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Debunked Rumor: Jackie Chan is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Jack Ryan

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Jackie Chan visiting Bethel of the Jehovah's WItnesses

If it's true, that's wonderful, but...... this photo looks photoshopped to me.... just sayin'.....

This was done by a false brother. Here's another one they did with another false site instead of the true one. And another one.

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oh no this Jackie Chan JW thing is a complete lie that was created by some a pos tates. It was being edited just to make it seems true. If I will text it in one word it will come out brother instead of "apo states". This is one of Satan's snare.

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On 7/1/2016 at 6:28 AM, Aaron Mathewson said:

This was done by a false brother. Here's another one they did with another false site instead of the true one. And another one.



Good for you Aaron. Any idea who the false brother , or his location is?

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A similar photoshoped picture I saw with Barack Obama, our little yellow book in his hand...  After short time, I saw the same photoshoped pic 4 times in smaller, but now he had 4 different things in his hand. Never believe all what you see on pics ! I already saw so many different photo -fakes in internet, thats very sad, but it does give alot good programs for that. We're living in a bad, sick world...  every day new horror and mean lies around the globe. The Bible is warning us !

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  • 2 months later...
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This is another case of being sure about the veracity of sources of reports and what they claim. So many want to believe what sounds or seems nice. Thanks to the clear Bible warnings from Jehovah God and the faithful and discreet slave. For example: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) :| "So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes" (Ephesians 4:14)

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  • 5 months later...
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On 2.7.2016 at 8:04 PM, Queen Esther said:

A similar photoshoped picture I saw with Barack Obama, our little yellow book in his hand...  After short time, I saw the same photoshoped pic 4 times in smaller, but now he had 4 different things in his hand. Never believe all what you see on pics ! I already saw so many different photo -fakes in internet, thats very sad, but it does give alot good programs for that. We're living in a bad, sick world...  every day new horror and mean lies around the globe. The Bible is warning us !


I  just  found  that  photoshopped  picture....  4  times  the  same  Mr. OBAMA !

But  always  they  put  another  thing  between  his  2 fingers,  really  not  nice :(


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Yeah, as Abraham Lincoln once warned ... "Never believe anything you read on the Internet!"

Could be worse ... could be a picture of Jesus holding out two fingers with a Gillette Razor between them.

With my usual lack of humor I present the Draft Copy of the December 2016 issue of the Watchtower which showed a Brother shaving on the cover ... it was changed before being distributed, because the Brothers responsible for the VERY GOOD and accurate article ... disappeared mysteriously.

After you save the file to your hard drive, from the TOOL BAR, be sure to set your ADOBE PDF reader under VIEW to "Reading Mode" and under ZOOM,  "Fit Page" to read it.


Dec 2016 Watchtower draft article .pdf

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Of COURSE it's a fake !  It's a SATIRE of our writing style ..... similar to the famous Watchtower Article on "Should True Christians own Cats?" in the  ole'  "Questions from Readers (hahahahaha... but that's another story..)

 Biting REALLY GOOD Satire has to have some element of truth that is contrary to whatever it is satirizing ... and this article is 100% true in CONTENT ... which is so effective that TPT would have to watch all the Brothers walking in pairs of drinking straws, as their butts would have been bitten completely off.

.. a REAL disaster!





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