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If you think this is easy for me to do..You are a NUT PATTY..
Here it is..
I found out the Watchtower/JW.org/Faithful Slave Class is 100% agreeable with me being severely SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by a ministerial servant when I was 5-8 years old..

Because JW.ORG/Watchtower IGNORED my sex abuse my Ministerial servant abuser went on too make appearances in my life INCLUDING MY DAUGHTERS BIRTH.

I spoke to my mother and she told me I started my back in forth with the Watchtower in 2009-2010 (on my Sexual assault by a ministerial servant associated and baptized by the JW/Watchtower Society)

This is also when my therapy and hospitalized started..As the flashbacks came HEAVY.

She wanted me to ask is the Statue of limitations at the time of Discovery? Or age 18 when I personally hadn't piece together EXACTLY what happened and who sexually molested me until 2009-2010.

Just so happen the Watchtower/JW at Bethel New York was FULLY aware that I was in my final 12-20 months to file lawsuit(cause of Statue of limitations) and I being a studying member did not want to lose my life by not obeying the Elders and working with the Watchtower/JW held on to their word by phone calls to Bethel that The Watchtower/Bethel would IN FACT help me financially pay for my ER inpatient medical stays,medication,Therapy,Pain and HORRID SUFFERING.

I am currently in major breakdown because I have none of these things to help me through this medical/mental trauma.

I only know NOW the JW/Watchtower CAN'T be representing my loving caring heavenly father in Heaven.I had faith! JW/Watchtower wanted to fix what went wrong and my medical need I was REALLY lead in this direction by the Jw.org Bethel Elders..Elders even visited me at home.

This was a planned trap by a very wealthy organization that hires 
NON- baptized JW/Watchtower lawyers to do their dirtiest of work.-ASK THEM.

I was raised in the congregation and went out in field service,attended 2× a week,assemblies,on the schools for my 35 years I was in the Kingdom Hall weekly for 32 years.

Please before you turn in-human on me..By not understanding,by feeling it could NEVER happen to your child or a child you just ADORE in the KH that everyone rushes to hold..LOL..If you saw that mother crying one day and they told you the Brother that holds the mic most Sundays by the audio..Repeatedly TOUCHED her child's vagina during a gathering till it was red and irritated..


WHAT would you Do? Or expect if a Jehovah Witness use his hand to penetrate your daughter or granddaughter or Son?

And what would you want done? If this child and or adult are waking you up crying,having panic attacks behind the wheel and become recluse in their home?Leaving every 5 days less if possible?

What! Jehovah Witnesses on here and visiting..WHAT would you Do?

Well I'm Shayla Lowry, call Bethel..IM in their system by name..I give ANYONE PERMISSION TO MY RECORDS/Reporting directly 

YAH will see this through and will provide my legal representation and with YAH blessing I will get everything I need for my Care and Suffering..My father the Most High hears and see what Watchtower did! I do not know how my heavenly father is going bruise the POWERFUL Watchtower in the Head but Yah is able.

Love you brother&sister's may Yah our Heavenly father have mercy on your souls for what you have doors open to SEE but YOU refuse to research and take a closer look.I was once that someone**



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Thank you for sharing.  I am sure there is more to your experience than what you have told us. My heart aches for you and my anger boils for those who have done these things.  I will research mor

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Thank you for sharing.  I am sure there is more to your experience than what you have told us. My heart aches for you and my anger boils for those who have done these things. 

I will research more about you. I feel that is why you wrote and how you wrote. It is a disgrace when children, or anyone, is violated and people turn a blind eye. I feel those who know but do nothing are just as guilty as those who did the act.

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Hello Shayla,

I am deeply touched by your post, and I am so sorry for what you have suffered. A loving God would not represent an organization that has historically hidden such atrocities, all to keep its polished look gleaming. Luke 11:39

I am encouraged that you still keep your faith in the Father who sees all and hears all.  We can be assured that although the organization teaches it is God’s representative, he himself says,

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.” ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isa 55:8,9

Concerning those whom he loves and who are under such oppression as you were, God says,

“Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark;
they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own waythey seek their own gain.  Isa 56:10,11

We do pray that all will listen to God’s Son and open the door he presents in front of us.  Behind that door is a nourishing spiritual feast that he has prepared for us.

‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Matt 7:7,8

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”  Rev 3:20

I pray you continue in your  faith in God, leaning on his Son to help you through what lies in front of you.

Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention.




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