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  1. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Oh no! Not yet another one with a special calling!! This has not so far been revealed. Unusual in real life, they are a dime a dozen online. Maybe that is why the Christian organization isn’t thrilled about going there.
    As long as you have revealed yourself as a chosen one, I suggest a fine course might be to tell 4Jah that you are the True Anointed. I wouldn’t mind seeing that one play out. He will go batsh*t crazy. But then, he does anyway.
    (sorry—I tried to find a less crude synonym for batsh*t crazy. But everything that popped up on the thesaurus was worse. Sigh...what’s a righteous man to do?)
  2. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    For someone who walks away you sure are around a lot
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong. The Witness I was referring to was the wannabe ‘house’ anointed on this very forum, not any of Jehovah’s Witnesses that we all know and love. I admit, she could have chosen a different name to avoid the confusion.
    YOU are telling ME about insults???!!!!!!!!!
  4. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    You’d better be glad this fellow doesn’t do the door to door ministry. We’d be banned, not just in Russia, but in every country in the world.
    And unlike in Russia, I would have to say: “Well, they have a pretty good point.”
  5. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    For someone who walks away you sure are around a lot
  6. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Yes. He does.
    Note how the verse says Jesus, not Cesar.
    I think it is a mistake to view him as a fellow believer. He might be, but two sayings temper that conclusion for me.
    The first is that ‘if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.. Cesar certainly does not walk and quack like any Witness you or I know. It is impossible not to be moved at all by those Watchtower study articles you quoted previously. The duck he walks and quacks like is simply that of an abuser, like AlanF himself, when he puts on another hat. 
    The second is my own saying, a slight tweak of Romans 3:4 that “every man be found a liar.” Modify it to “every man online be found a liar” and the saying finds yet another application in these modern times. How can you know about anyone online? Anybody can say anything. You can only go by whether something has the “ring of truth” to it, and he has not a bit of that when it comes to Christianity.
    I suppose it is remotely possible that he is a whack-job of a Witness, presenting himself one way before flesh and blood, and working out his frustration, that he has not resolved by godly means, online, like the outwardly pious one filling up on porn or uber violent gaming by night. But I think it more likely he is some outlier, perhaps one-time active, but now a braggart who just bullies with a body of knowledge that at first glance seems impressive, but usually turns out to be shallow—he may know the title of a work, but not much else. JWI has many times pointed out how he just throws in whatever he has to ruin any discussion. (which I admit is how at times I use humor, but I hope I can never be accused of using it so recklessly).
    The only thing I know about him for sure is that his favorite show is Nature. Not the show itself, which he doubtless thinks is apostate, since he thinks everything is, but the scenes of the huge animals ramming each other with horns. It is the only type of social interaction he seems capable of understanding. He takes note as to how he can be more like this or that big dumb ox that has bested its rival when he next goes online—never more than a few minutes away.
  7. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Let her blow, let her blow
    Long and loud and hard and happy
    Let her blow
    No regrets, all my debts will be paid
    When I get laid
    Let her blow, let her blow, let her blow Johnny Cash
    [pious disclaimer: laid to rest in the grave]
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley reacted to xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Living on a forum where opposers exist is like having a house next to the train-tracks. You could move, but then you'd miss the doppler effect of the train as it comes and goes. Also it's sometimes fun to put pennies on the tracks.
  9. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Yes. He does.
    Note how the verse says Jesus, not Cesar.
    I think it is a mistake to view him as a fellow believer. He might be, but two sayings temper that conclusion for me.
    The first is that ‘if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.. Cesar certainly does not walk and quack like any Witness you or I know. It is impossible not to be moved at all by those Watchtower study articles you quoted previously. The duck he walks and quacks like is simply that of an abuser, like AlanF himself, when he puts on another hat. 
    The second is my own saying, a slight tweak of Romans 3:4 that “every man be found a liar.” Modify it to “every man online be found a liar” and the saying finds yet another application in these modern times. How can you know about anyone online? Anybody can say anything. You can only go by whether something has the “ring of truth” to it, and he has not a bit of that when it comes to Christianity.
    I suppose it is remotely possible that he is a whack-job of a Witness, presenting himself one way before flesh and blood, and working out his frustration, that he has not resolved by godly means, online, like the outwardly pious one filling up on porn or uber violent gaming by night. But I think it more likely he is some outlier, perhaps one-time active, but now a braggart who just bullies with a body of knowledge that at first glance seems impressive, but usually turns out to be shallow—he may know the title of a work, but not much else. JWI has many times pointed out how he just throws in whatever he has to ruin any discussion. (which I admit is how at times I use humor, but I hope I can never be accused of using it so recklessly).
    The only thing I know about him for sure is that his favorite show is Nature. Not the show itself, which he doubtless thinks is apostate, since he thinks everything is, but the scenes of the huge animals ramming each other with horns. It is the only type of social interaction he seems capable of understanding. He takes note as to how he can be more like this or that big dumb ox that has bested its rival when he next goes online—never more than a few minutes away.
  10. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from César Chávez in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    There were actually four types. From where did you derive two? Jesus describes them in the illustration of the sower and the seed at Matthew 13:
    “Look! A sower went out to sow;  and as he was sowing, some [seeds] fell alongside the road, [1] and the birds came and ate them up.   Others fell upon the rocky places where they did not have much soil, and at once they sprang up because of not having depth of soil.  [2] But when the sun rose they were scorched, and because of not having root they withered.  Others, too, fell among the thorns, [3] and the thorns came up and choked them.  Still others fell upon the fine soil [4] and they began to yield fruit, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty.”
    Tommy, don’t do it! Don’t!! You’ve got a nice comment going here—respectful and all—don’t screw it up! Remember what Srecko said. We must disagree with those who loathe the Christian organization without being disagreeable. End your comment right here, TrueTom. Say no more, and you’re golden.
    Sigh...ye of little willpower:
    [5] still others sat on their duffs, lapped up dirt about God’s organization from the internet, and figured that the True Anointed would be released any second now from the abyss where they are not permitted to speak with one another!!! (led by a cackingly exuberant Witness) but upon their escape will save the day.
  11. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    There were actually four types. From where did you derive two? Jesus describes them in the illustration of the sower and the seed at Matthew 13:
    “Look! A sower went out to sow;  and as he was sowing, some [seeds] fell alongside the road, [1] and the birds came and ate them up.   Others fell upon the rocky places where they did not have much soil, and at once they sprang up because of not having depth of soil.  [2] But when the sun rose they were scorched, and because of not having root they withered.  Others, too, fell among the thorns, [3] and the thorns came up and choked them.  Still others fell upon the fine soil [4] and they began to yield fruit, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty.”
    Tommy, don’t do it! Don’t!! You’ve got a nice comment going here—respectful and all—don’t screw it up! Remember what Srecko said. We must disagree with those who loathe the Christian organization without being disagreeable. End your comment right here, TrueTom. Say no more, and you’re golden.
    Sigh...ye of little willpower:
    [5] still others sat on their duffs, lapped up dirt about God’s organization from the internet, and figured that the True Anointed would be released any second now from the abyss where they are not permitted to speak with one another!!! (led by a cackingly exuberant Witness) but upon their escape will save the day.
  12. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I am so tired of these idiots who think building bigger barns and ignoring whatever comes after this brief life is “aiming high.”
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    Oh give me a break!
    Show me anything, anywhere that can stand the “test of fire” (so to speak)
    We can’t even get people to agree that they landed on the moon in 69.
    If there is one constant in life, it is that no position exists that does not have a retinue of people bellyaching against it.
  14. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Evacuated in While Waiting for an Appeal Against the Harsh Sentence, Aleksandr Ivshin Visited Five Pre-Trial Detention Centers in 1.5 Months and Fell Seriously Ill   
    A conqueror among conquerors. This is worth looking at: 
    Can't see it referenced on the forum 'though I admit I haven't trawled....(shoudn't have to really)
  15. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in While Waiting for an Appeal Against the Harsh Sentence, Aleksandr Ivshin Visited Five Pre-Trial Detention Centers in 1.5 Months and Fell Seriously Ill   
    If he dies, as seems likely, he has conquered the world, like his Lord.(John 16:33) He has conquered it already.(2 Tim 4:7) 
    “Why would a nation of some 144 million risk [now trash] its international reputation to persecute a religious sect numbering no more than 175 thousand?” asks Andrew Sorokowski. Yet one has and continues to do so. When called on it, it puts pedal to the medal, as though to boast to the world: “We know no decency here!”
    I become so weary of these unreasonable ones who equate building bigger barns and ignoring whatever might lie beyond this very brief life as “aiming high.” (Luke 12:18)
    Good one to share, this one is. Is it a game we are playing?
  16. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I am so tired of these idiots who think building bigger barns and ignoring whatever comes after this brief life is “aiming high.”
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    You dodo. In your eagerness to post anything trashing God’s organization, you do not notice that she has turned her back on not just us but also you. I mean, do you get any sense that she is advancing in her relationship with God? Or is she leaving it all behind, thank you very much, and the quicker the better?
    Don’t you claim to believe this, too?
    Don’t you claim to view it that way, too?
    Okay. I read how she wanted to be a film critic, but the elders discouraged that on the basis of the filth she would regularly have to feed on. Do you think their counsel was wrong?
    Yeah, that’s because she stepped away from it. That happens when you step away from anything. Note that some of her family does not speak with her. That means that some do. When she sees Witnesses she once knew, many walk away, but some chat. It is hardly as draconian as she makes it out to be, given that she has repudiated the one thing they all had in common.
    Her beefs notwithstanding, and even given her lack of context with the ARC matter, it is not a bad article. She says the faith “demands all.” Isn’t that what Jesus repeatedly said? She says there is emphasis on obedience. Didn’t Paul say the same? She says she learned to “put herself first.” Is that the course you want to endorse when it comes to matters of God? 
    She doesn’t confess to a life of misery. She says her childhood included much happiness—the main stresses only from the sense of being different.  Isn’t ‘different from the world’ exactly what Christ preached?
    I think of that verse of Paul and how some were preaching the Christ with good motive, but some were trying to stir up trouble for him. So? he says. Either way the Christ is being preached.
    Like Demas, she loved the world and has forsaken Paul for it. People do that. But I am surprised you would lionize her for it, since you claim to be one who thinks Paul deserves support. 
    I tried to check with her on some details before posting this. But I threw up in the theatre aisle at the torture scene she was taking notes on moonlighting as a movie critic, so I had to abandon the project.
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes, but I have done this, and just look how it turned out for me:
    This seemed  like a slam-dunk. CC had made a list of all the nincompoops, and I was not on it!  Surely, I was right to beat my chest! He didn’t include me on the list!
    So it would have been better for me to take the lowest spot at the table. Then he would have entered he room, noticed my abasement, and said, “Apostatefriend, move up higher.” Instead, he says, “You’re so stupid you shouldn’t even be in the room!”
    So I like the verse on how it is better for someone else to praise you rather than you do it yourself. Especially because we live in such a heady society, where people simply assume intellect trumps all else, do I think its well not to blow your own horn in this regard, even if you truly do have a horn to blow.
    I followed the rise and eventual passing away in death of a certain truly brilliant brother in my area. He had amazing ability, everything he tried he succeeded at, the deeds he did in behalf of the truth were lasting and far outstrip any deficiencies—few will be aware of any. All will think he conducted himself modestly given his talents, including me. I admitted before his passing that I had always been a little afraid of him, because if I said something I thought clever, he instantly responded with something ten times as clever.
    He came to regret having been not more low-key than he had been, even though given his talent, it would have been an almost impossible job. Here and there one could find stories of persons who thought he had ran roughshod over them in some matter or other. Even most of these would acknowledge it was for the best, but they still felt it.
    The direction for many years has been for no one to dominate at group meetings such as bodies of elders, and there is no better way to implicitly dominate than to call attention to how you are the smartest one in the room, regardless of whether you are or not. Contemporary counsel has been to apply that Philippians 2:3 verse of considering the other person superior. Even if one has the capability to dominate, the counsel is to resist that capability, to draw others out, so that all decisions truly represent the entire body and not just the ones who have obvious talent.
    Though it is not directly related, I’ll throw the following in because it is on our Bible reading this week. Jehovah blocks Moses from entering the promised land for his address to the complaining Israelites:
    “Hear, now, you rebels! Must we bring out water for you from this crag?”
      ....Jehovah later said to Moses and Aaron: “Because you did not show faith in me and sanctify me before the eyes of the people of Israel, you will not bring this congregation into the land that I will give them.”  
    Seems harsh. But if seen in the following way, it seems less harsh, and it ties in with not being quick to carry on about your perceived talents:
    If the circuit overseer gives a great talk and you say afterwards, “Great talk!” he will murmur something modest about how it is not really he, but Jehovah. He will do this even though he is perfectly capable, after all these years, of giving a great talk whether Jehovah is around or not. So how does it play, then, when the man Moses takes full credit for what no human in 1000 years would be able to do?
    Even so, maybe it seems harsh. But Moses is being trained for the “real life” of 1 Timothy 6, not this one. He is being trained in accord with the words that to whom more is given, more is expected.
  19. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes, but I have done this, and just look how it turned out for me:
    This seemed  like a slam-dunk. CC had made a list of all the nincompoops, and I was not on it!  Surely, I was right to beat my chest! He didn’t include me on the list!
    So it would have been better for me to take the lowest spot at the table. Then he would have entered he room, noticed my abasement, and said, “Apostatefriend, move up higher.” Instead, he says, “You’re so stupid you shouldn’t even be in the room!”
    So I like the verse on how it is better for someone else to praise you rather than you do it yourself. Especially because we live in such a heady society, where people simply assume intellect trumps all else, do I think its well not to blow your own horn in this regard, even if you truly do have a horn to blow.
    I followed the rise and eventual passing away in death of a certain truly brilliant brother in my area. He had amazing ability, everything he tried he succeeded at, the deeds he did in behalf of the truth were lasting and far outstrip any deficiencies—few will be aware of any. All will think he conducted himself modestly given his talents, including me. I admitted before his passing that I had always been a little afraid of him, because if I said something I thought clever, he instantly responded with something ten times as clever.
    He came to regret having been not more low-key than he had been, even though given his talent, it would have been an almost impossible job. Here and there one could find stories of persons who thought he had ran roughshod over them in some matter or other. Even most of these would acknowledge it was for the best, but they still felt it.
    The direction for many years has been for no one to dominate at group meetings such as bodies of elders, and there is no better way to implicitly dominate than to call attention to how you are the smartest one in the room, regardless of whether you are or not. Contemporary counsel has been to apply that Philippians 2:3 verse of considering the other person superior. Even if one has the capability to dominate, the counsel is to resist that capability, to draw others out, so that all decisions truly represent the entire body and not just the ones who have obvious talent.
    Though it is not directly related, I’ll throw the following in because it is on our Bible reading this week. Jehovah blocks Moses from entering the promised land for his address to the complaining Israelites:
    “Hear, now, you rebels! Must we bring out water for you from this crag?”
      ....Jehovah later said to Moses and Aaron: “Because you did not show faith in me and sanctify me before the eyes of the people of Israel, you will not bring this congregation into the land that I will give them.”  
    Seems harsh. But if seen in the following way, it seems less harsh, and it ties in with not being quick to carry on about your perceived talents:
    If the circuit overseer gives a great talk and you say afterwards, “Great talk!” he will murmur something modest about how it is not really he, but Jehovah. He will do this even though he is perfectly capable, after all these years, of giving a great talk whether Jehovah is around or not. So how does it play, then, when the man Moses takes full credit for what no human in 1000 years would be able to do?
    Even so, maybe it seems harsh. But Moses is being trained for the “real life” of 1 Timothy 6, not this one. He is being trained in accord with the words that to whom more is given, more is expected.
  20. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    Are the “No Long-Winded Idiots” signs thrown in for free? If not, that would be the dealbreaker for me.
    There’s no reason, when you’ve cleared 39 million, that you can’t hire a guy to paint a few signs.
    I mean, come on! If I shell out 39 million, I should have to paint my own signs as well?
  21. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Are the “No Long-Winded Idiots” signs thrown in for free? If not, that would be the dealbreaker for me.
    There’s no reason, when you’ve cleared 39 million, that you can’t hire a guy to paint a few signs.
    I mean, come on! If I shell out 39 million, I should have to paint my own signs as well?
  22. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    Are the “No Long-Winded Idiots” signs thrown in for free? If not, that would be the dealbreaker for me.
    There’s no reason, when you’ve cleared 39 million, that you can’t hire a guy to paint a few signs.
    I mean, come on! If I shell out 39 million, I should have to paint my own signs as well?
  23. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    Whoa! Look at this:
    I’m smartest.
  24. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    I too must be dragged kicking and screaming to this forum. Even picking my nose takes priority.
  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Conscience individual and collective   
    I too must be dragged kicking and screaming to this forum. Even picking my nose takes priority.
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