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    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    "This concludes this evening's performance of 'The 1914 Overture,' with Maestro Bruce Q conducting the Forum Orchestra and Chorale, with JTR acccompanying on the cymbals. Maestro Q brilliantly led the orchestra through a strident interpretation of 'Hail to the Chief,' before finally rallying all for a stirring rendition of 'We Will Be Loyal With Caveats!' Our thanks to @The Librarianfor keeping the concert hall open past her bedtime. Tune in next week when we will hear a performance of the timeless opera 'The Overlappers.'"
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Ezekiel Arrives Home After a Hard Day's Work in Israel   
    After Colombine, newspeople said that grief counselors had been dispatched, with the same air as they might use reporting that fire fighters had been dispatched to the house fire. “I’d love to hear what they have to say,” I told one woman in service. Her eyes got big. “You have an interesting job!” she exclaimed.
    But it’s not as interesting as Ezekiel’s.
    “Honey, I’m hooomme!”
    “Oh, Ezekiel. How was your day?”
    “Great! Today I bored a hole through the wall and carried out some luggage.”
    “Oh daddy, daddy,” the children come running to embrace him. “That sounds like fun. Can we do that?”
    “Ha, ha, you’ll have to ask your mother first. Remember, she didn’t like it much when you crayoned on that wall.”
    “How did you get that bump on your head, Ezekiel?”
    “My boss had me cover my face so that I couldn’t see where I was going. Some of the guys at the assignment – it really is a rebellious place – said that I should report him to OSHA! Some of the other guys asked me what it meant that I was doing.”
    “And what did you tell them?”
    “I told them it meant they were toast.”
    “Oh, honey, I’m so proud of you!”
    “Thank you, dear. It was almost as fun as my gig last week, lying on my side naked staring at a brick.”
    “It’s a wonder you didn’t catch your death of cold.”   
    I have a lot of comments I can make at the spiritual gems portion of the meeting this week. The trouble is, will any of them be 30 seconds or less? (Highlights from Ezekiel 12)
  4. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Since that is the case, it probably is less of an issue than you suppose. He makes the same point himself in his ever-so-lengthy rebuttal - so lengthy that I nodded off before I got to it.
    Does JWI need an apologist? He has not asked for one. Nevertheless, perhaps I am like him in a few regards. Perhaps I am more like him than he himself is.
    1.) I am a good writer, if one is not fussy.
    2.) I can explain Jehovah's Witnesses inside and out - at least the portions of it that interest me. Not all do, such as things that happened in Russell's time. Who cares? These days complete villains makeover their image in decades
    3.) I am not good at anything else.
    Therefore, if I choose to offer my 'gift,'  it is going to be writing about the faith I know so well. I can and do write about other things, but the dialogue ultimately comes around to the same thing: 'it's all screwed up because we 'need the kingdom.''
    Now, if my gift is anything other than writing, I can offer it to my heart's content, and receive nothing but praise for it. But if I write about the thing that most interests me, I am subject to misinterpretation by some on my own team who think that is wrong. Of course, i could write about how we know there is no hell-fire or trinity, but that gets old and you find yourself talking to the most stubborn people on the planet. So I write about topics of the day. Alas, we have some people who misinterpret mere knowledge of political things as 'taking a side.'
    Perhaps JWI has felt some of that frustration. If he has not, I have.
    I have not read Franz' book, the same as I have not read ARC report material gift-wrapped for me by those who hate us. I am not opposed to reading the report itself, and I no doubt will, as such material is included in the new book. As to Franz' book, there hardly seems a point to my reading it, since everyone else sums it up for me. However, it's hard for me to find fault with him for writing it - whatever he goes on to say is another thing. He leaves Bethel as he is getting on in years. it is a 'vow of poverty' place; he does not leave with a 401K. What is he to do? Work at Mickey D's?
  5. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Actually, those sites are all jealous of him, for his collection far surpasses their own for numbers and quality. The secret is to water and fertilize them each day. Don't hold back on the cow manure.
    I actually do not recall pointing it out. If I did, then it is 'silly me,' for it is a little like pointing out that bears live in the woods.
  6. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from bruceq in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    "This concludes this evening's performance of 'The 1914 Overture,' with Maestro Bruce Q conducting the Forum Orchestra and Chorale, with JTR acccompanying on the cymbals. Maestro Q brilliantly led the orchestra through a strident interpretation of 'Hail to the Chief,' before finally rallying all for a stirring rendition of 'We Will Be Loyal With Caveats!' Our thanks to @The Librarianfor keeping the concert hall open past her bedtime. Tune in next week when we will hear a performance of the timeless opera 'The Overlappers.'"
  7. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    "For at present we see in a hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face." 
  8. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.
    I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.
    I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.
    Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.
    If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 
    You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.
  9. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.
    I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.
    I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.
    Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.
    If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 
    You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.
  10. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.
    I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.
    I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.
    Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.
    If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 
    You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.
  11. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Try counting sheep. Writing apparently does not do the trick.
  12. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Evacuated in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    "For at present we see in a hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face." 
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Unfortunately, one cannot know anything on the internet.
    Shiwiii is actually a circuit overseer who is having a bad day.
  14. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    For whatever it is worth, when I think of it, which is not often, I imagine I will die in this system. Of course, I am 'up there,' but not absurdly up there. And when world conditions seem too outrageous, I imagine the end could come sooner. But for the most part, I don't think of it, instead preferring verses that assure us that Jehovah will pull us through perilous time.
    I don't spin my lack of interest in dates into a virtue. Perhaps it indicates dullness. But it strikes me as reading a bus schedule that some try to worry out every detail. When the bus comes, it comes. If I have been behaving, I should be okay.
    He's not tripping ME up with his flattering speech, let me tell you that.
  15. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Could REVELATION ever apply to the 1st-century congregations?   
    In view of the latest writing about types/anti-types, ('We're done') I wonder if there will be spillover as to how we view Revelation, which fairly begs for the application of anti-types
  16. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Since that is the case, it probably is less of an issue than you suppose. He makes the same point himself in his ever-so-lengthy rebuttal - so lengthy that I nodded off before I got to it.
    Does JWI need an apologist? He has not asked for one. Nevertheless, perhaps I am like him in a few regards. Perhaps I am more like him than he himself is.
    1.) I am a good writer, if one is not fussy.
    2.) I can explain Jehovah's Witnesses inside and out - at least the portions of it that interest me. Not all do, such as things that happened in Russell's time. Who cares? These days complete villains makeover their image in decades
    3.) I am not good at anything else.
    Therefore, if I choose to offer my 'gift,'  it is going to be writing about the faith I know so well. I can and do write about other things, but the dialogue ultimately comes around to the same thing: 'it's all screwed up because we 'need the kingdom.''
    Now, if my gift is anything other than writing, I can offer it to my heart's content, and receive nothing but praise for it. But if I write about the thing that most interests me, I am subject to misinterpretation by some on my own team who think that is wrong. Of course, i could write about how we know there is no hell-fire or trinity, but that gets old and you find yourself talking to the most stubborn people on the planet. So I write about topics of the day. Alas, we have some people who misinterpret mere knowledge of political things as 'taking a side.'
    Perhaps JWI has felt some of that frustration. If he has not, I have.
    I have not read Franz' book, the same as I have not read ARC report material gift-wrapped for me by those who hate us. I am not opposed to reading the report itself, and I no doubt will, as such material is included in the new book. As to Franz' book, there hardly seems a point to my reading it, since everyone else sums it up for me. However, it's hard for me to find fault with him for writing it - whatever he goes on to say is another thing. He leaves Bethel as he is getting on in years. it is a 'vow of poverty' place; he does not leave with a 401K. What is he to do? Work at Mickey D's?
  17. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Actually, those sites are all jealous of him, for his collection far surpasses their own for numbers and quality. The secret is to water and fertilize them each day. Don't hold back on the cow manure.
    I actually do not recall pointing it out. If I did, then it is 'silly me,' for it is a little like pointing out that bears live in the woods.
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Since that is the case, it probably is less of an issue than you suppose. He makes the same point himself in his ever-so-lengthy rebuttal - so lengthy that I nodded off before I got to it.
    Does JWI need an apologist? He has not asked for one. Nevertheless, perhaps I am like him in a few regards. Perhaps I am more like him than he himself is.
    1.) I am a good writer, if one is not fussy.
    2.) I can explain Jehovah's Witnesses inside and out - at least the portions of it that interest me. Not all do, such as things that happened in Russell's time. Who cares? These days complete villains makeover their image in decades
    3.) I am not good at anything else.
    Therefore, if I choose to offer my 'gift,'  it is going to be writing about the faith I know so well. I can and do write about other things, but the dialogue ultimately comes around to the same thing: 'it's all screwed up because we 'need the kingdom.''
    Now, if my gift is anything other than writing, I can offer it to my heart's content, and receive nothing but praise for it. But if I write about the thing that most interests me, I am subject to misinterpretation by some on my own team who think that is wrong. Of course, i could write about how we know there is no hell-fire or trinity, but that gets old and you find yourself talking to the most stubborn people on the planet. So I write about topics of the day. Alas, we have some people who misinterpret mere knowledge of political things as 'taking a side.'
    Perhaps JWI has felt some of that frustration. If he has not, I have.
    I have not read Franz' book, the same as I have not read ARC report material gift-wrapped for me by those who hate us. I am not opposed to reading the report itself, and I no doubt will, as such material is included in the new book. As to Franz' book, there hardly seems a point to my reading it, since everyone else sums it up for me. However, it's hard for me to find fault with him for writing it - whatever he goes on to say is another thing. He leaves Bethel as he is getting on in years. it is a 'vow of poverty' place; he does not leave with a 401K. What is he to do? Work at Mickey D's?
  19. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in A woman sees 99 million more colors than ordinary people....   
    My wife can certainly detect 99 million more odors than I can.
  20. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    I have also come to regard him, I hope not incorrectly, as a provider of accurate information, within the limits of human perception. When he writes about 'out there' topics, he does not do what apostates do: throw as much dirt out there as they can, uncritically, hoping that as much of it as possible will stick.
    His sympathies lie with the home team. He does not want to send them back to the showers.
  21. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    I think admin has made it pretty clear that he is not. He has mentioned before how he is unconcerned with our 'corporate agenda.'
    @The Librarian, the old hen, is. (I think) She has sat behind me at our Hall from the day before anybody else was born, rapping me whenever I slouch, scolding everyone for the slightest misbehaviour. Brothers have thrown away their prepared funeral talk remarks about her, despairing that she will ever require that service.
    Eventually, she will, and "Ding Dong, the witch is dead." will probably suffice.
  22. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    While I have, at times, been surprised at what @JW Insiderchooses to spill, I have never (after an initial re-assessment) not regarded him as in the camp of the good guys. Some people simply like to rove about.
    'Roving about publicly' is another question, for one could simply write Bethel a letter. Nonetheless, I have not had his experiences, nor have I rubbed shoulders with those he has rubbed shoulders with, so I'll leave that matter to others. Not to mention that @ComfortMyPeoplequotes 'before them all' and 'in front of all Israel,' though, here again, it is 'in front of all Israel.'
    The internet is not the congregation. That is why Bethel recommends we exercise caution, if not keep our distance,  from places where you cannot know who's who. I've chosen to bypass that counsel (within limits, for I do use caution - and I do have second thoughts about it). So have you, or you would not be here.
  23. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in A woman sees 99 million more colors than ordinary people....   
    My wife can certainly detect 99 million more odors than I can.
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from ARchiv@L in A woman sees 99 million more colors than ordinary people....   
    My wife can certainly detect 99 million more odors than I can.
  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Could REVELATION ever apply to the 1st-century congregations?   
    In view of the latest writing about types/anti-types, ('We're done') I wonder if there will be spillover as to how we view Revelation, which fairly begs for the application of anti-types
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