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Jack Ryan

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3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I can also say that you are a modern "scribe" or "a Pharisee."


3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I can quote Revelation 3:17 and say that you are "miserable and unhappy and poor and blind and naked".


3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

My arguments are motivated by the hope that people like you (who are convinced that they have understood everything and do not need anything) can wake up and really begin to understand what the Bible teaches.

I'm on it.

3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Do you preach because you think you are superior?


3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Or do you realize that it is for Jehovah's undeserved kindness that you have understood some things?

That's it.

3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

In the same way, my Bible knowledge forces me to warn my brothers before the judgment of Jehovah comes and unfortunately, instead of considering the arguments, I meet people like you.



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On 11/21/2017 at 10:55 AM, JW Insider said:

If Bergen claims that such health issues are only 10% to 16% higher in JWs than the general population, I would not think this is so surprising in the time period that he tried to measure.

I just decided to listen to Rolf Furuli's video regarding the study, noticing that @Nana Fofana has provided a YouTube link. My comment on the 10 to 16% was based on the link that JTR gave, where I read the following in the abstract summary of the article written by Rolf Furuli:

  • Jerry Bergman has published one book and several articles on the mental health of JW. . . . . his claim that Witnesses have  between 10 and 16% higher rate of mental illness than the non-Witness population, and that 10% of the congregation members are in need of professional help, has no basis whatsoever.

However, when I listen to the video, I see that Rolf Furuli makes a different claim. In the video Furuli says that Bergman has claimed that the rate of mental illness among JWs is 10 to 16 times higher than the non-Witness population.

If Furuli is correct about Bergman's claim as summarized in his article, then I would agree with Bergman as I stated before. However, if Furuli is correct about Bergman's claim as presented in the video, then I would not agree with Bergman. For example, if 20 out of a 1000 persons in a random collection of adults might have mental illness, Bergman would be claiming that 23 random JWs would have mental illness, if 16% higher. But, if 16 times higher, then this would mean that JWs could expect to see 320 persons with mental illness out a thousand. (I know I started with a high base number of 2%, but this was to more easily illustrate the problem with the claim.)

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Remember, it was only 14% of the American colonists that created the United States of America .... the great majority of the colonists wanted to work within the British "System" for a redress of grievances, although the British Crown ruled with a heavy hand, absolute control, and served only its OWN interests. The colonists were only sheep to be sheared and eaten.

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20 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

So no jehovahs witness here is willing to provide a study that says apostates are 3 times more likely to have a mental illness, or along those lines. Again jw's support this claim, but are too cowardly to back it up

Frankly - it is not about pleasing your weird wishes - we also do not accept your challenges, even if you call us cowards. People who have left us - we do not worry about them.  If their heart is right they will find their way back.

It is the ones who think they know it all and have found bliss in the great big world out there but yet, they cannot help themselves to come to websites where they know they will find Witnesses - and then obsessively troll them. 

There is something OCD about those who have left Jehovah on bad terms...... they obsessively come back with dubious intentions. I have seen this over and over again. Many of them seem to suffer from this OCD phenomena.  This alone should tell you - there is some kind of problem. Stalking (even on internet) is a problem. So, I do not need no study to tell me that some do have  emotional problems. 

Seriously - if their lives were happy and they have found wonderful new goals - they will leave the past behind and get on with their lives and look to the future.  But they cannot.  They cannot get on with their lives  because they cannot let go. If I were a psychologist I would say they need help to leave - totally.

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11 hours ago, The Librarian said:

You just love to egg 'em on don't you? >:(

Well - there is some polarizing stuff here and I do find things that seem to me repugnant. I admit an inability to always show politeness and respect. Still, I think there are far worse examples than what I've posted.

I'll put myself in the penalty box for a while.

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17 hours ago, The Librarian said:

@Matthew9969 Please be respectful. Don't be rude. State what you want minus the emotion and condemnation. 

We will begin to enforce these rules going forward.

The last sentence in your last comment is uncalled for and condemnatory. You could have stopped at the end of the first paragraph.

Not sure what you found so offensive. So on this note, could you as a moderator please tell jw's here to back up erroneous claims especially when they are the ones saying something condemning ex jw's. thank you

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7 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

I want anything but that.  Maybe you should read more carefully and make sure cat have not got your brain.

Since ex/anti Jws  and other opposers are not Jehovah's witnesses, they are at least three times more likely to suffer from mental health problems as are Jehovah's witnesses, studies have shown. :o

Then why did you say this without proof, that's not a very nice thing to say.


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