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According to Robert King and his book "Jehovah Himself Has Become King" from page 142 till page 160 we have a detailed list of watchtower publications that promote UN. I will give you an example: Awake! July 22 1999 the Governing Body tells us that 1999 is the international year of older Persons. 1994 also just so happened to be the UN’s “International Year of 
the Family” (Watchtower Magazine 9-15-95). 1995 was to be the UN “Year of Tolerance”. (Watchtower Magazine 10-1-95). The year 1998 was the UN-declared “International Year of the Ocean,” (June 8, 1998, Awake!). The year 2001 was designated by the United Nations as the “International Year of Volunteers.”(January 1, 2001, Watchtower). My question is: who should the organization be advertising, the UN or the Kingdom of God? If they were advertising the UN isn't that spiritual fornication? and what is the punishment for that!


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Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης, I believe that Ann O'maly has stated the truth about the U.N. involvement about as well as anyone can. I know the brother who got the Society involved with the UN DPI/NGO, an

(Giannis, Robert King is disfellowshipped so it's unlikely that loyal JWs will read anything he says.) I remember the controversy when it broke and researched the matter for myself at the time.

This is a ridiculous allegation. There is no promoting of the UN in these articles any more than the apostle Paul promoted the Stoic poet Aratus in his speech on the Areopagus at Acts 17:28.

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This is a ridiculous allegation.

There is no promoting of the UN in these articles any more than the apostle Paul promoted the Stoic poet Aratus in his speech on the Areopagus at Acts 17:28.

These WT articles merely reference the attempts of the UN to promote beneficial strategies for the human family, and highlight  it's failure to accomplish what can only be achieved through the administration of Jehovah's kingdom, the only viable government for this earth.

These assertions, and others like them, are filling up the measure of the activities of Haman (Esther 3:8). 

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I will repeat my message in a different way.

Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης

His question is from either a brother who has been dis-fellowshipped or is anti the truth or is 

 someone who is still on milk and not solid food. Hopefully it is one who is still learning the truth and he/she should take Eoin Joyce answer and do some research.

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Hopefully I can still write to this question. thank you Admins.

1.Dear brother Colin Thorpe, I would prefer if you yourself could make some research and not let it to the others. If you don't still drink milk ... prove it !

2.Dear Eoin Joyce, before you talk about Haman, Please read "The Guardian" of October 8 of 2001 page 13.
also please read the pages 142 to 160 from the book "Jehovah Himself Has Become King". (but read it !)
there you will read that Jehovah’s Witnesses in France independently published a brochure entitled
“A Mission to Africa.” In it they explained in detail the activities of the Aidafrique NGO. On pages 9-10 we read: "The best form of travel, if not the only one, is the airplane. Often we used the H.C.R.’s (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) planes".
Also please read the public statement the watchtower made.
Also read the public statement UN made.
Dear Eoin Joyce, Paul did not use the name of Stoic poet Aratus to make advertisement for him, neither he was member of his philosophy group as the watchtower was a member of UN-NGO for almost a decade until the Guardian told us what was happening. This is what the statement of UN says:

  • that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;
  • have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach target or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;
  • have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programs about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets, organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting cooperation of the media.

3.Dearest Librarian I read your link and everything you say is beautiful ... about a brother who made a mistake and all that... but can you prove anything of what you say?


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Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης

I have noted your references and the arguments made by the various critics you recommend. The observations are interesting and informative where factual. The conclusions and assertions made remain the perception of those critics however, and I do not find them in the least convincing. For me, they remain simply, allegations.

I can see in the scriptural record similarities to the many ways in which God's servants in the past were assisted by secular authorities in the carrying out of Jehovah's purposes. Ezra and Nehemiah's relationship to the authorities in their day being classic examples. (I would submit both books in their entirety as references here).

This record(for me) serves simply to demonstrate the inability of Satan to thwart Jehovah in that the very organisations representing his (Satan's) rulership are used, when required, to accomplish Jehovah's purposes. 

The passage of scripture in Matthew 12:22-30 fits well for me in response to these allegations.



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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

I have seen a list that included articles that were presented to the UN/DPI as proof that the WTS was keeping it's agreement by publishing at least one positive article per year.

Me too. I was going to mention it in my post but, like you, I didn't keep a copy, my memory was too vague on it, and the list has gone into cyber-oblivion.

Yes, signing up was a mistake in view of the Org's true opinion of the UN. Despite writing more positively about the UN's work, which was refreshing to see on the one hand, it also meant that the Org. was being two-faced. In addition, it made it appear like the 'disgusting thing' was having a say in what kind of 'spiritual food' was to be produced. I don't know why nobody at the top picked up on the inconsistency.


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Wow I was born in 1975, It was a great privilege to have you spoken to me even from the Internet. It was my dream one day to go to other lands as a missionary (Gilead). I remember I was sneaking to my grandpa's library just to read past articles from the ""purposing my purpose in life". Thank you for your honesty brother and sister. Yes things like this ( NGO  involvement ) shook my faith to the watchtower... because I hate double standards... while we forgive and forget the mistakes of the Society but we cannot forgive our brothers who come and ask for forgiveness. Watchtower made us impose rules that Jehovah never asked. We have our repented brothers in the back of the room for many months even for years to prove what? that they are not proud? can the Society prove that is not proud? I am coming here and make this questions because I feel that the wrath of Jehovah against the Society becomes bigger and bigger. The Watchtower Society became a stumble many times now for the little sheep of Christ. It is time for this impunity to come to an end!

Do you love my little sheep ?
I ask you again: do you love my little sheep ?
I will ask you again and again till you will not send back to the mouth of Satan my little sheep !

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I think the problem is due largely to ignorance of the function of governments and international organizations.  In another comment, I will highlight some of the benefits we enjoy worldwide because of the work of the United Nations.  Jehovah has allowed governments to keep order and to help us in our preaching work.  ((1 Tim 2:1,2; Romans 13:1). Nothing can be achieved without relative peace.  Only Jehovah's Kingdom will bring peace and we must not worship the peace beast as the only hope for mankind as has Christendom. We can still cooperate with governments to achieve certain goals.  There is no requirement to hate them.  It is Satan who is using them to harm and persecute us.  Satan has fostered all worldly governments but they are made up of people who we are supposed to love and set a good example to.  They are thousands of examples where Jehovah's Witnesses have been commended by the governments for good work and conduct.  The United Nations is made up of  individual governments.  That is why it is called the image of the wild beast. If we respect the government we individually live under, we must also respect the United Nations.

Granted something unintentional was done to achieve greater access to information to maybe prove fulfillment of prophecy and obtain statistics of every sort. However, I think the complaint has been pushed out of proportion.

I endorse the comment of Eoin Joyce and also recommend studying how Jehovah and his representatives who appreciated the role of government cooperated to get things done. We have just studied Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and we see how Esther and Mordecai along with Jehovah's intervention used good judgement to protect His people. Romans chapter 13 is essential reading also.  See below: (Taken from w95 10/1 "A World without War - When?")


  In Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts. (Daniel 7:6, 12, 23; 8:20-22) Hence, for many decades the Watchtower magazine has identified the wild beasts of Revelation chapters 13 and 17 with today’s worldly governments. This includes the United Nations, which is depicted in Revelation chapter 17 as a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns.

  However, this Scriptural position does not condone any form of disrespect toward governments or their officials. The Bible clearly states: “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves.”—Romans 13:1, 2.



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