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And now for the ultimate mia culpa:  I am - gasp! - @The Librarian!!!!

I got tossed out of Bethel decades ago for trying to sneak a red-hot bikini photograph, clad only in horn-rimmed glasses, of myself in the Watchtower centerfold. It almost made it out the door, but then some narrow-minded brothers spotted it.

I'll bet it still hangs upon their dorm walls - the sickos!!

I could have been famous - FAMOUS, I tell you. But now I send photos of myself to apostate rags and even they return it unopened!!

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So true. It's hard to imagine what kind of "spirituality" can live alongside certain kinds of sin and certain kinds of personalities. Most people go into the various Bethel branches, at about age

Unfortunately, that wasn't just true back in the '80's. I have seen the same thing and so have others - and it's not just true of NY Bethel. The trick for those of us who have lived through and seen t

It is one thing to speak frankly and honestly (rather than live in "pretend world") while also contributing to the spiritual welfare of our brothers and sisters. Some of our brothers and sisters in fa

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I got tossed out of Bethel decades ago for trying to sneak a red-hot bikini photograph, clad only in horn-rimmed glasses, of myself in the Watchtower centerfold. It almost made it out the door, but then some narrow-minded brothers spotted it.

In February of 1974 it was reported that Phyllis Diller had been a Centerfold in the Watchtower magazine, and she commented, if memory serves. "That was the only Centerfold I could make!"

It disturbed me so much that even today I have five naked five females and two naked males running around my home, and lying about in repose on cushions about the house ... if you don't count their collars and rabies tags.

The paws that refresh!

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Guest J.R. Ewing

If I am, then “Pete” I must be JWinsider, Anna, James Thomas Rook, b4uchear, and anything else you want to call yourself, Ha! Ha!

But, please, no bikini shots, my eyes couldn't stand for it!!!!!

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I find it so sad that a young sister took her own life (if it's true).  At 24 yo her life was just starting.  I can't help but think of a time when I worked for State government at the Capitol (actually the building behind it).  A woman was so distraught about trying to get some legislation passed (it had something to do with a victim being warned when the perpetrator was released from prison).  Her attempt to find some justice resulted in her going to the top floor in the Capitol bldg and jumping.  She had to splatter herself in the rotunda to get attention to her plight.  I wonder if this young sister felt the same way.  Coupled with the shunning,  life must have seemed overwhelming. I left the Mormon church because I didn't like the organizational style (really their teachings, doctrines drove me out first)  which is so similar to the Watchtowers,  the only difference is that I know the Truth from the Bible which anchors me and gives me hope that Jesus will clean house if there is "something stinking in Denmark".   John Bradshaw (author) stated,  "you're as sick as your secrets".  I believe that.   If DF'g is used to protect secrets and not the congregation,   many will stumble and some will become active haters.   Df'g seems to be our Achilles Heel.   BBC just ran a story the other day about 2 DF'd JWs.  It was outrageously untrue (i.e.: we DF for not attending the Memorial,  leaving an abusive mate, etc) and I noticed it's now posted to Youtube.   Could something designed to protect us be the very thing that persecutes us?

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I'm certainly hoping now that it is, considering the current mood on this thread.

If the tone has turned comedic, it is because this is at root a farce with a decidedly tragic outcome.

@Jay Witness's friends try to recruit Tom Cruise on their mission to take out the Watchtower. Tom Cruise turns them down, not because the mission is impossible, but because it is ridiculous. He knows they are mostly hacks trying to settle old scores and work off grudges - who should have moved on in life ages ago. So they recruit a young woman, who they knew or should have known, had some instability to her personality, and they manage to secure her cooperation. 'Don't worry. If you or any of your friends are caught or killed,' they tell her, 'if that happens, we will issue a SPECIAL REPORT!' Did they try to set up their poster at her funeral?

So she rifles through the confidential files and is caught. Jay appears flabbergasted that headquarters is not cool with this. They 'interrogate her' for two days - it's all he can do to refrain from saying they waterboarded her. The 'interrogation' was so grueling that she reported for a second day. On the second day, it was discovered that her pilfering was not for some innocuous cause or due to some misunderstanding, but to spirit whatever she found to Jay's friends who have dedicated their lives to working against kingdom interests. Bethel showed her the door. 

"It was reported that when she arrived home, her Jehovah's Witness family and friends treated her terribly," Jay's SPECIAL REPORT tells us, as though they should have been cool with it or even commended her. "Treated her terribly' is a bit vague, isn't it? Look, they probably were not happy with her, but the point is, Jay can't even be bothered to check on that, so eager is he to besmirch his enemies. "It is reported" they "treated her terribly" is enough.

If Jay's friends must assign blame for the young woman's death - beyond the young woman herself - surely it is they themselves they should point to. Recruiting someone once a fine servant of Jehovah, perhaps someone dismayed upon finding all was not Santa and the elves - that they were real people there at Bethel, instead - and using her for their own ends. I'm tired of their hate. And now it has cost the life of a young woman.

Many of these ones have turned to atheism, so they are beyond all question "fighters against God." Some higher up here once told me I should use honey talking to these people, not vinegar. I am not able to do it. "Can't we all get along?" he apparently felt. No. We can't.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Some higher up here once told me I should use honey talking to these people, not vinegar. I am not able to do it. "Can't we all get along?" he apparently felt. No. We can't.

Remember what happened when Jack Nicholson as the President of the United States, in the movie "Mars Attacks" entreated the Martians "Why can't we all just ....... get along?"

ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ....


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On 7/30/2017 at 9:20 AM, J.R. Ewing said:

Even This “Virginian” has generated many sub accounts. (A)   Jay Witness (B)   James Thomas Rook (C)   Shiwii (D)  JWinsider (E)   Witness (F)    Etc.


The reason it is not important to know specific identities is that they are but actors in a play (and one of them does not belong on the list at all, IMO). Take one of them out and they are immediately replaced by another.

It is the play we are watching. You don't have to know the names of the actors to follow the play. It can even be a distraction if you do. The roles were laid out long ago in the Book and various actors audition for those roles. It doesn't matter specifically their names.

As much as I like to kick these guys in the teeth (verbally) whenever they rear their filthy heads on a site that purports to be a gathering spot for Witnesses - because if Scripture means anything, it is that fighters against God will not fare well at play's end - that does not mean that I know who is who. I am like a doctor who can only address the symptoms. Even when you take the one off the list who I think should be off, the remaining four are not the same.

What anyone must be alert to is Hebrews 6:4-6: "For as regards those who were once enlightened and who have tasted the heavenly free gift and who have become partakers of holy spirit and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, but have fallen away, it is impossible to revive them again to repentance, because they nail the Son of God to the stake again for themselves and expose him to public shame."

I don't presume that I can tell who this verse fits and who it doesn't - especially online.  Is a given opposer in this category or has he merely been influenced by someone in this category? Impossible to tell. All I can do is address symptoms. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be addressed.

Some of them say that they were once hurt. Who am I to try to deny or minimize that? I don't. All I can note is that Revelation 2 and 3 makes clear that congregations of the first century experienced blemishes at least as bad as is claimed by some happens today, yet continued to be congregations. It is Paul saying that in any house there are vessels for uses both honorable and dishonorable. There comes a time when one must suck it up and move on - either stay or leave, but move on.

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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

 This is a test, it is ONLY a test ... had this been a real Nuclear attack, you should have bent over and kissed your butts goodbye!


In the context of your excellent essay above, can you please give some specific examples of EXACTLY  how a person would " ... nail the Son of God to the stake again for themselves and expose him to public shame." 

The only example I can think of is in Catholic Hospitals where they have an emaciated statue of "Jesus" nailed to a cross you have to look at from your hospital bed. I spent a lot of time in Catholic Hospitals in my youth, and the only comfort I got is that the emaciated "Jesus" on the wall looked sicker than I was.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What anyone must be alert to is Hebrews 6:4-6: "For as regards those who were once enlightened and who have tasted the heavenly free gift and who have become partakers of holy spirit and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, but have fallen away, it is impossible to revive them again to repentance, because they nail the Son of God to the stake again for themselves and expose him to public shame."

What does that really mean ... with some REAL LIFE CONTEMPORARY EXAMPLES of EXACTLY how it is stated?

For those in Rio Linda, that means it is DIRECTLY related to the thread of the discussion, and not just a "grabbed-out-of-the-air" scripture used as a bludgeoning tool.



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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If the tone has turned comedic, it is because this is at root a farce with a decidedly tragic outcome

I find that once we have covered all there is to cover about a certain subject some of us (me included) resort to silliness as a way of concluding and signalling that anything else added will probably just be blah blah. But on that note, and contrary to what I have just said (lol) I would like to add a couple of things which no one explicitly mentioned although it was alluded to by True Tom, and that is the amateur awfulness of the actual website that this information came from. I have seen many an apostate website, but this must be one of the craziest.

I watched one of the videos on there; a demonstration outside a KH on memorial night, and one of the demonstrators holding up a banner with Jesus’ words at John 6:52 ““Most truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves” was  being interviewed and asked why this was her favourite scripture. With a passionate voice, barely choking back the tears, she replied “because Jehovah’s Witnesses are meeting all over the world...and there’s very, very few people who will be partaking.... because they have been told not to. They are kept out of heaven! I want them to see that it’s ok, that Jesus said we should do it. Please do it”. Is that one of the “truths” that is being revealed*? Oh please! (Of course there were other banners including "child abuse" but all the comments were just as uninformed).

Of course people are entitled to their opinion. But that website is the most awful, uninformed and boring thing I’ve ever seen.  Not worth looking or listening to as there is very little that’s even relevant. It’s just filled with opinionated nonsense, and for someone to take their life over it, THAT is the real tragedy! :(

To top it all, the caption on their front page says:

“Our mission is to expose the real truth* behind the destructive cult known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. Active Witnesses are discovering the real "truth" and are now realizing that there is life after The Watchtower”.

What does that even mean? (rhetorical question that doesn’t need answering) But isn't that ironic? For that young woman there was evidently no life after the Watchtower......

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