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I hope the disfellowshipped ones do not attend the Memorial

Jack Ryan

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Actually, we want the opposite. A letter was sent out to the BOE's almost two months ago. The elders were instructed to contact all Da's Df'ed and Faders to invite them to Memorial and also leave with

Fact is active jehovahs witnesses love seeing disfellowshipped ones. They love looking down on them from a high seat of judgement and prejudice. Regarding another human as "lesser than" is how afraid

This interesting comment indicates that the person who is doing the shunning also feels uncomfortable doing it. Many of us know how psychologically damaging it is for the 'shunnee,' but I think we for

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It would not bother me any, but putting a prisoner into solitary confinement ( shunning) is considered to be an extreme punishment  for the sake of punishment ... not a "loving provision" of ANYTHING.

But then again ... the Catholics used to burn people alive at the stake as a "loving provision", as the fire was supposed to clean their "souls" so that with their death, the unrepentent guilty  could be more acceptable to their god.

It is not extremism to do these things if it is labeled correctly ... it is common and normal .... but it is extremism if you destroy whole families "because you love them", and call that a "good thing".

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13 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Me think we not on same planet???***!!!

Luke 15:21
Then the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’

Dear Fisher, 

Bible report give no evidence that Father have doubt in his motives or sincerity. And report said that Father response to son's words was this:

22“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.   

No congregation declaration of dfd or announcement of his came back to congregation. No calling for elders to establish judicial committee to prove his changed behaviour and regrets. Nothing more than he solely said, claim on the road far from home. And no witnesses of their conversation. Just between him and Father.

Father in fact not give any attention to past life of his son. No interest to hear and know - What he was done or why or how while out of home. Nothing, like it never happened. But in JW congregation dfd person must show so much proves that he "deserve" to come back. Bureaucracy!   

Father run to him!! Father run to him as soon he saw him, not waiting for him to come in shame and sorrow. 

Yes Fisher, we are from different planet for sure :)))))

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9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No congregation declaration of dfd or announcement of his came back to congregation. No calling for elders to establish judicial committee to prove his changed behaviour and regrets. Nothing more than he solely said, claim on the road far from home. And no witnesses of their conversation. Just between him and Father.

Nor did he say "Why didn't you phone first and let me know you were coming back? Now I have to take a day off to get some food in. Hopefully the supermarkets will have enough stock, else I can order on line for nextday delivery. And I don't know if the neighbours can come round. I'll just email them all anyway. Hop in, I'll give you a lift to the house!"

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Just little more thoughts on "lost persons".

Example in Luke 15 about "lost son" and comparison with other illustration/parable of "lost sheep" (coin too) also in Luke 15..

Different way of behaviour, standpoint, interaction, solving "problem". In "sheep issue" shepherd made active concern about his loving sheep. He go to search for lost soul. He noted, first of all, that sheep missing.  (But what if sheep  "missing" while in same time it is in sheep's backyard?). Then he made decision to go for the quest, he made effort searching for traces, determined to find it alive or dead. No matter how long. Active approach.

In second parable Father  was waiting that his lost son taste all what he want to taste of this life and to choose is it something that he want or not. (What would be if son had spend his money more cleverly and stay in "world" with own, new created, happy family?)He was not go to search and to "free" his son of bad things or to prevent him of "worldly" experiences and joy or sorrow of "worldly things". No, he leave to his son to decide - to stay out of home or to come back.

So, how different way of showing love. How different sort of helping. How different, opposite methods of dealing with something, someone that was "lost". :))  

And why Heaven are more pleased and happier with lost "sinner" then with "righteous" who are at home?? Or such conclusion is only for purpose of parable story :)  


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I think I go with Ann when she said memorial should be for only active witnesses in a secret location, actually that was exactly what Jesus did. 

On the other hand in as much as the governing has decided to throw it public then let the disfellowship one attend. After all Christ died while we were yet sinners and not for the ritcheous. 

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Sam Anya:

AND the amazing thing is ... he willingly with fear and anguish gave up his life for them .... for sinners .... BEFORE they repented.

You bring up an interesting point .... it was a closed meeting.  I never thought about that before.  Perhaps thousands of disciples were NOT invited.  

  I guess it was just an Apostolic meeting.


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1 hour ago, Sam Anya said:

for only active witnesses in a secret location, actually that was exactly what Jesus did. 

Bible reports said about more "active witnesses" than only 12 apostles. One number was 70 who was sent to preaching. Maybe you will find more in reading, this is just my recall in moment. Or perhaps "active" members, publishers became "inactive" as today's elders would be say :))))

Secret location..., well secret for reason of turbulent time and events with Romans. I think this can be main reason for it. And maybe not secrecy but rather discretion in connection to other Jew who are not sympatized "new teachings" and some sort of reformation Jesus introduced. Because celebrating Pasha would not trigger any animosity inside opposition in Jew clergy. Inside "legal" celebration, custom He integrated new meaning.     

1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You bring up an interesting point .... it was a closed meeting. 

for sure :)

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4 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

It has to do, with people already have been given the Spirit of God 1 Corinthians 12:7,

4 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

1 Corinthians 5:11 American Standard Version (ASV) (Public Domain)

11 but [a]as it is, I wrote unto you not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no, not to eat.

Hi. I can not see what is connection between this verse in 12:7 with 5:11. 

In chapter 12 speaks about different manifestations of Spirit on every, each person in congregation. ON other hand FDS aka GB claimed for several  times in WT magazines that they are not inspired by Holy Spirit. If person is not inspired by that Spirit it means how no manifestation would be possible to see in his life and in his words and in his acts.

But GB also in the same time claim:  Organization is spirit guided. What is organization??? Congregation? All congregations worldwide? Congregation is Christ body aka people. In WT world - organization is corporation, NOT people or congregations. Because GB gives instruction to members how they have to be in step with organization or chariot. Chariot is just used in interpretation that suit to WT explanation for public use, to put people under influence of man in the name of god. 

How is possible that so called Organization (impersonal thing aka legal entity) is guided by spirit but people inside are not inspired by that same spirit? That is in contradiction with chapter 12. In one moment we have publicly declared statement that GB is not inspired and all publications are not inspired and all instructions and doctrines are not inspired - because of errors - but despite this fact organization  is still guided by spirit. :))))))))

Is there some difference in meaning to be inspired and to be guided by spirit? If it is then theology must clear this issue.

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