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  1. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in The Bone Disposal Unit   
    What does this one mean at Ezekiel 39:15?
    "When those who pass through the land see a human bone, they will set up a marker beside it. Then those assigned to do the burying will bury it in the valley of Hamon-Gog...And they will cleanse the land."
    Bethel has never commented on this verse, so I am not allowed to speak of it until they tell me what to think. (I just threw that in for @Albert Michelson and crew)
    But if I could comment on it, I might offer that it tells how every last vestige of human thinking is cleared out after Armageddon, some of which are so skillfully interwoven by governments, business, contemporary thinkers and the like, that their effects are unnoticed, yet they affect us nonetheless. After Armageddon - gone!
    For example, even without ill intent, we are hearing endlessly of the displaced in Houston where (at last count) 37 have died, and are completely ignorant - or it is mentioned only in passing - that over 1000 have died in India - same cause. Repeat this to Americans again and again, as with any other news story, and it plants the subtle notion - not easily dislodged - that American lives are the ones that matter. It is probably the same in all nations. 
    Now it is an ongoing struggle. Paul says we are 'overturning reasonings against every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.' Every dividing thought, every undermining thought, every debased thought - thoughts that cannot be completely screened out even if we live and breathe jw.org - in the new system - gone in the new system!
    Unless there will just be a lot of bones to pick up, and the mens' wives drive them, as mine does me to my howls of protest, to keep everything neat and tidy. 
  2. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Tropical Storm Harvey: Beware of Fake Photos   
    Just ban JTR and his graphics machine and you'll do fine.
  3. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    It's always nice when people can laugh at themselves.
    So, here's respect to @The Librarian

  4. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    When you get old and fat and it stretches into something unsightly.
  5. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    When you get old and fat and it stretches into something unsightly.
  6. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in The Bone Disposal Unit   
    I think I saw him with his cousin, Larry Largatherin
  7. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    When you get old and fat and it stretches into something unsightly.
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    I figured she could help me break into the business, so I dropped by. She eyed me briefly, and then pulled the trap door.
    And she calls herself a sister!
  9. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in The Bone Disposal Unit   
    What does this one mean at Ezekiel 39:15?
    "When those who pass through the land see a human bone, they will set up a marker beside it. Then those assigned to do the burying will bury it in the valley of Hamon-Gog...And they will cleanse the land."
    Bethel has never commented on this verse, so I am not allowed to speak of it until they tell me what to think. (I just threw that in for @Albert Michelson and crew)
    But if I could comment on it, I might offer that it tells how every last vestige of human thinking is cleared out after Armageddon, some of which are so skillfully interwoven by governments, business, contemporary thinkers and the like, that their effects are unnoticed, yet they affect us nonetheless. After Armageddon - gone!
    For example, even without ill intent, we are hearing endlessly of the displaced in Houston where (at last count) 37 have died, and are completely ignorant - or it is mentioned only in passing - that over 1000 have died in India - same cause. Repeat this to Americans again and again, as with any other news story, and it plants the subtle notion - not easily dislodged - that American lives are the ones that matter. It is probably the same in all nations. 
    Now it is an ongoing struggle. Paul says we are 'overturning reasonings against every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.' Every dividing thought, every undermining thought, every debased thought - thoughts that cannot be completely screened out even if we live and breathe jw.org - in the new system - gone in the new system!
    Unless there will just be a lot of bones to pick up, and the mens' wives drive them, as mine does me to my howls of protest, to keep everything neat and tidy. 
  10. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    A celebrity JW - we have precious few of them - would necessarily keep a low profile out of modesty, in addition to any business reasons. Imagine how she might be idolized by immature Witnesses otherwise. 
    Still, if she wants my seal of approval, I'd better see a literature cart on her next photo shoot.
  11. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    'There's a new king in town'
  12. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Shiwiii in Mattress Mack Comes Through in Houston   
    Very nice post TTH.
    It really is sad when this becomes a media plug and headline story either for or against someone instead of an encouragement for people to act this way everyday.  I'm sure Mattress Mack would be happy with a simple thank you instead of a parade in his honor. We should all encourage each other to act accordingly, as decent human beings, do what is right and not what is easy. 
  13. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from David Normand in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    How can you not like Coco? We all hope she keeps her head on straight, because that is not a given when operating in the stratosphere. But then, it is not a given anywhere.
  14. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Evacuees arrive at Lakewood Church after its pastor, Joel Osteen, received criticism for initial response to Hurricane Harvey   
    It turns out that Mattress Mack is more generous than I realized. I had assumed he would have to somehow clean out his furniture store to make it a homeless shelter. Instead, he just opened the doors and let them flop down on any couch or bed they could find.
    How can anyone not love this guy? He's in the right place and the right time, and he does not squander that opportunity. 
  15. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Female Cast of Lord of the Flies - How Would Women Act?   
    Sometimes you have to do a brain dump so thoughts do not back up. There is much to spur them on lately.
    For example, astronomers have spotted an asteroid which will make the closest approach ever to earth. Is this reason to take cover, as timid ones have suggested? No! Rise to the occasion. This is your moment. 
    Knock it out of the park! Batter UP!!
    They have also pointed out that daylight hours have been receding - so gradually that many do not notice. Their inattention will kill them, as some Bible verse says somewhere or ought to. This could be a worse crisis than global warming. Act now! Do not wait until it all disappears - when it will be too late.
    On the movie front, two men have proposed an update of Lord of the Flies, that film where boys stranded on a desert island go savage - with an all-female cast. "Women wouldn't act that way!" critics have cried.
    Question: How would they act? One moment while I take cover. Or maybe I'll just step into the path of that asteroid.
  16. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    How can you not like Coco? We all hope she keeps her head on straight, because that is not a given when operating in the stratosphere. But then, it is not a given anywhere.
  17. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from bruceq in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    No. They're not.
    Why harp on them, then? Who cares?
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Hurricane Harvey: Are Houston's zoning laws to blame for the damage?   
    Well - I agree with the kid that Houston may be poorly designed, but no one has had to cope with 50 inches before and so there's not much to measure with.
    Boy, that woman in the succeeding video is a ditz! - explaining at length cartoons that you can take in at a glance. Not to be unkind...but I am on a roll today.
  19. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    I do get warm feelies here. I don't think that's a bad thing. (I don't mean here, with @The Librarianand all; I mean in Jehovah's organization)
    I am like most Witnesses who do not have to have every single duck lined up to declare this the truth. Actually, every duck is lined up, but I will concede there are a few chicks that have yet to straighten out and fly right - they being chicks.
    @JW Insiderhas listed the main ducks, and he has appended a few more. In response to someone asking why I remain a Witness when bad things happen in the organization, I have written some additional reasons:
    Each of these desirable tenets is rare today. The combination of them in one faith is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses and that is why I have chosen the faith and am not likely to leave, especially for the greater world described in the last post. If you think your glorious freedom to engage your critical thinking without check has resulted in such a wonderful world, you are welcome to remain there.
    When one has assembled the jigsaw puzzle and reproduced the box cover mountain vista, you are not easily put off by the critic who insists you have it all wrong. This is especially true if his own puzzle lies unassembled in the box.
  20. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    Like I really should watch CNN to learn the truth about Trump or Breitbart to learn the truth about Obama?
    I'll choose what I choose to see in proper context, neither cherry-picked nor skewed.
    If tiny sound-byte snippets appeal to you - I have never known you to post anything else - they do not to me. I prefer comments well-rounded, in appropriate context, and not thrust upon me by someone who so pleadingly and pathetically has an agenda. I'm not opposed to looking at things, and I have looked at things. I will just not allow opponents to focus the lens for me. I'll do that myself.
    Nobody is in prison, are they? You are trying to bake some acknowledged grains - even if they be more than grains - into a seven layer cake.
    Please don't harp on this with me. There were two or three very long threads on this subject not long ago. I participated fully and you even threw in some cartoons. I don't want to re-invent the wheel throughout eternity. Go back and revisit those threads. Add to them if you think there is anything not covered.
    I don't view this forum as your own personal courtroom, to cross-examine people at will. In any real courtroom, the judge eventually tells a lawyer to shut up when he does nothing but hurl accusations, repeat his same questions, and takes no note of the answers.
  21. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    In that case, it was just too juvenile. There is such a thing as adulthood, you know.
  22. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    Well, then, why aren't you, the very ESSENCE of TRUTH, disfellowshipped? Somehow, they put up with you.
    If you are to be believed, you go out in service. Why? - when you hate those who present the message so? Do you tell your students to cross their fingers at their baptism?
    You go to congregation meetings and each convention. It must be pure hell for you, gnashing your teeth at every word. I don't mean to be unkind here, but....what kind of a loser does that? At the conventions, part of the delight is seeing and visiting with old friends. Who can you speak with? Doubtless there are some of your ilk, but by far - it was no contest -  the largest round of applause came after the line: "would you like to convey your greetings to Bethel?" Say - was that you I saw across the auditorium with smoke coming from your ears?
    I disagree vehemently with @Albert Michelson, but I would never call him a loser. He doesn't like Jehovah's Witnesses. So he doesn't go to all their meetings. He does other things in life that presumably have brought him satisfaction. He is fighting valiantly for his point of view on this blog - it has caught his attention. But I never heard of him before, and am unlikely to hear of him again. He has a life. He is going to get back to it when this battle is done, whether he wins or loses.
  23. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    Oh for crying out loud! How do I know? And I'm not going to retrace it all so as to recall.
  24. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from bruceq in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    Like I really should watch CNN to learn the truth about Trump or Breitbart to learn the truth about Obama?
    I'll choose what I choose to see in proper context, neither cherry-picked nor skewed.
    If tiny sound-byte snippets appeal to you - I have never known you to post anything else - they do not to me. I prefer comments well-rounded, in appropriate context, and not thrust upon me by someone who so pleadingly and pathetically has an agenda. I'm not opposed to looking at things, and I have looked at things. I will just not allow opponents to focus the lens for me. I'll do that myself.
    Nobody is in prison, are they? You are trying to bake some acknowledged grains - even if they be more than grains - into a seven layer cake.
    Please don't harp on this with me. There were two or three very long threads on this subject not long ago. I participated fully and you even threw in some cartoons. I don't want to re-invent the wheel throughout eternity. Go back and revisit those threads. Add to them if you think there is anything not covered.
    I don't view this forum as your own personal courtroom, to cross-examine people at will. In any real courtroom, the judge eventually tells a lawyer to shut up when he does nothing but hurl accusations, repeat his same questions, and takes no note of the answers.
  25. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?   
    Like I really should watch CNN to learn the truth about Trump or Breitbart to learn the truth about Obama?
    I'll choose what I choose to see in proper context, neither cherry-picked nor skewed.
    If tiny sound-byte snippets appeal to you - I have never known you to post anything else - they do not to me. I prefer comments well-rounded, in appropriate context, and not thrust upon me by someone who so pleadingly and pathetically has an agenda. I'm not opposed to looking at things, and I have looked at things. I will just not allow opponents to focus the lens for me. I'll do that myself.
    Nobody is in prison, are they? You are trying to bake some acknowledged grains - even if they be more than grains - into a seven layer cake.
    Please don't harp on this with me. There were two or three very long threads on this subject not long ago. I participated fully and you even threw in some cartoons. I don't want to re-invent the wheel throughout eternity. Go back and revisit those threads. Add to them if you think there is anything not covered.
    I don't view this forum as your own personal courtroom, to cross-examine people at will. In any real courtroom, the judge eventually tells a lawyer to shut up when he does nothing but hurl accusations, repeat his same questions, and takes no note of the answers.
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