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  1. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to The Librarian in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    President Putin Calls Report That Russia Has Compromising Intel On Donald Trump "RUBBISH!"
  2. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Queen Esther in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    Poor  America...  poor  whole  world    We  shall  see  what  will  happen  after  Friday !
  3. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Bible Speaks in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    It's sounds like  "A Perfect Storm"! As it was referred to. May God's "perfect timing" coming and destroy everything in its way that opposes His Government by Christ!  The days are short, propaganda will come and go and people will continue to be mislead. May all the righteous hearts be found before the day of Jehovah's fury! 
  4. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Ma Ai in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    All that we hope for is that we may preach the good news without hindrance. (Colossians 4:3, 4)
  5. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    "..............interesting, very interesting, but stupid" - Quote from Rowan and Martin's Laugh In!!!!
  6. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to John Houston in Governing Body Of Jehovah’s Witnesses Warns Against Ponzi Schemes   
    This is so true. Remember Ray Koch? With McDonald's? He did not sell burgers at all, right? He did franchisee, or as we say duplication. That is what I sell. The process. And doing quite well.
  7. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    Putin responded in the Wall Street journal to the sordid charges brought against Trump. “It is hard for me to imagine that he went off to meet with our ladies of diminished social responsibility” Mr. Putin said. Sounds like a bunch of churches, doesn’t it: ‘Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility.’ Not too far afield from Garrison Keillor’s Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility in Lake Wobegone.
    Russian prostitutes, Mr. Putin said “are undoubtedly the best in the world, but I doubt that Trump jumped at this bait,” since he has had regular opportunities to meet with gorgeous woman at the beauty pageants he organizes.
    Well, oh yeah?! Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?! Your prostitutes are better?
    Even me, who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, politically neutral and thus divorced from nationalism – even me, who was for neither Trump nor Clinton – even me, who doesn’t even root for the home Olympic team – even me has to say ‘enough!’ ‘Our’ prostitutes will clean the clocks of your prostitutes any day!
    Say that your tanks are better – okay. Say that your bombs are better – okay. But say that your prostitutes are better? Those are fighting words!!
    This is not the Beatles ‘Back in the U.S.S.R. we’re talking about:
    'Well, the Ukraine girls really knock me out,
    They leave the West behind.
    And Moscow girls make me sing and shout.
    And Georgia’s always on mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mind!’
    As interim chairman of the American Philanderers Association – a post for which I am singularly unqualified, but you know how some people just can’t say no – I throw down the gauntlet and mount a challenge: AN ORGY!! Our prostitutes against yours! We’ll see who the better ladies of diminished social responsibility are! We wrote the book on diminishing social responsibility!
    The new ebook ‘Tom Irregardless and Me’ recognizes when Mr. Putin has been astute, like in 2008 financial crisis:
    “The failure of human rule could not have been shown in more stark relief as in that article, with consequences so directly traceable to the human wisdom running the show. Russian President Vladimir Putin was both blunt and harsh:
    "Everything happening now in the economic and financial sphere began in the United States. This is not the irresponsibility of specific individuals but the irresponsibility of the system that claims leadership."
    In 2016 America, all that remained was to Photoshop Putin with horns, gleefully pecking at his keyboard, doing his level best to hack the American election, but it was he who nailed it about unrestrained greed. The 2011 film ‘Inside Job’ expressed dismay that no “specific individuals” were brought to justice:
    Charles Ferguson (film director): “Why do you think there isn’t a more systematic investigation being undertaken?”
    Nouriel Roubini (professor, NYU Business School): “Because then you will find the culprits.”
    Culprits and regulators alike belonged to the same social set and were members of the same country clubs; they had no desire to turn on one another.”
    Download ‘Tom Irregardless and Me’ 30% free preview. Afterwards we can talk, your people and mine. bit.ly/2hjSMHE

  8. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility   
    Putin responded in the Wall Street journal to the sordid charges brought against Trump. “It is hard for me to imagine that he went off to meet with our ladies of diminished social responsibility” Mr. Putin said. Sounds like a bunch of churches, doesn’t it: ‘Our Ladies of Diminished Social Responsibility.’ Not too far afield from Garrison Keillor’s Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility in Lake Wobegone.
    Russian prostitutes, Mr. Putin said “are undoubtedly the best in the world, but I doubt that Trump jumped at this bait,” since he has had regular opportunities to meet with gorgeous woman at the beauty pageants he organizes.
    Well, oh yeah?! Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?! Your prostitutes are better?
    Even me, who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, politically neutral and thus divorced from nationalism – even me, who was for neither Trump nor Clinton – even me, who doesn’t even root for the home Olympic team – even me has to say ‘enough!’ ‘Our’ prostitutes will clean the clocks of your prostitutes any day!
    Say that your tanks are better – okay. Say that your bombs are better – okay. But say that your prostitutes are better? Those are fighting words!!
    This is not the Beatles ‘Back in the U.S.S.R. we’re talking about:
    'Well, the Ukraine girls really knock me out,
    They leave the West behind.
    And Moscow girls make me sing and shout.
    And Georgia’s always on mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mind!’
    As interim chairman of the American Philanderers Association – a post for which I am singularly unqualified, but you know how some people just can’t say no – I throw down the gauntlet and mount a challenge: AN ORGY!! Our prostitutes against yours! We’ll see who the better ladies of diminished social responsibility are! We wrote the book on diminishing social responsibility!
    The new ebook ‘Tom Irregardless and Me’ recognizes when Mr. Putin has been astute, like in 2008 financial crisis:
    “The failure of human rule could not have been shown in more stark relief as in that article, with consequences so directly traceable to the human wisdom running the show. Russian President Vladimir Putin was both blunt and harsh:
    "Everything happening now in the economic and financial sphere began in the United States. This is not the irresponsibility of specific individuals but the irresponsibility of the system that claims leadership."
    In 2016 America, all that remained was to Photoshop Putin with horns, gleefully pecking at his keyboard, doing his level best to hack the American election, but it was he who nailed it about unrestrained greed. The 2011 film ‘Inside Job’ expressed dismay that no “specific individuals” were brought to justice:
    Charles Ferguson (film director): “Why do you think there isn’t a more systematic investigation being undertaken?”
    Nouriel Roubini (professor, NYU Business School): “Because then you will find the culprits.”
    Culprits and regulators alike belonged to the same social set and were members of the same country clubs; they had no desire to turn on one another.”
    Download ‘Tom Irregardless and Me’ 30% free preview. Afterwards we can talk, your people and mine. bit.ly/2hjSMHE

  9. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Almost Blueberry Picking with a GB Member   
    I haven't completely rounded the learning curve here. Trying to delete a duplicated post, but all I can do is to edit it.
  10. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Against College?   
    JW Insider, it is from the family's collection. It is from Ithaca, Cornell University 
  11. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Family gets no explanation of March murder   
    Sometimes I think it is pointless to wait for an explanation. It is the TV ad: if you're a murderer, you murder people - it's what you do.
  12. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Activists against our brothers, in London ;-(   
    Perhaps he will continue jogging.
    It's hard to fight a megaphone. But sometimes it works against them. People say 'why is he making trouble for the Jehovah's? They're nice people.'
  13. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in Activists against our brothers, in London ;-(   
    Perhaps he will continue jogging.
    It's hard to fight a megaphone. But sometimes it works against them. People say 'why is he making trouble for the Jehovah's? They're nice people.'
  14. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from David Normand in Activists against our brothers, in London ;-(   
    Perhaps he will continue jogging.
    It's hard to fight a megaphone. But sometimes it works against them. People say 'why is he making trouble for the Jehovah's? They're nice people.'
  15. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Happy Jumping' JW's   
    Whenever my wife tells me to jump, I do it immediately, though not always with joy.
  16. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Jack Ryan in Maybe You Can Pick Me Up For Meetings   
    She was a big, disheveled, super-friendly and warm, black woman sitting on her wheeled walker outside Wegmans who said Hi! as I walked by. I stopped.

    Can I ask you a question? she said. You see, she had to catch her bus – that one across the parking lot - she’d missed one and she was freezing, but the dog had ate her money or something and she needed $3.

    How do I know you’re on the up and up? I asked. She replied she guessed I didn’t but grab her hand and just see feel cold she is. ‘Well, I can spare $3,’ I thought and handed it over.

    I also gave her a card. ‘Just so you know,’ I said. ‘Do with it what you will on your own time.’

    On seeing the card, she lit up. Do I know so-and-so? What about what’s-his-face? How is this one doing and that one and a third one. She was raised a Witness and went to the Hall (the same Hall I had gone to, though not at the same time) But she had not took hold.

    I went to prison for a few years then I got hit by a car and then I went into a coma. They were going to pull the plug on me but someone said ‘no.’ She related all this in the most happy tone you can imagine, as though describing her day at the amusement park. Her appearance suggested that everything she said was true. She had every ‘right’ to be bitter and sullen but she wasn’t – a huge plus in my book. I’ve seen white people (and black) carry on and on with far less hardship.

    ‘I’m surprised that Wegmans didn’t chase her away,’ my daughter said. But had they tried it on my watch, I would have chased them away. As we chatted, a woman left the store and handed her three more dollars. ‘I said I would once I got change.’ ‘See? Now you can go home and come again tomorrow,’ I told her brightly.

    I picked up some items inside and met her again just outside the door. A man was giving her money. ‘Yeah, they get awfully good at that,’ my daughter said, who does her ministry in the city and isn’t put out by such goings on at all. After all, it must be put in the context of a worldwide financial system which is itself a scam. ‘That’s why I love you, Dad,’ she said. ‘You never judge.’

    Without the slightest encouragement on my part, she had brightly said: “Maybe you could stop by my place and take me to meetings again!” And maybe I can! Or maybe I’ll pass her story along to the aunt she mentioned, who would know the story better than anyone.

    My daughter told me of an elder (an old one) who had run across a homeless man who said he was disfellowshipped. The brother went farther than most and cupped the back of the guy’s head – you never know for sure how clean they are and where they’ve been sleeping.  ‘Why don’t you come home? We’re waiting for you.’ The fellow did come home, got his act together, and is active with a congregation today.

    Look, don’t try to con us. Jehovah’s Witnesses are more street-savvy than most. We work in all areas door-to-door, after all. We weren’t born yesterday. But we will make eye contact, and in the event we do give money, we will not insist upon letting go of it before you  touch it.




  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Maybe You Can Pick Me Up For Meetings   
    She was a big, disheveled, super-friendly and warm, black woman sitting on her wheeled walker outside Wegmans who said Hi! as I walked by. I stopped.

    Can I ask you a question? she said. You see, she had to catch her bus – that one across the parking lot - she’d missed one and she was freezing, but the dog had ate her money or something and she needed $3.

    How do I know you’re on the up and up? I asked. She replied she guessed I didn’t but grab her hand and just see feel cold she is. ‘Well, I can spare $3,’ I thought and handed it over.

    I also gave her a card. ‘Just so you know,’ I said. ‘Do with it what you will on your own time.’

    On seeing the card, she lit up. Do I know so-and-so? What about what’s-his-face? How is this one doing and that one and a third one. She was raised a Witness and went to the Hall (the same Hall I had gone to, though not at the same time) But she had not took hold.

    I went to prison for a few years then I got hit by a car and then I went into a coma. They were going to pull the plug on me but someone said ‘no.’ She related all this in the most happy tone you can imagine, as though describing her day at the amusement park. Her appearance suggested that everything she said was true. She had every ‘right’ to be bitter and sullen but she wasn’t – a huge plus in my book. I’ve seen white people (and black) carry on and on with far less hardship.

    ‘I’m surprised that Wegmans didn’t chase her away,’ my daughter said. But had they tried it on my watch, I would have chased them away. As we chatted, a woman left the store and handed her three more dollars. ‘I said I would once I got change.’ ‘See? Now you can go home and come again tomorrow,’ I told her brightly.

    I picked up some items inside and met her again just outside the door. A man was giving her money. ‘Yeah, they get awfully good at that,’ my daughter said, who does her ministry in the city and isn’t put out by such goings on at all. After all, it must be put in the context of a worldwide financial system which is itself a scam. ‘That’s why I love you, Dad,’ she said. ‘You never judge.’

    Without the slightest encouragement on my part, she had brightly said: “Maybe you could stop by my place and take me to meetings again!” And maybe I can! Or maybe I’ll pass her story along to the aunt she mentioned, who would know the story better than anyone.

    My daughter told me of an elder (an old one) who had run across a homeless man who said he was disfellowshipped. The brother went farther than most and cupped the back of the guy’s head – you never know for sure how clean they are and where they’ve been sleeping.  ‘Why don’t you come home? We’re waiting for you.’ The fellow did come home, got his act together, and is active with a congregation today.

    Look, don’t try to con us. Jehovah’s Witnesses are more street-savvy than most. We work in all areas door-to-door, after all. We weren’t born yesterday. But we will make eye contact, and in the event we do give money, we will not insist upon letting go of it before you  touch it.




  18. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Early Reviews of 'Tom Irregardless and Me' are Mixed   
    ‘A pack of lies! I hate it!’ - Victor Vomidog

    ‘I knew you when you were small in your own eyes. Now you are small in everyone’s eyes.’ - Bill Ding

    ‘Thoroughly Tolerable!’ - Brittany Brexit

    ‘I loved it! All chapters, irregardless!’ - Tom Irregardless

    ‘I couldn’t put it down – he’d left some sort of ‘sticky tape’ or something on it.’ - Wayne Whitepebble

    Download it here.
  19. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from The Librarian in Obedience Makes Our Spirituality Progressively Stronger   
    I agree. Photo is too sensual. Use this one instead.
    photo: Jason Meredith 

  20. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in FEAR OF NUCLEAR WAR NOW COULD MEAN DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH AND ALL LIFE?   
    Nuclear war was once the only way possible to envision end of life on earth. Now there are many 
  21. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Dear Tom @ LoveLine   
    Dear Tom @ LoveLine:
    There's this obnoxious brother at the Kingdom Hall making advances toward me. I want him to drop dead, but my parents are pushing him because he has a lot of dough.
    I think he's sincere but I don't know. He has 60 wives and 80 concubines. They take up the entire 2nd auditorium. But he has said many endearing things to me, like: "Only one is my dove, my flawless one." 
    This pulls at my heartstrings. What should I do?
    [There may be 60 queens 
    and 80 concubines 
    And young women without number.
    But only one is my dove,
    my flawless one.....Ca 6:8-9]
    Dear Person:
    You forgot the "young women without number."
    Tell the guy to take a hike. He's used that line on each of the 60 queens and 80 concubines.
    photo: Vincent Brassinne

  22. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Dear Tom @ LoveLine   
    Dear Tom @ LoveLine:
    There's this obnoxious brother at the Kingdom Hall making advances toward me. I want him to drop dead, but my parents are pushing him because he has a lot of dough.
    I think he's sincere but I don't know. He has 60 wives and 80 concubines. They take up the entire 2nd auditorium. But he has said many endearing things to me, like: "Only one is my dove, my flawless one." 
    This pulls at my heartstrings. What should I do?
    [There may be 60 queens 
    and 80 concubines 
    And young women without number.
    But only one is my dove,
    my flawless one.....Ca 6:8-9]
    Dear Person:
    You forgot the "young women without number."
    Tell the guy to take a hike. He's used that line on each of the 60 queens and 80 concubines.
    photo: Vincent Brassinne

  23. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from admin in Dear Tom @ LoveLine   
    Dear Tom @ LoveLine:
    There's this obnoxious brother at the Kingdom Hall making advances toward me. I want him to drop dead, but my parents are pushing him because he has a lot of dough.
    I think he's sincere but I don't know. He has 60 wives and 80 concubines. They take up the entire 2nd auditorium. But he has said many endearing things to me, like: "Only one is my dove, my flawless one." 
    This pulls at my heartstrings. What should I do?
    [There may be 60 queens 
    and 80 concubines 
    And young women without number.
    But only one is my dove,
    my flawless one.....Ca 6:8-9]
    Dear Person:
    You forgot the "young women without number."
    Tell the guy to take a hike. He's used that line on each of the 60 queens and 80 concubines.
    photo: Vincent Brassinne

  24. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Queen Esther in Put the Song of Solomon to good Use   
    Sitting there at the congregation meeting considering the Song of Solomon, why not put some of those verses to good use?
    I leaned over toward my wife and whispered "like a lily among thorns is my beloved among the daughters." (SoS 2:2)
    Her eyes softened. "I love you, dear," she whispered to me. "And I love you," I whispered back.
    The meeting ended. We strolled hand in hand to the door.
    All the other sisters were there. "You calling us 'thorns?' they said.
    Uh oh

  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Smarter is not better   
    With almost all subjects, the smarter you are, the more likely you'll figure it out.
    Not so with spiritual matters. Smarts aren't the determining factor. They can even get in your way, if they've caused you to become full of yourself.
    How else can you explain the verse from the kr book last meeting?
    "To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not granted."    Matthew 13:11

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