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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Just this week they busted a crime ring (Russia and Italy) where videos were made with children being ill-treated so bad and then "snuffed".   And there is a big underworld business for this!  So don't talk of 'mental illness' amongst witnesses because most of them would not stoop to this level of debasement.  One needs to be seriously mentally ill to be curious to  snuff out children and watch sadistic videos with children - I do not see any studies on this!

There are people that are as sane as anybody ... but completely EVIL ...sometimes whole nations of people. Much pure EVIL is done for reasons that are rational (to the perpetrator).  It just seems to be insane ... to those who are not evil.


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Thanks for your 'sane' perspective -  very true, just like satan they are pure evil - but it is going against the nature of God and the way we were created...... there must be serious mental affects after their decisions...to be serial murderers like satan.

In England and some European states the sex crime rings are getting away with serious crimes against children. The governments are following the 'pressure' of the UN and EU and are using their limited police resources to "police" the internet.  Not to catch sex crime rings on the dark net but to monitor the general public who visit far right web sites or extremist web sites and those who say anything about a certain faith which 'believes it to be their duty' to bomb people into submission.  Quite a large number of people have already been taken into custody and face charges for posting stupid stuff on Facebook.

This is the level of injustice going on in the world - and the truly wicked are getting a free pass. And then people quote totally bias 'old studies' which were done by suspiciously bias people  for the sole purpose to show that Witnesses have serious mental issues - really?

Woke up this morning and thought about that "sea of humankind" in Isaiah 57... "20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt."

I work in a massive field which is really like a volatile, stormy sea.... one has to really keep on going and just sound the warning without hoping for much success. Every one needs to be warned.  Yesterday's bombing of 305 people dead in Egypt  -  305 families lost their father and livelihood! and many more injured...  To me these incidents are extremely heart breaking because of the social construct those wives and children face extreme hardship!

It is Muslim killing Muslim ......and yet when you mention something like this there is just excuses, excuses...   The mental condition of the entire world is seriously ill!!   There is no more logic thinking or common sense in any sphere of life..... and the worst is still to come...

When the next generation in the West starts to vomit up more 'mire" from the sea of insane "post-modern" philosophy, which is now responsible for so much problems at the universities and many militant clashes, then we will see the next phase of the world condition of human insanity.......we ain't seen nothing yet.


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Nana thanks for your kind input. I actually wanted the squabbling people on this forum to think on the questions and keep occupied with positive stuff.......

Here is my take on it:

The moment Jehovah decided to restore the earth he determined that a future government will do the job during a 1000 year rule.  However, the legal issues raised, had to be dealt with first.

Jesus came to prove that Adam was really created perfect and was fully capable to make the right choices. Jesus was the exact equivalent of Adam but under much more pressure proved faithful until death (he lived a singularly dedicated life with no thought of following any of his own aspirations) and therefore was worthy to be the future ruler. He, as a perfect man,  proved that Adam could have stayed faithful and with his life paid the legal equivalent of what Adam lost. His life provided the legal guarantee that the restoration of the earth is a reality.  On the basis of His life, future life could be given back to those who died under the penalty of sin. (you know all this - but I am getting to another point)

Jesus not only suffered as a human but would understand how humans feel.  Having lived in heaven before and on earth as a human - he answered the questions raised in the entire universe.  He answered the questions raised by Satan (heavenly creature who proved unfaithful) and that of Adam (earthly creature who proved unfaithful).   He was made lower than all the other angels (whom he helped create) and remained faithful until death.  He suffered in his lowly state and learnt more obedience under these circumstances - enhancing his perfection.

It is interesting that it was in Jehovah's plan for there to be 144000 rulers with Jesus. Jehovah, in his foresight, covers any possible logical question that may be raised in future. Early on, in revealing his purpose, he promised Israel that the 144000 would come from their ranks. But when the full number did not come from israel in the time of Jesus - the invitation also went out to the other nations on the basis of Jesus' ransom sacrifice.

So what if the question was raised that Jesus could not understand how imperfect people feel who were subject to sinful inclinations from birth?   We will have 144000 of those kind who will also have proven faithful under extreme pressure due to their own human imperfection on earth. 

Of course - we will only understand fully how the new government will work when it has arrived. Just like human parliaments today - we will have a body of people who represent us - not democratically - but people whom Jehovah has sealed an approved after a life of loyal service and of course great mercy from Jehovah.  These people understand the great mercy of Jehovah because they themselves feel absolutely unworthy of the task but have learnt to trust in Jehovah to do his will. They are personally so attached to the person of Jehovah that nothing else matters. (And most of them have suffered in some way..... unbeknownst to us. Many do not dwell on this but pummel themselves to get on with serving Jehovah. They do not wallow in self-pity or self-preservation.)

We will fully understand all the things needed to be done on earth to restore it only when we live under that future government. So maybe 144000 sounds like a lot - but they will be needed - for sure! Jehovah is purposeful in all his decisions!  It will also be a large job to restore the humans to the condition that Jehovah originally planned. How Jehovah will organize the heavenly and earthly part of his organization we will have to wait and see and also wait for those new scrolls to be opened with new instructions.

What is interesting is that all of us will go through the final test at the end of the 1000 years and face the same test as perfect people - just like Adam did. Jehovah is perfectly balanced in his justice and the test at the end of the 1000 year reign proves that his justice is equal for all!  Those who receive a resurrection will all benefit equally from the ranson sacrifice as it will then be fully applied to bring everything to perfection. Jehovah also logically covers every legal aspect which we have not even thought about!

Indications in scripture are that some will fail at the end of the 1000 years (undetermined number - because Jehovah does not predetermine sin and then punish sin - it would be unjust).  These perfect people who deliberately choose to return to the imperfect state will immediately be removed because all legal questions will have been answered; and legal precedents are already in place (proof that humans or angels - independent from Jehovah's moral standards - cannot create a successful/just/loving society).  These precedents are in place for any future rebellion and will provide the legal basis to remove them immediately!

Frankly - after living in this crazy world - and then in a beautiful paradise - it would be suicide to choose independence from Jehovah's moral standards..... but satan and his demons (perfect angels) chose this and many sane humans. We all know how it feels when a rebellious child turns against the parents and lives a downward spiraling life - this is what they did to Jehovah!  

Jehovah's moral standards are the only standards which can make any society function perfectly without laws and rules.  We all will be free without anyone telling us what to do.  We all will obey Jehovah from free choice and we will be responsible for the self-control of our own desires (which can lead to imperfection if not controlled) and every decision which may impact another person or animal in a moral way.  



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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Frankly - after living in this crazy world - and then in a beautiful paradise - it would be suicide to choose independence from Jehovah's moral standards..... but satan and his demons (perfect angels) chose this and many sane humans.

Charlie Manson's greatest (maybe only) contribution comes as a sage remark toward the end of his life: "You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy."

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So no jehovahs witness here is willing to provide a study that says apostates are 3 times more likely to have a mental illness, or along those lines. Again jw's support this claim, but are too cowardly to back it up with facts, just a video from a professor that even himself admits, all the data he has is old, unreliable, biased and not trustworthy. 

Thank you jw's for showing even further your true colors.

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2 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

So no jehovahs witness here is willing to provide a study that says apostates are 3 times more likely to have a mental illness,

Once again I will handle your desire to malign by suggesting that even if it were true, it is exactly what one would expect when Jesus says he came to seek, not those who do not need a physician, but those that do. The groups to worry aboutmare those who have low rates of mental illness among them - for there are a lot of mentally ill people around. It must be that they feel excluded - driven away by condescension, lack of love, or inhospitality. 

Those who can operate smoothly among this world’s calamities – who can absorb all the atrocities that have become routine and who can accommodate themselves to it without fuss - those are the people to worry about. W

hen our people go off the rails, they nonetheless wouldn’t hurt a fly. If persons of the greater world go off the rails - better call the SWAT team and secure a new identity from the authorities!

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

mental illness

quote on Croatian; "...Mentalni poremećaji nalaze se među vodećim svjetskim javno zdravstvenim problemima. Procjenjuje se da svaki četvrti čovjek ima poteškoća s mentalnim zdravljem u čemu prednjače oboljeli od depresije.
Prema procjenama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, depresija će do 2020. godine postati drugi svjetski zdravstveni problem,..."

translation; "...Mental disorders are among the world's leading public health problems. It is estimated that every fourth man has a mental health problem with the head of depression.
According to World Health Organization estimates, depression will become the second world health problem by 2020,..."

source: http://www.kbc-zagreb.hr/novosti/svjetski-dan-mentalnog-zdravlja/

Now let someone who have good mathematical and statistical skills count how many JW members have mental issues:)))   

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13 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Now let someone who have good mathematical and statistical skills count how many JW members have mental issues:

'There are seven. Just seven. And the GB members never used to until they started hanging out here too much. They had to face the incessant barrage of persons demanding equal (or greater) say, though such ones manifested little interest in doing comparable work. I fear they have or will suffer the same fate as Paul, who went "mad" dealing with these small persons with giant ambitions:

Are they ministers of Christ? I reply like a madman, I am more outstandingly one: I have done more work,been imprisoned more often, suffered countless beatings, and experienced many near-deaths.Five times I received 40 strokes less one from the Jews, three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned,  three times I experienced shipwreck, a night and a day I have spent in the open sea;  in journeys often, in dangers from rivers, in dangers from robbers, in dangers from my own people, in dangers from the nations, in dangers in the city, in dangers in the wilderness, in dangers at sea, in dangers among false brothers, in labor and toil, in sleepless nights often, in hunger and thirst, frequently without food, in cold and lacking clothing.  Besides those things of an external kind, there is what rushes in on me from day to day: the anxiety for all the congregations.Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is stumbled, and I am not incensed? (2 Corinthians 11:23-29)

What are the qualifications of these superfine apostles? They have not done the work, but the have followed the admonition of @Israeli Bar Avaddhon to 'study their Bibles' more.

There is no nice way to put it. Paul went nuts dealing with these idiots and I fear for the GB, too. Paul had to join @The Librarian for a stiff drink after his tirade had ended, pouring himself another each time the old biddy looked away to take another bite of her taco.

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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There is no nice way to put it. Paul went nuts dealing with these idiots and I fear for the GB, too.

"You are Legend", as Gone Fishing recently told me the same attribute :))).

I hope that you are an elder in some congregation and that your way of giving public talk is in the same manner as on this web site :))


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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

questo dimostra che non è personale con lui, come cerco di non farlo con me. Mi piace.

And what would be my ambition? Become an "apostle"? Become a member of GB? Do some disciples and create another religion?
I can also say that you are a modern "scribe" or "a Pharisee."
I can say that you are convinced of the truth and that you are convinced of having signed a covenant with death - Isaiah 28:14, 15

I can quote Revelation 3:17 and say that you are "miserable and unhappy and poor and blind and naked".
But I do not quote the Scriptures to injure a person.
Only one person is the judge of all (mine and yours): Jehovah.
The Bible is too sacred to be used as a muddy stone.
My arguments are motivated by the hope that people like you (who are convinced that they have understood everything and do not need anything) can wake up and really begin to understand what the Bible teaches.

The Bible teaches that we must warn everyone who is walking as drunk.
People are not warned because you believe they are "superior".
Do you preach because you think you are superior?
Or do you realize that it is for Jehovah's undeserved kindness that you have understood some things?

In the same way, my Bible knowledge forces me to warn my brothers before the judgment of Jehovah comes and unfortunately, instead of considering the arguments, I meet people like you.

People like you who judge, questioning the motives (you read the heart just like Jesus, is not it?) That force the scriptures to try to hurt you.
But I was prepared for this.
Soon there will be a division between Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower witnesses.
Soon there will create a distinction between those who love Bible over everything and those who love position, titles and awards.

These statements are not "offended" but warnings for someone to wake up, are questioned.

Since you are not able to enter the merits of the arguments but merely quoted scriptures, then you observe the events.
Observe how the people of God will be abolished all over the world.
See how the "guide" will lose and happen by Jehovah's will.
If all this will not happen, then forget these conversations and forget about me - Deuteronomy 18: 20-22

If these things happen, however, remember these conversations and help your brothers understand the will of God.
I wish you the best - Proverbs 2: 1-5; Isaiah 28: 20-22

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