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Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning 

The Librarian

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The outline posted online shows that there is a reference to the 07/15 1985 WT, page 19, para 14. This says: To be fair this is not a completely new tack. The example in the talk is taken from th

This year's convention reinforces it with a video:  

So many people (even some who say they are my brothers) put this situation is a negative light. Disfellowshipping serves the purpose of saving a persons life hopefully. Jehovh wants them to turn aroun

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The outline posted online shows that there is a reference to the 07/15 1985 WT, page 19, para 14. This says:

To be fair this is not a completely new tack. The example in the talk is taken from the WT 85 7/15 page19 para14

14 Loyalty today likewise results in blessings. One young Witness remembers the stand he and his brothers took when their mother, long inactive as a Christian, entered an adulterous marriage. “We reported matters to the elders,” he recalls, “and since she did not live at home, we decided to limit association with her until the elders could handle matters. It was the hardest thing we ever had to do.” The mother protested, “Does your everlasting life mean more to you than I do?” To this they replied, “Our relationship with Jehovah means more than anything.” The woman was jolted into manifesting sincere repentance, was restored spiritually, and serves again as an active publisher of the good news.

In the video of the talk available online the speaker uses this almost verbatim.

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So many people (even some who say they are my brothers) put this situation is a negative light. Disfellowshipping serves the purpose of saving a persons life hopefully. Jehovh wants them to turn around and quit practicing what he doesn't approve of. He wants them to be able to continue living into His wonderful new world He has promised.

People say: "how heartless his family is for "shunning" him." Those people don't understand! They are trying to save that ones everlasting life by 'disciplining in righteousness'. People just won't see past the momentary pain needed to save the life of the one who has gone astray.

Hebrews 12:10, 11 . . . "True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful; yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."

Then Upon his / her reinstatement:

(2 Corinthians 2:5-7. . . "Now if anyone has caused sadness, he has saddened, not me, but all of YOU to an extent—not to be too harsh in what I say. This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man, so that, on the contrary now, YOU should kindly forgive and comfort [him], that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad."

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  • 8 months later...
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I agree that disfellowshipping is a necessary component of Congregational discipline ... and a straight reading of the Bible makes that very, very clear .... but THE WAY it's done makes all the difference.

Currently it is petulant, overreaching, cruel, and ONLY serves the purpose of creating fear and a foreboding ... so much so that The Russian Federation, used to the tyrannies of the old Soviet Union, are very close to EXPELLING the Jehovah's Witnesses Organizations from their country for "Extremism", because the way disfellowshipping is DONE, we are destroying whole families.... not just the ones disfellowshipped!,

.... not because the Russian Government is  persecuting anybody ... but because we DESERVE it.

If there is ANY civilization on this Earth that fully understands what political "purging" in a "worker's paradise" is ... it's the Russians.





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On 2/22/2017 at 8:57 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I agree that disfellowshipping is a necessary component of Congregational discipline ... and a straight reading of the Bible makes that very, very clear .... but THE WAY it's done makes all the difference.

Currently it is petulant, overreaching, cruel, and ONLY serves the purpose of creating fear and a foreboding





Do you think the WAY Jehovah handled the incident with Abraham and Issac should have been handled in a different WAY?

I mean "tying up" a "boy" and then holding a knife to him seems like what some would call "Child Abuse". Some would say it was petulant, overreaching, CRUEL and created FEAR!  Was it RIGHT for Jehovah to do that? Why would we think that our Way of doing something is better than God's Way just because it is not according to human norms in todays' society, the very society norms under the influence of Satan. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah." Isa. 55:8

Or what about when Jesus said to eat his blood and flesh without any explanation after all what Jesus said was wrong according to the Bible - to eat blood and flesh. He ALLOWED many to leave without even explaining himself. Was that the RIGHT WAY to handle it?  How would YOU have handled it differently?

You see the point is not the" WAY IT IS DONE" at all is it?

It is LOYALTY to Jehovah's WAY whether we understand it or not.

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Although the Governing Body was FORCED to admit, after the fact, by the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse that they were NOT inspired of God ... OR infallible ... until the ARC met and pried that out of Geoffery Jackson, under oath ... the "working theory" was that they WERE inspired of God, and infallible. 

At the very least they are in actual fact TREATED like they are ... even now ..... EVEN BY YOU!

54 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Do you think the WAY Jehovah handled the incident with Abraham and Issac should have been handled in a different WAY?

I mean tying up a "boy" and then holding a knife to him seems like what some would call "Child Abuse". Some would say it was petulant, overreaching, CRUEL and created FEAR!  Was it RIGHT for Jehovah to do that? Why would we think that our Way of doing something is better than God's Way just because it is not according to human norms in todays society, the very society norms under the influence of Satan. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah." Isa. 55:8

Abraham was loved by God so much that they had a special two-way relationship and TALKED TO EACH OTHER DIRECTLY!

If you think the Governing Body has that relationship it would demonstrate one of TWO things ...

(1.) it would prove that Jehovah God is flaky, petulant, cruel, irrational, and that there is no real love or Justice in his principles .. all of which is absurd on the face of it ... or

(2.)that the people claiming to be his "Faithful and Discrete Slave"  are flaky, petulant, cruel and have no real love Or Justice in ITS applied interpretation of core principles.

If you have been keeping up with current events internationally, and have eyes to see, you know that one or the other HAS to be true.

There is no third choice for rationally thinking people.

If I had the same personal relationship with Jehovah God that Abraham had, and I do not ... I also would have had the faith that Jehovah's Justice would prevail, and that slaughtering my son was a righteous thing to do.

When the Governing Body commands that Love and Justice as defined by Jehovah God involves what disfellowshipping has become ... for people that DO love Love and Justice ... that too is absurd on the face of it ... and unfortunately, we here down at the bottom of the theocratic food chain have to sacrifice the sheep to the ones with the power to disfellowship US ALSO, if there is any real discussion, questioning, or demand for accountability.

We too are sheep, and MAY BE NEXT TO BE EATEN.

THERE IS A REASON that Judicial Trials at the Kingdom Halls are held in secret ... and that those charged cannot have tape recorders, stenographers, or friendly Witnesses to observe the goings-on, completely unlike the Judicial System that worked well for thousands of years, where the accused would be tried in the City Gates, where all people could observe, and the Judges, KNOWING that, were restrained by fear of retribution from incensed everyday Jews, to actually act justly.

Back then, the judges were accountable to the general population to actually make Justice happen.

Now, there is no Earthly checks and balances whatsoever on whatever the Governing Body says is the standard ... and because that is true ... the NATURAL result is that is self aggrandizing tyranny ... as is ALWAYS the case among the affairs of men, when there is no restraint of power.

There has never been any exceptions in the history of the world, and there are none now.

With my own eyes I have seen the cruelty and injustice of punishing whole families for one person's transgressions, and the shedding of crocodile tears, and seeing people beat down with a metal fist in a feathered silk glove, with soothing words, and a LOT of them.

So don't pull this "Abraham" crap on me .... they are two entirely different scenarios ..... except for those who bent it into a pretzel to support their cruelty, power, position and status.

The Governing Body cannot be criticized, or FIRED for screwing up peoples' lives ... they are accountable to NO ONE on this Earth.

.If I personally screw up my life, I personally am responsible, and I personally have to pay the price the Universe always demands.

If the Governing body screws up my life to sustain it's position of power and authority ... NO ONE is responsible.

They NEVER apologize for ANYTHING!


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10 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


So don't pull this "Abraham" crap on me 

The Governing Body cannot be criticized, or FIRED for screwing up peoples' lives ... they are accountable to NO ONE on this Earth.







 Sorry I did not mean to get you so upset with a question.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah." Isa. 55:8

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On 5/12/2017 at 15:59, bruceq said:

So the point is: Are Jehovah's Witnesses the true religion or not?

A simple yes or no, a book is not necessary to answer the question. :D

If i would look on this from position of Mosaic Law, which was lasting, be in power much longer than WT and their "doctrines law", i would say; No, JW is not "only true religion" on Earth. From, as they said, 1513 BCE to 33 CE God's Law was "perfect and everlasting and unchangeable" - of course if we neglect, ignore the fact that Rulers and Priests in all that period of Israel also have some Interpretations on Law and clarifications on how should be, have to be implied this or that from the Law. hahahaha

Today GB also have the same methods, using  INTERPRETATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS , and that is periodical practice when some theory, doctrine, teaching, instruction or perform falls in problem. Then phrases as "new light", "clarification", "brightness" come on surface and cover all false and wrongs from GB. :)   

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