minute cities only a few days ago and had to do as search as to what it meant. Getting around from any point A to any point B in 15 minutes was all I found. Offhand, that does not sound like such a bad goal, except you know the draconian means that will be forced upon people to implement such goals. These days a car is as much a means of protection from mugging as it is a means of transportation.
  7. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer / strata of the earth.......the animals were not partially formed in any previous layers but suddenly appeared  ....fully formed.
    There are so many flaws in the logical thinking of evolution. One example is the development of Male and Female genders over millions of years..... while still proliferating?????  Different genuses often have different looking organs...... and all the different sex organs just magically by chance  know how to develop to compliment each other  and fit perfectly.  There was definitely some pre-knowledge and accounting in nature......(intelligence) involved....because half the chromosomes are with the Male and half with the female.... in mammals. Nature can obviously count. Lol. 
    Then the matter of DNA - which is an operating system - comprising of DNA -  4 letters-  and a new language which was developed which gives instructions. When computers came out (e.g.windows), they took some time to develop the computer language with 2 letters....working to straighten out all the problems. ... then they  systematically put each sentence of the operating system in sequence with "instructions".  If the instructions had one mistake the system crashed.  So:  Nature  developed an entire intricate language randomly by chance and then logically step by step developed and put in sequence the intricate and logical instructions in this fully developed language... for instance  to develop a baby. 
    This is like winning the lottery for millions of years one second after another - one would have to come to the conclusion that there is as outside source manipulating the lottery. ... 
    There are so many logical flaws in evolution that those who are blinded by it have never thought it through. 
    Another flaw:  the eye needs the brain to interpret what it sees.  Who "coordinated" the simultaneous growth of the two ifferent organs over millions of years in such a focussed way so that the two organs  would both have all the right parts and messages to work with each other so perfectly?
    The same can be said for many other organs which work together- this is proof if intelligent design..... not random chance over millions if years..... who did the "thinking" for nature....random selection is the jackpot. 
    If millions of years went by with a "nutricious soup" floating around - was there never ever a storm to disturb the "goldilocks conditions"?  How did the right chemicals stay together without a membrane?  The membrane of a cell itself is  intricate....keeping so many functional parts within its pocket and only letting select items through. How did this suddenly appear?  And how did nature know to divide the acidic and alkaline parts of the cell. How did it "know" to develop the transportation system,  and factories within the cell... the two kinds of DNA? 
    These are just a few questions one can ask someone who believes in evolution. 
    "Peer review" at universities is such a farce. A group of professors review  works for publication. Friends approve each others papers and cut out anyone who disagrees with their theories.
    One does not need a degree or smartness to understand these things.  That is why the bible says we must walk in humbleness / modesty with jehovah. He gives insight to the humble.
    Regarding the dating of things in the field of geology, anthropology, archeology, evolution etc.  This is also a farce as it is all manipulated.  But that is another subject on it's own.  
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Were some of Jesus’ exposés obviously not good and righteous? 
  9. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    I don’t know who this Kevin person is
  10. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the point where they say, ‘Enough! Nobody can use our copyrighted stuff!’ It is pretty standard practice and many companies enforce copyright to a far greater degree. 
    A friend of mine does miniatures, small-time scenes of Americana. At a festival where many participants displayed such scenarios, Coca Cola came down on them all very threateningly for any sign that in any way specifically mentioned their trademarked products—say, a tiny truck saying Drink CocaCola. All removed any such Coke references so as not to be target of a lawsuit.
  11. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the point where they say, ‘Enough! Nobody can use our copyrighted stuff!’ It is pretty standard practice and many companies enforce copyright to a far greater degree. 
    A friend of mine does miniatures, small-time scenes of Americana. At a festival where many participants displayed such scenarios, Coca Cola came down on them all very threateningly for any sign that in any way specifically mentioned their trademarked products—say, a tiny truck saying Drink CocaCola. All removed any such Coke references so as not to be target of a lawsuit.
  12. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the point where they say, ‘Enough! Nobody can use our copyrighted stuff!’ It is pretty standard practice and many companies enforce copyright to a far greater degree. 
    A friend of mine does miniatures, small-time scenes of Americana. At a festival where many participants displayed such scenarios, Coca Cola came down on them all very threateningly for any sign that in any way specifically mentioned their trademarked products—say, a tiny truck saying Drink CocaCola. All removed any such Coke references so as not to be target of a lawsuit.
  13. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Aren’t we intent on respecting copyright these days?
  14. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Adrahasis in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Aren’t we intent on respecting copyright these days?
  15. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Mic Drop in When Bill Gates First Became Rich, How Did He Spend His Money?   
    Only a gazillionaire can smile and make it retroactive for his mug shot or pose as though for a Playgirl centerfold.
    I think Steve the cult expert called him for triggering his BITE model, not yet having learned to distinguish BITE from BYTE.
  16. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of Bitcoin?   
    Maria followed me on Twitter one fine day and she was drop-dead gorgeous. No, I did not follow her back for that reason. Trust me on this: drop dead gorgeous women throw themselves at me all the time; it is a great nuisance because all I want to do is think about God.
    In fact, I didn’t follow her back at all, not even for the reassuring profile photo she displayed, consisting solely of “Jehovah” in gold-embossed letters. However, I did scroll her timeline and found a suitable place to leave a comment. She soon replied that she had just texted me.
    Sorry, I told her, I don’t do DM. I stay on the public side of Twitter. “Why?” she wanted to know. “Because if I do so I am immersed in dozens of private chats and I can’t keep up,” said I. She responded that, in that case, I could contact her on WhatsApp. I didn’t reply to that one.

    Next thing you know she has disappeared and all her notifications with her! I searched out her username: “Account suspended for violation of Twitter rules.” Hmm. I searched for the name on Facebook. It links to a certain bit-coin trader, also drop-dead gorgeous.
    No, Maria, my dear, I have all the bit-coin I need, thank you very much—even though you are drop-dead gorgeous, even though your profile does say ‘Jehovah’ so I know you are one of us, probably belonging to the congregation right next door. I’ve no doubt she has a separate profile that says Jesus, another that says Buddha, Dagon, Moroni, Baal, and a dozen others. 
    It is called ‘Affinity Fraud,’ winning someone’s confidence through feigned common roots. It factors into the making of E.T—The Sequel, a movie you may not have seen. In the original, cute, adorable, toddler E.T. charms all who are pure enough to let him into their hearts. But in E.T.—the Sequel, he returns as a surly teenager. He curses, spits, brawls, swears, and in the end destroys the earth with his white-hot power beam, starting with Wall Street. 
    Steven Spielberg, the movie’s creator, had just lost an ever-loving fortune to the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Both were Jews. Virtually all of Madoff’s victims were Jews. It was affinity fraud. Not that Maria’s scheme is a fraud, necessarily, but her means of contact certainly was. She’s probably not even drop-dead gorgeous. She’s probably an old hen. And even if she is not, so what? Is not Mrs. Harley also drop-dead gorgeous?
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Amidstheroses in What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of Bitcoin?   
    Maria followed me on Twitter one fine day and she was drop-dead gorgeous. No, I did not follow her back for that reason. Trust me on this: drop dead gorgeous women throw themselves at me all the time; it is a great nuisance because all I want to do is think about God.
    In fact, I didn’t follow her back at all, not even for the reassuring profile photo she displayed, consisting solely of “Jehovah” in gold-embossed letters. However, I did scroll her timeline and found a suitable place to leave a comment. She soon replied that she had just texted me.
    Sorry, I told her, I don’t do DM. I stay on the public side of Twitter. “Why?” she wanted to know. “Because if I do so I am immersed in dozens of private chats and I can’t keep up,” said I. She responded that, in that case, I could contact her on WhatsApp. I didn’t reply to that one.

    Next thing you know she has disappeared and all her notifications with her! I searched out her username: “Account suspended for violation of Twitter rules.” Hmm. I searched for the name on Facebook. It links to a certain bit-coin trader, also drop-dead gorgeous.
    No, Maria, my dear, I have all the bit-coin I need, thank you very much—even though you are drop-dead gorgeous, even though your profile does say ‘Jehovah’ so I know you are one of us, probably belonging to the congregation right next door. I’ve no doubt she has a separate profile that says Jesus, another that says Buddha, Dagon, Moroni, Baal, and a dozen others. 
    It is called ‘Affinity Fraud,’ winning someone’s confidence through feigned common roots. It factors into the making of E.T—The Sequel, a movie you may not have seen. In the original, cute, adorable, toddler E.T. charms all who are pure enough to let him into their hearts. But in E.T.—the Sequel, he returns as a surly teenager. He curses, spits, brawls, swears, and in the end destroys the earth with his white-hot power beam, starting with Wall Street. 
    Steven Spielberg, the movie’s creator, had just lost an ever-loving fortune to the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Both were Jews. Virtually all of Madoff’s victims were Jews. It was affinity fraud. Not that Maria’s scheme is a fraud, necessarily, but her means of contact certainly was. She’s probably not even drop-dead gorgeous. She’s probably an old hen. And even if she is not, so what? Is not Mrs. Harley also drop-dead gorgeous?
  18. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Juan Rivera in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    “Let’s go surfing now, everybody’s learning how, come on and safari with meeeee” - Brian Wilson (probably)
  19. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Juan Rivera in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Grumble, grumble. Do you think I can get my Scrabble-cheating brother to take even the slightest interest in spiritual things? But when it serves his purpose, suddenly he becomes a Fred Franz.
  20. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    I messaged her earlier. She says they are OK. Sent our love to them and anyone they know affected by the tragedy. 
  21. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Juan Rivera in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    “Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”
    No one’s even tried?
  22. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    “Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”
    No one’s even tried?
  23. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Amidstheroses in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    “Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”
    No one’s even tried?
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Moise Racette in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    “Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”
    No one’s even tried?
  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I think the diplomatic way to put this is that ‘it can readily be seen that the organization does not use paid actors.’
    Boy, oh boy, did the crazies ever go bonkers on that one! Still, for a people who carry on about choosing just the right word as the palate tastes caviare, it was sort of a clumsy statement, necessitating a reply:
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