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Great Crowd

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole
 Although we sometimes call ourselves the great crowd, and indeed we are a great crowd/nation, the term actually refers to the part of Jesus's other sheep which will survive the great tribulation at the end of this wicked system of things. citation here

When John saw the “great crowd” rendering sacred service in Jehovah’s temple, in which part of the temple were they doing this?—Revelation 7:9-15.“It is reasonable to say that the great crowd worships Jehovah in one of the earthly courtyards of his great spiritual temple, specifically the one that corresponds with the outer courtyard of Solomon’s temple...... But as the heavenly elder said to John, the great crowd really is in the temple, not outside the temple area in a kind of spiritual Court of the Gentiles.” (w02 5/1 p. 30)

Great Crowd renders service INSIDE the Sanctuary?

Sanctuary [Greek: na’os]: “A place set apart for the worship of God or of gods, a holy place; a divine habitation.” (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, p. 860)
“Hierón referred to the entire temple grounds, whereas naós applied to the temple structure itself, the successor of the tabernacle in the wilderness.” (w60 8/15, p. 493)
Remember, only Levite priests were permitted to enter the Holy chamber of the sanctuary, and only for the purpose of performing priestly functions, such as offering incense, as Zechariah did.
“According to the solemn practice of the priestly office it became his turn to offer incense when he entered into the sanctuary [na’os: divine habitation] of Jehovah. . . Meanwhile the people continued waiting for Zechariah, and they began to wonder at his delaying in the sanctuary [na’os: divine habitation.”] (See Luke 1:9, 21 in Kingdom Interlinear)



Luke 1, vs. 9 Interlinear 001.jpg


Luke 1, vs. 21 Interlinear 001.jpg

The Bible uses the same Greek word, na’os, to describe where the "great crowd" worship today in God's great spiritual temple.

“That is why they [the great crowd] are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple [na’os: divine habitation].” (See Rev. 7:15 in Kingdom Interlinear)

Rev. 7, vs. 15 Interlinear 001.jpg

Thus, according to God’s Word, the “great crowd” is rendering sacred service, not in the courtyard, but in the Holy sanctuary of God’s great spiritual temple.

Regarding those worshipping in the sanctuary: “The Holy represents their condition as spirit-begotten sons of God, with heavenly life in view, and they will attain to that heavenly reward when their fleshly bodies are laid aside in death.—1Co15:50; Heb 2:10.” (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, p. 1081)

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Great Crowd renders service INSIDE the Sanctuary? was the question. Anyway, your discussion highlights the great privilege extended to the great crowd and the value Jehovah places on their integr

But that is just toasty. We are all going to heaven. Crap. I'm not going to play with my lions and snakes. What was just said made no sense. None. How can a great crowd, one in power not number go als

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Thank you, Nancy for this research.  This tells me that the Great Crowd, are in fact approved, sealed chosen anointed ones in Christ – the remnant, and Great not necessarily in number since  "no man can number", but in power. Zech 4:6  They complete the Holy City as the capstone of Zech 4:7.  I don’t think it could be anyone other than the priesthood, since Hebrews 8:5 brings out:

"They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: ‘See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.’ "

1 Pet 2:5; 2 Cor 5:1; Eph 2:21; Rev 7:9,10,13-17

Only anointed priests were to serve in God’s temple of the past.  Ezek 44:7

This would definitely mean that when Christ said I have other sheep that are not of this fold, he was extending the anointed priesthood to the physical Gentiles.  The wonderful thing I realize is with the fulfillment of this New Covenant, the Bride of Christ, life is brought to all faithful mankind.  Isa Chapter 65

Rom 8:19-22  “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.  For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.”



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But that is just toasty. We are all going to heaven. Crap. I'm not going to play with my lions and snakes. What was just said made no sense. None. How can a great crowd, one in power not number go also to heaven, when scripture states Jehovah does not speak just to be talking. His word does not return without results? What happened to his creating mankind to live on this planet, he just threw it away and wants us all to come to float on clouds in heaven with him? To be Angels, since we can't all be kings and priests, correct? 

Does not what was said sound like baloney? How was the same heavenly hope set out for the great crowd, err, "one of the earthly courtyards of his spiritual temple" that sounds like something from a church pulpit. Double talk that makes no sense. Has no scriptural basis, but it sounds good. But untrue. A lie for real. Yes, a falsehood, not the truth. The presentation was shiny but it lacked the sugar to captivate ones heart who is truly seeking the truth. For when you asked the deep questions across the spectrum, you find the holes covered by the plaster and it comes up lacking. Much like the political machinations being spewed across the television screen nowadays.

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Hi John Houston,

I am so sorry for the confusion. No, not everyone goes to heaven.  The Great Crowd, as Nancy’s post eludes to are the holy priesthood, which appears as the part of the “144,000”; yet they are unique in a trait they carry as coming out of the Great Tribulation and will rule as priests and kings with Christ. They are the spiritual Jews, circumcised on the heart, and from every tribe of the sons of Israel.  Rev 7:4; Rom 2:28,29

 The "temple" in Revelation symbolizes the anointed faithful, refined, sealed 144000 priests, among whom God and Christ dwells 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:21,22; Rev 7:15d

Where does that leave the rest of mankind?  The fulfilled promise of the New Covenant which is seen when the Bride and Christ are united and “comes down out of heaven” is when the rest of faithful mankind see its fruitage, giving life to its seed who are also children of God.  When a bride and husband become one, they then produce a seed.  It is this way with the New Covenant.  By the seed they produce, the promise given to Abraham is also fulfilled. 

God's promise for all faithful mankind indeed does not return without results.  Once the firstfruits are redeemed, then the remaining “rest of the woman’s seed” obtain everlasting life.  Anointed ones are a new creation, of both spiritual and physical, and as Christ appeared after his death to the disciples in bodily form; he will again appear and his priests will do the same, working for and serving,not only their Father, but mankind on the earth in the same way the early priesthood was obligated to do for all of God's people. When Jesus fed the large crowds of people with loaves and fishes, he directed his disciples to distribute it.  Mark 6:39-44  It will be the same In God's Kingdom on the earth, Christ as the high priest will direct his "bride" of priests to bring spiritual food and sustenance via him and God.

 Num 18:7; 2 Cor 5:17 Gen 28:12; John 1:51; Rev 21:1,2,10; Ezek 47:12; Rev 22:2; Zech 4:11-14 (two meaning truth)


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But I have a question? In all you said some of which is still crap to a degree, what faithful mankind are you talking about? If the 144000 are accounted for and the ones who come out of the great tribulation which are the faithful mankind, correct, where is this other group labeled faithful coming from, and I hope not from the dead. We have not got to them yet!

school me please I have been at this too long, I listen only to common sense. I'm waiting!

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Hi John,

Initially, the Great Tribulation is a time of testing and refining for God’s priesthood, the firstfruits.  Rev 7:3; 9:4 

“And the word of Jehovah again came to me, saying: “Son of man, the house of Israel has become like worthless dross to me. All of them are copper and tin and iron and lead in a furnace. They have become the dross of silver. “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘Because all of you have become like worthless dross, I am collecting you together inside Jerusalem. “  Ezek 22:17-19

The anointed priesthood must be proved blameless and pure; dedicated to their Master, Christ. Satan tests each one of them as to their heart condition.  Luke22:31; 1Pet.4:12,13.  Ezek 22:23-29 describes the circumstances where these anointed are being refined, a symbolic setting today yet with physical evidence as well.  They ARE Jerusalem, the Temple, as well as part of it.  Eph 2:20-22; 1 Cor 12:27; Rev 20:6;22:3

“These are those who did not defile themselves with women, (another covenant than that of the New Covenant) for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb.  No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.”  Rev 14:4,5

It is through that test, and how each chosen one responds to it, that the unsealed invited ones are either sealed as slaves of God, Christ, and their mother covenant, New Jerusalem Rev 14:1; 22:4; 3:12; Gal 4:26,24   Which is when that they are given their white robe Rev 3:5; 6:11; 7:9,13,14; 22:14; 19:8,14; 15:6...

Or, they are branded as slaves of other Masters Rev 17:5; Ezek 16:2,44,45; Isa 28:15

Choosing any Master other than Christ is choosing the covenant of death and her harlot daughters. Rev 17:5; Ezek 16:2,44,45; Isa 28:15, Ezek 16:44

Only after all of these anointed ones are sealed, does the Great Tribulation break out on the "trees, earth, and earth/land" Rev 9:4;7:3; 12:9,12; 20:8; Isa 56:8

The Great Tribulation is based on the acceptance of truth that becomes available over lies in the time of the end; truth exposed by those refined, sealed invited “priests”, which allows the rest of mankind to accept or decline. John 13:20; Matt 10:40,41; 25:40,46

How would the other faithful “come to life”?   It is through a spiritual awakening and the accepting of truth.  Rev 20:4-8; John 5:24; 6:47,58; 11:26

This battle is between messengers of death/lies, and the messengers of life/truth.  Mal 2:7-9 Due to exposure to both, the next phase of the tribulation (“to thresh”) of sifting, occurs for the "rest". In this "valley of decision", it is decided who receives life or destruction. Rev 20:5; 8:13; 11:14; 12:12; 11:5; 9:12,18,20,21

EVERY heart is tested as to our dedication strictly to God by the acceptance of truth or lies.  We cannot gain salvation by leaning on another or a group, but through each heart’s inclination. Luke 21:35; Rev 2:4; Jer 5:31; Ezek 13:19,22; Isa 28:15; 2 Thess 2:9-15; Rev 13:3; Ezek 13:4-12

This is how I see it, John. Keep asking me if  my explanation is not clear.  I hate to think it is still "crap to a degree".o.O

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I will keep asking not because I don't know but for that reason it sounds like crap. Those chosen will be removed from the earth to wage war of Armageddon, when does that occur in your time line? The tribulation is cut short, correct because of these ones? Jesus will not test them during this time. They are already being tested. They do not wonder about their hope, they are certain. All they have to is keep excercising faith, as Paul did until death or Jesus coming to call them to heaven. Their being tested occurs during their life not a certain period of time. Where does Revelation 14:4,5 come into this conversation? That really confused me. Since many were married and some are women I did understand the reason for that scripture being here. That is why I tactfully say your reasoning on scripture sounds like crap, it makes no sense. And if Jesus told the Pharisees they were hypocrites to there face, I am being nice! But I read what you wrote and all the scriptures. It made no sense with the truth of scripture, unless I am missing something. Why was that scripture used at Revelation? Maybe that will help me understand.

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At Luke 22:29, Jesus speaking personally to his 11 faithful apostles, " I make a covenant with you." Saying this was for the kingdom hope, of reigning on thrones to rule as kings and serve as priests in heaven where he was going, right? But these 11 were not the only ones who would gain such a hope. John at Revelation 3:21 spoke, " To the one who conquers I will grant to sit down with me on my throne." Was this for all mankind? Or the ones numbered in John's vision at chapter 14, where he saw the complete number of them as 144,000 with the name of the Lamb and Jehovah's name written on their foreheads? So this covenant, for a kingdom ruling position was to these ones only not to the class to be ruled. The anointed 144000 anointed Christians know who they are without any doubts.

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Hi John, I gotta hand it to you, even though what I write sounds like “crap”, you are kind enough to say, “maybe that will help me understand”.

Armageddon.  Well, on this forum is an interesting thread entitled “When did Jesus Secure Full Kingdom Power?”  The argument is made that Christ began ruling as King upon his ascension into heaven and gives much scriptural support to this that I will save space from repeating here.  Through this valid reasoning, we then realize Christ’s Thousand Year Kingdom has been in progress since then.  2 Pet 3:8,9 Christ’s rule from heaven is not one of peace but one of spiritual warfare from heavenly Zion. Ps.110:1-2Matt.10:34;Rev.6:42:1619:11,1417:142:26-2712:7Gen.3:152Cor.10:4-5Rom.13:12Eph.6:12 God’s faithful “kings” can rule now on the earth, by gaining their heavenly status through faith.  Rev 5:9,10; Heb 12:22  Anointed ones are considered as “stars of the heavens” that can remain shining through righteous acts, or become unrighteous and fall through deception.  Mark 13:25; Jude 1:11-13; Rev 1:16; Heb 11:12; Phil 2:15 

We know Christ's kingdom of a "thousand years" is not the same period as God's eternal Kingdom, which arrives when Christ's kingdom is finished, and his enemies are ultimately subdued through the work of "Zion", the entire 144,000, God and Christ.   Ps.110:1,2,32:2,3,9;Rev.2:26,27.(Jer 23:29) 

However long this takes, for I believe this time period is symbolic; at the end of this period, Satan is let loose from the abyss to mislead God’s anointed ones with lies and deception; it is the also time of the Great Tribulation.  The WT verifies that this is Satan’s short period of time.  In my timeline, I also believe this is happening now. What we don’t realize is that during Satan’s short period of time, he is like a lion let out of a cage and enraged at the chosen ones he targets to destroy.  Rev 12:17

 Armageddon can be perceived as though coming from Satan’s world; while during his literal acts of upheaval that he is building among us giving many great anxiety of what is to come, he also attacks the anointed ones ferociously with spiritual deception and is the true basis of Armageddon.  Eph 6:12; Rev 20:3

This deception in the end time is also the Great Tribulation, brought on by Satan’s release. The capstone of Zech 4:7-10 successfully endures and is victorious over Satan’s deceitful plan to capture each anointed one with truth, then tests them with lies attached.  Rev 13:10 (Isa 49:10) This is why the days are “cut short” – Satan’s short period of time/the Great Tribulation/Armageddon, as “no flesh would be saved”.  But for those who put aside all transgressions against God, who “buy” the refined gold in Christ and represent him only in spirit and in truth, they are released from their spiritual captivity and become those of Rev 14:4,5 – not defiled with any other “woman” covenant but follow Christ thoroughly with words pure and blameless, and with no deceit.  Rev 18:4-8; 3:18

Gal 4:21-26  - "Tell me, YOU who want to be under law, Do YOU not hear the Law?  For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl and one by the free woman; but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by the free woman through a promise. These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.  Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children.  But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother." "Now we, brothers, are children belonging to the promise the same as Isaac was. But just as then the one born in the manner of flesh began persecuting the one born in the manner of spirit, so also now.  Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? “Drive out the servant girl and her son, for by no means shall the son of the servant girl be an heir with the son of the free woman.” Wherefore, brothers, we are children, not of a servant girl, but of the free woman. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother."

The New Covenant made with the "Israel of God" is symbolized by Sarah Gal.6:15,16; 1 Pet 3:6
coming from Mt. Zion in heaven Rev 14:1, which is also “New Jerusalem” and the “afar off” City of promise  Heb 11:10,13,16  The “free woman” whose “children are belonging to the promise” are free from sin, the written law, and belonging to heaven.  Heb 12:23. 

There is another “woman” covenant (promise), one of death that those in Christ can be defiled by and which Rev 14:4,5 correlates with:

Isa 28:14-16 - Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers
    who rule this people in Jerusalem.
15 You boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death,
    with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement.
When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
    it cannot touch us,
for we have made a lie our refuge
    and falsehood our hiding place.”

16 So this is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone,
    a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;
the one who relies on it
    will never be stricken with panic.

 I will make justice the measuring line
    and righteousness the plumb line;
hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie,
    and water will overflow your hiding place.
18 Your covenant with death will be annulled;
    your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand.
When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
    you will be beaten down by it.
19 As often as it comes it will carry you away;
    morning after morning, by day and by night,
    it will sweep through.”

During the time of the end, Satan has created his counterfeit covenant against Christ with the Harlot of Revelation; who is also the False Prophet steeped in deception and lies.  Prov 2:16,19

The Great Crowd are those chosen ones who are part, the final remnant, of the 144,000 and who come out of this end time tribulation; and in repentance, purging themselves from such lies that all of God’s priests are subjected to. Rev.13:11,15,711:2;Dan.8:10-12,24,2511:31,36,372Thess.2:4Dan.12:7  These particular ones are the capstone of Zechariah 4:10 and complete the Bride of Christ by the fulfillment of the New Covenant, who are the virgins within that "woman" Covenant or Mother Psalm45:142Cor.11:2 They are sealed into the Temple Priesthood, the Holy City, joining their brothers and sisters of the 144,000.  The promise or covenant toward them, is then fulfilled.

By this completion of “Jerusalem Above” that “comes down OUT of Heaven", to the earth,
it brings with it a new "woman"/covenant or promise.....The materialization, of the collective Bride of Christ. She is no longer a promise in heaven, but a reality on earth. That Kingdom Covenant Bride will "come down out of heaven", Rev.21:2;Rev.12:1 then on the earth. Rev.12:6,14 
It's members in Christ bring the restoration and healing to all of Creation Rev.22:3,2,17 and give the “rest” of mankind who are also repentant….life.

The Great Tribulation, Satan’s short period of time and Armageddon all describe the same time period.  Armageddon is situated in the low plain of decision; a testing of each one’s heart of all of Christ’s chosen ones, his Kings, as well as all who recognize these faithful ones.  Joel 3:14; Matt 25:40 Can you see how these events would all be the same?  Satan is enraged, fighting in the spirit realm against truth and using his own “kings” who have succumbed to his lies to fight his battle against Christ.  Gen 3:15.  This struggle between the offering of lies and truth “tribulates” the soul and heart of those under the captivity of lies, causing great division.  Each side builds their own “army”, Christ’s faithful ones against those who choose Satan’s lies. Joel3:14Isa.43:8,9Dan.7:22Matt.25:9,101Cor.11:18,19Mal.3:18Matt.7:20

“nd I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the KINGS of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” Rev 16:13

Boy, so sorry this is so long.  And yes, the anointed 144,000 know who they are; but in order to be sealed in Christ, they must meet God’s high standards of purity and purge themselves of Satan’s lies, accepting this discipline from Christ himself.  1Tim.1:19,201Cor.5:5Prov.23:14Rev.19:15


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