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  1. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Amidstheroses in Forced meeting times....a ask for help.   
    Yes, I’m sure you care about your mother but you appear to care more about insulting her beliefs—and thereby her for being stupid enough to hold them. Try respecting her beliefs and stop carrying on about her being “ordered” to this or that because it is not the way she would phrase it, nor is it true.
  2. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Forced meeting times....a ask for help.   
    Yes, I’m sure you care about your mother but you appear to care more about insulting her beliefs—and thereby her for being stupid enough to hold them. Try respecting her beliefs and stop carrying on about her being “ordered” to this or that because it is not the way she would phrase it, nor is it true.
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    “Thou hast escaped me! Thou has escaped me!” said Roger Chillingsworth after Arthur Dimmesdale retreated into his closed club, and his very countenance seemed to wither away, his very reason for existence blown to smithereens.
  4. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Again, set up your own closed club and talk about us all you want. See how much we cry that we cannot get in.
    Face it, lady. You need us to give meaning to your existence, not the reverse.
  5. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    “Thou hast escaped me! Thou has escaped me!” said Roger Chillingsworth after Arthur Dimmesdale retreated into his closed club, and his very countenance seemed to wither away, his very reason for existence blown to smithereens.
  6. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Tell you what—why don’t you and Witness and Srecko start your own closed club. Talk about us all you want in there, then sit back and take note of how much we cry that you will not let us in?
    You appear to need us to give purpose to your existence, not the reverse.
  7. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    God goes for that method too as many scriptures attest.
    You object to rules that decree participants should avoid bitter backbiting but should instead show reasonable respect for one another? Fine. Plainly, you belong here.
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    God goes for that method too as many scriptures attest.
    You object to rules that decree participants should avoid bitter backbiting but should instead show reasonable respect for one another? Fine. Plainly, you belong here.
  9. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    God goes for that method too as many scriptures attest.
    You object to rules that decree participants should avoid bitter backbiting but should instead show reasonable respect for one another? Fine. Plainly, you belong here.
  10. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Okay, so now we have Pudgy integrated into the closed forum and hopefully it will stick. Now let’s extend that invitation to @WalterPrescott, which is trickier. It’s trickier because he is so combative, to the point where I and others have wondered if he can possibly be a brother. But I’ve now come around to thinking he is, even if a contankerous one, so he should not be abandoned to where the spiritual rebels are. He should ‘come home.’
    Of course, there must be some caveats. Some have noted that in private he is gracious, not argumentative as he is in public. He would have to be equally civil were he to join the closed club. He would have to ‘let Anna be Anna, Arauana be Arauana, JWI be JWI, xero be xero, thinking be thinking, and MOST of all, TTH be TTH. The latter does not have to be kissed up to, though that is of course preferred. 
    So Walter has this gig going that no one can quite figure out. He may prefer to stay here combatting the riffraff. Or he may figure that the ‘loyal’ Witnesses are also riffraff and wish to rebuke them for any wordage that does not appear word-for-word in Watchtower publications. If so, please do not accept the closed forum’s invitation. But you are our brother and so it is appropriate to make it, so as not to abandon you to where the miscreants hang out, unless you wish to remain there or somehow perceive it as your calling to fight with them.
  11. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Okay, so now we have Pudgy integrated into the closed forum and hopefully it will stick. Now let’s extend that invitation to @WalterPrescott, which is trickier. It’s trickier because he is so combative, to the point where I and others have wondered if he can possibly be a brother. But I’ve now come around to thinking he is, even if a contankerous one, so he should not be abandoned to where the spiritual rebels are. He should ‘come home.’
    Of course, there must be some caveats. Some have noted that in private he is gracious, not argumentative as he is in public. He would have to be equally civil were he to join the closed club. He would have to ‘let Anna be Anna, Arauana be Arauana, JWI be JWI, xero be xero, thinking be thinking, and MOST of all, TTH be TTH. The latter does not have to be kissed up to, though that is of course preferred. 
    So Walter has this gig going that no one can quite figure out. He may prefer to stay here combatting the riffraff. Or he may figure that the ‘loyal’ Witnesses are also riffraff and wish to rebuke them for any wordage that does not appear word-for-word in Watchtower publications. If so, please do not accept the closed forum’s invitation. But you are our brother and so it is appropriate to make it, so as not to abandon you to where the miscreants hang out, unless you wish to remain there or somehow perceive it as your calling to fight with them.
  12. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in NEED A NEW TOPIC?   
    You have so many theories that do not make sense because the premise is wrong:  Jehovah did not need to use evolution to create (which according to theory happened all by chance with no purpose); and as you know the number of years is the main part of the theory to get evolution to work (yet 5 billion years could still not create one cell), s o they came up with multiple universes to increase the "chances" of life emerging; and the argon test and carbon 14 test has too many adjustments to the calculations - flaws. 
    Fossils are not as old as they say - because they now find blood vessels and collagen in the fossilized bones (repeated experiments).  This does not get much publicity-  only the theories they dub "facts" gets much publicity due to scientism being the new world religion - replacing our creator.
    DNA evidence is emerging which indicates that one can calculate the number of generations through the number of mutations per generation.  Human life goes back to 3 branches (on the mitochondrial DNA which comes from the mother)......  after the flood.  They are even writing papers on this now...... but it does not get much publicity. 
    One male DNA line for male chromosome. 
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    It is a good idea, but nothing must be employed to the nth degree. I know that Anna will waive that bit of legalese for someone honest enough to admit they are DFed and who agrees to conduct oneself as a DFed one, same as it would be in a physical congregation.
    You do want to join up, so as not to miss gems like the following: (the actual comment is longer, with additional introductory material):
    “Shortly after my chum entered Bethel in the mid-70s, he reported that whereas Bethel was once been a family where everyone knew each other, its growth made that no longer possible, and that it was becoming more “corporate” [his word, not mine] in nature. I think most would agree with that assessment.
    “I see it all and I overlook it. First of all, I am not sure that it is wrong. It may be entirely the way to go, even if it rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Just how are you going to deal with a ‘family’ consisting of thousands? But the greater reason I overlook it is that nobody else is undertaking the experiment that they do.
    “Nobody else has coupled the detailed points of religious truth with worldwide unity—keeping everyone on the same page. Nobody else is in that league. If someone decides the earthly organization must be corporate in some respects to do that, who am I to say they are wrong? There are no contrasting examples to point to.
    “It is why I quickly become livid with those intensely critical yet offering nothing positive themselves. Patiently Sitting on my Hands even makes a virtue out of doing nothing. It infuriates me.
    “In fact . . . I know I will not be thanked for this, but I will re-release William Shatner’s ‘Has Been’ as a bombshell directed at those who say the Governing Body is a ‘has been’ or even a ‘never was.’ They are doing things that nobody else attempts, and seeing considerable fruitage for their efforts.
    “Trust me on this: You will never again think of ‘Has Been’ in the same way after I realign it to its new cause, and maybe you will never again see the Governing Body in the same way. No, they will not thank me. They don’t know just what congregation Bill Shatner attends and they’ll frown at the language. But when they call me on the carpet I will reply that I am just imitating Paul: 
    “To the Jews I became as a Jew in order to gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law . . . To those without law I became as without law . . . To the weak I became weak, in order to gain the weak. . . . to the course people I became course, so as to pull their bacon out of the fire.” (1 Corinthians 9:20)
    “You’ve been warned. Here it is, dedicated to those critical of the Governing Body:”
  14. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hmm. Well, we DO have to work on that. On the other hand, police are known to develop a sort of “gallows humor” due to what they have experienced. Maybe it’s something like that with you too.
    You didn’t have to say this. No one here would ever have known. The fact that you did say it nonetheless indicates several things: 1) respect for the arrangement of the congregation of God, 2) a personal sense of honor, 3) proof that you do what you do out of fear of God and not humans, and 4) a desire not to ensnare others, even unknowingly, into violating congregation discipline not to engage with disfellowshipped ones. My respect for you has steadily heightened, and with this it goes through the roof. 
    At the same time, I still see no reason you should not join the closed club, nor for @Annato reject your request when you make it. Disfellowshipped ones can attend meetings, in fact they are encouraged to do so when repentant. I’ve no doubt that the ‘honor system’ would compel you to behave there as though sitting in the Kingdom Hall. There’s no reason to cut yourself off from proper association, particularly as there are those there who are just the ticket for you to be readjusted. Find things worthwhile and you could even repackage them for the crowd here. I mean, the malcontents here repackage and run again the same pablum ad infinitum. No reason you can’t repackage stuff as well.
    Well, yeah. I see where you’re coming from. But there’s no need to add to it unnecessarily. You should come, as the eagle does, to the carcass that is JWI—and all the others, too. 
    I’m not sure what to make of this. Yes, you don’t want the Truth to be spoken of abusively. But with the elders apparently willing to keep you on board under some lesser form of discipline—well, I’m not sure one has to be less forgiving than God. Lots of sins are exposed these day. Adding them up, Jehovah’s people still have less than the population in general, because of the godly principles they diligently seek to apply. Even without holy spirit, it rubs off through sheer repetition.
    We all fall short many times, James says. The truth of the matter might be as when Bud was replacing my car brakes and he couldn’t figure out how to reinstall the anti-rattle clip. “What’s one more rattle on a Ford?” he said at last as he threw it away.
    Maybe I can serve as a character witness for you someday. I’d like that.
    ”Dear, TTH. Please don’t offer to serve as a character witness for Pudgy. We’re well away that he’s a character.”—the brothers.
  15. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
  16. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Ditto - even if you are a smelly vulture.... lol. 
    Seriously - you are adding to your own burdens /load.  No need to go as far as to punish yourself. 
    I knew a brother who did the same as you.  He was also a character due to the fact that he grew up in an orphanage and (who knows) what happened to him there. He was never adopted. He learnt to only rely on the self... they are always awkward and do not generally fit in.  They themselves always feel different.  Children come out of these institutions with some unsociable traits such as quirky or extremely dark humor and an individuality which does not fit in. He was accepted back in the truth before he died.
    I do not always understand your humor But I have not experienced it to be nasty or deprecating.  Sometimes only of the self!     Why continually expose yourself to the truly nasty ones?  Not worth it.
  17. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hmm. Well, we DO have to work on that. On the other hand, police are known to develop a sort of “gallows humor” due to what they have experienced. Maybe it’s something like that with you too.
    You didn’t have to say this. No one here would ever have known. The fact that you did say it nonetheless indicates several things: 1) respect for the arrangement of the congregation of God, 2) a personal sense of honor, 3) proof that you do what you do out of fear of God and not humans, and 4) a desire not to ensnare others, even unknowingly, into violating congregation discipline not to engage with disfellowshipped ones. My respect for you has steadily heightened, and with this it goes through the roof. 
    At the same time, I still see no reason you should not join the closed club, nor for @Annato reject your request when you make it. Disfellowshipped ones can attend meetings, in fact they are encouraged to do so when repentant. I’ve no doubt that the ‘honor system’ would compel you to behave there as though sitting in the Kingdom Hall. There’s no reason to cut yourself off from proper association, particularly as there are those there who are just the ticket for you to be readjusted. Find things worthwhile and you could even repackage them for the crowd here. I mean, the malcontents here repackage and run again the same pablum ad infinitum. No reason you can’t repackage stuff as well.
    Well, yeah. I see where you’re coming from. But there’s no need to add to it unnecessarily. You should come, as the eagle does, to the carcass that is JWI—and all the others, too. 
    I’m not sure what to make of this. Yes, you don’t want the Truth to be spoken of abusively. But with the elders apparently willing to keep you on board under some lesser form of discipline—well, I’m not sure one has to be less forgiving than God. Lots of sins are exposed these day. Adding them up, Jehovah’s people still have less than the population in general, because of the godly principles they diligently seek to apply. Even without holy spirit, it rubs off through sheer repetition.
    We all fall short many times, James says. The truth of the matter might be as when Bud was replacing my car brakes and he couldn’t figure out how to reinstall the anti-rattle clip. “What’s one more rattle on a Ford?” he said at last as he threw it away.
    Maybe I can serve as a character witness for you someday. I’d like that.
    ”Dear, TTH. Please don’t offer to serve as a character witness for Pudgy. We’re well away that he’s a character.”—the brothers.
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hold this thought. I’ll get back to you when I have a minute.
  19. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hmm. Well, we DO have to work on that. On the other hand, police are known to develop a sort of “gallows humor” due to what they have experienced. Maybe it’s something like that with you too.
    You didn’t have to say this. No one here would ever have known. The fact that you did say it nonetheless indicates several things: 1) respect for the arrangement of the congregation of God, 2) a personal sense of honor, 3) proof that you do what you do out of fear of God and not humans, and 4) a desire not to ensnare others, even unknowingly, into violating congregation discipline not to engage with disfellowshipped ones. My respect for you has steadily heightened, and with this it goes through the roof. 
    At the same time, I still see no reason you should not join the closed club, nor for @Annato reject your request when you make it. Disfellowshipped ones can attend meetings, in fact they are encouraged to do so when repentant. I’ve no doubt that the ‘honor system’ would compel you to behave there as though sitting in the Kingdom Hall. There’s no reason to cut yourself off from proper association, particularly as there are those there who are just the ticket for you to be readjusted. Find things worthwhile and you could even repackage them for the crowd here. I mean, the malcontents here repackage and run again the same pablum ad infinitum. No reason you can’t repackage stuff as well.
    Well, yeah. I see where you’re coming from. But there’s no need to add to it unnecessarily. You should come, as the eagle does, to the carcass that is JWI—and all the others, too. 
    I’m not sure what to make of this. Yes, you don’t want the Truth to be spoken of abusively. But with the elders apparently willing to keep you on board under some lesser form of discipline—well, I’m not sure one has to be less forgiving than God. Lots of sins are exposed these day. Adding them up, Jehovah’s people still have less than the population in general, because of the godly principles they diligently seek to apply. Even without holy spirit, it rubs off through sheer repetition.
    We all fall short many times, James says. The truth of the matter might be as when Bud was replacing my car brakes and he couldn’t figure out how to reinstall the anti-rattle clip. “What’s one more rattle on a Ford?” he said at last as he threw it away.
    Maybe I can serve as a character witness for you someday. I’d like that.
    ”Dear, TTH. Please don’t offer to serve as a character witness for Pudgy. We’re well away that he’s a character.”—the brothers.
  20. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
  21. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hmm. Well, we DO have to work on that. On the other hand, police are known to develop a sort of “gallows humor” due to what they have experienced. Maybe it’s something like that with you too.
    You didn’t have to say this. No one here would ever have known. The fact that you did say it nonetheless indicates several things: 1) respect for the arrangement of the congregation of God, 2) a personal sense of honor, 3) proof that you do what you do out of fear of God and not humans, and 4) a desire not to ensnare others, even unknowingly, into violating congregation discipline not to engage with disfellowshipped ones. My respect for you has steadily heightened, and with this it goes through the roof. 
    At the same time, I still see no reason you should not join the closed club, nor for @Annato reject your request when you make it. Disfellowshipped ones can attend meetings, in fact they are encouraged to do so when repentant. I’ve no doubt that the ‘honor system’ would compel you to behave there as though sitting in the Kingdom Hall. There’s no reason to cut yourself off from proper association, particularly as there are those there who are just the ticket for you to be readjusted. Find things worthwhile and you could even repackage them for the crowd here. I mean, the malcontents here repackage and run again the same pablum ad infinitum. No reason you can’t repackage stuff as well.
    Well, yeah. I see where you’re coming from. But there’s no need to add to it unnecessarily. You should come, as the eagle does, to the carcass that is JWI—and all the others, too. 
    I’m not sure what to make of this. Yes, you don’t want the Truth to be spoken of abusively. But with the elders apparently willing to keep you on board under some lesser form of discipline—well, I’m not sure one has to be less forgiving than God. Lots of sins are exposed these day. Adding them up, Jehovah’s people still have less than the population in general, because of the godly principles they diligently seek to apply. Even without holy spirit, it rubs off through sheer repetition.
    We all fall short many times, James says. The truth of the matter might be as when Bud was replacing my car brakes and he couldn’t figure out how to reinstall the anti-rattle clip. “What’s one more rattle on a Ford?” he said at last as he threw it away.
    Maybe I can serve as a character witness for you someday. I’d like that.
    ”Dear, TTH. Please don’t offer to serve as a character witness for Pudgy. We’re well away that he’s a character.”—the brothers.
  22. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
  23. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    It’s called “conducting yourself in the house of God, which is the congregation of the living God” deporting oneself with reasonable respect for those who have given their all in Jehovah’s service. Pudgy knows how to do it. That’s why the invitation is extended to him.
    Oh, cool your jets, you crazy malignant woman who quotes scripture by the truckload but never finds the one that applies. Review the above verse again: 
    “…that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in God’s household, which is the congregation of the living God…” 1 Timothy 3:15
    Note that it is not just “me and Jesus, or even “me and Jehovah.” It will not do to spew hatred toward the congregation, at the same time wrapping yourself in the robe of your holier than thou love of God and Jesus. 
    “If anyone says, “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For the one who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.” 1 John 4:20
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
  25. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Huh! Here I write a long message for Pudgy only to find he does not accept messages! Very well, with one tiny change, I’ll put it here:
    “Thinking suggested on the closed forum that we post there and not on the open one, due to the constant fighting with those who truly do hate Jehovah’s organization and all it stands for and haven’t moderated a whit over eons of time. There was widespread agreement that it was an idea whose time has come.
    I’m sure it’s not the end of participation on that open forum, but at least for a time I would expect it to be much less. 
    In your new persona, you have not joined the closed group as your old persona did. I’m sure you’d be welcome there, as your old persona was. You know how to behave and keep your darkest grumblings in check. 
    It may be you prefer squabbling and raucous posts. If so, it’s a valid choice. But you will get much less support here from Witnesses, I’m afraid. For the time being at least (it could change) they have moved on.
    Why don’t you show up on the closed as you previously did: “Surprise!”
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