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New Light! - Beards are now ok.

The Librarian

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24 minutes ago, Damiensouthernohio said:

I agree it's not necessarily a Custom to have a beard. But in today's society a beard isn't frowned upon among men or something that sets them apart as rebellious or something else as was in the past. But if a brothers conscious allows him to wear a neatly groomed beard then I see no reason to fault him for it or hold it against him in thinking he is not trying to remain modest. I prefer a beard and look better with one. Shaving also causes me to break out and face to burn. So I prefer not to. But I don't want to stand out as someone rebelling against the congregation so I'm stuck in guess. Hopefully the brothers will be accepting of beards soon 

A  well  groomed  beared  can  looking  so  nice !  Our  young  anointed  Sinti - Brother  has  a  very  short,  small  and  well  groomed  beard...  Its  so  nice,  like  a  small  chain  by  a  younger  Sister ;-)

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From latest WT Study Edition This should cause some interesting showdowns in congregations all over the United States. LOL   Which reminded me of this comical infographic:

After having left Jehovah for almost 20yrs, I gave my first talk with a full beard in Teaneck, NJ.  As an unbaptized publisher I did not shave my beard and went out in service.  (I had come from NH an

Hahaha....  I  knew  it,  I  knew  it  ;-))    My  post  about  that  was  OK... Thank  you, dear  Librarian !  I  believe,  we  still  get  more & more new light !

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19 hours ago, Damiensouthernohio said:

@Queen Esther

Where do u live. I'm in Ohio. In the United States. Only two brothers here have beards and it's been frowned upon. But I have friends in Germany. And Poland. And several have beards there and are serving in congregation. But here if you want to have any privileges you cannot have a bear. 

I  am  from  Germany,  North Germany...  born in  Hamburg - but now living  in  Stade,  We  allowed  here  groomed  beards,  also  by  elders. But  maybe  its  little  different  from  cong. to  cong.

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That's great. I have a few friends that I made at an international convention from Germany. And Poland. Not sure of the exact area. Yes it varies from congregation to congregation. It's nice to meet you. Maybe I should move to Germany Haha. But not sure that my wife would leave her family. We go to the congregation she grew up in and it is all family here. 

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September 2016 study issue page 21 paragraph 17. Also, pay attention to Brother Lett's talk in the October broadcast. He speaks about pushing people to a course of action and makes the statement about brothers having the right to wear a beard, but it may not always be advisable. 

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Also, look at page 7 of the September 16 study issue. Look at the picture of the two brothers assisting that elderly one with her groceries. Notice anything odd about that brother on the left? That looks suspiciously like a chin beard to me. I did mention it to one of the elders at our KH and he promptly dismissed it as a shadow. 

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babblings, I get your point, but the article makes two statements at the same time:
1- In fact, some appointed brothers have beards.  (I, too, have never seen someone on the stage or in a publication, with the exception of character portrayals, with a beard, so I don't know where they are appointed.)

2-  In other cultures or localities, beards are not the custom and are not considered acceptable for Christian ministers. In fact, having one may hinder a brother from bringing glory to God by his dress and grooming and his being irreprehensible. (This would not be the case for anywhere in the USA that I know of.  Beards and the wearing of such are customarily done across this country. Some wear them only during specific times, as in NH where I was living, but now that I'm in TX I see people in beards quite often. So, culture nor locality don't appear to be a factor for a brother living in the US.)


P16 state - "Yet, fellow believers will likely note and appreciate ...the satisfaction we have of bringing glory to our loving heavenly Father more than makes up for any inconveniences that we may face to dress so as to glorify him."

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I agree with all of your statements djsqueeze. I think that beards are like any other forms of fashion. Some brothers like a beard some don't. Just like some brothers don't wear pink shirts. Or some don't like bowties. Or certain people don't like certain haircuts. It's all opinion based. It's not necessarily something that is bringing reproach upon jehovahs name or detracting from our message. But so many are set in their ways about beards I think it'll be hard for them to accept it. I'm in Ohio and already 3 brothers here wear a beard but brothers do not like it. And won't let them do anything or give part on school. So I guess time will tell. 

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I know a brother in Europe, who is an elder and has a beard. And I know several brothers who are serving as ministerial Servants and have beards.

Ultimately in the USA it will be up to the local elders to decide whether a beard is acceptable in their area or not. When the WT came out last May, our CO said that come end of the year, he expects many brothers (in the US) will be sporting a beard.  I am fine with that, as long as as sisters don't start that trend too :D

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