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I found this very nourishing and worth reflecting on. So I want share with you ;-)

Queen Esther

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I found  this  very  nourishing  and  worth  reflecting  on.  So  I  want  share  with  you  ;-) A Professor was teaching about Proverbs 15:1. He asked his students, 'why do we shout in anger? Wh

Very good lesson.thank you!

Exactly,  Sister Martha...  its really not difficult,  but helping each other and we rejoice Jehovah's heart❤️  

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Thank you for walking us through a moment in everyone's life. It's always the best way, Jehovah's way, to walk in His path with His steps guiding us. I know we follow Jesus and walk in his footsteps, but Jesus is walking in Jehovah's footsteps. How priveldged are we. ???

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