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Is the WTS the organization Jehovah is using?


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4 minutes ago, JWTheologian said:

incorrect, the WTS teaches JW's have been taking the lead to obey God's Laws. After the 1000 reign, they will be known as God's Children, a perfect creation finally.

Then how can some of them side with Satan if they are perfect? 

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3 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

but the point is that they are JW's who have gained perfection, or so the society says. The Bible speaks of those who align with Satan after the 1000 year reign, and according to WT theology they have to be JW's and they have to be perfect. 

Yes, that's the WT teaching exactly.

As I posted earlier, directly from WT publications:


[w06 5/15 p.6-7] During his Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will apply the benefits of his ransom sacrifice to every obedient human. In time, all sin will thus be removed, and mankind will be lifted to human perfection. (1 John 2:2; Revelation 21:1-4) With the effects of Adam’s sin completely gone, perfect humans will meet God’s standards physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually. They will thus “come to life” in the fullest sense when they reach sinless perfection. (Revelation 20:5)

Revelation 20:7-9 “Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose outof his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city.”

[re p.292] 21. How will Satan’s last effort fare? He deceives “those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog,” and leads them to “the war.” Who could possibly side with Satan after a thousand years of joyful, upbuilding theocratic rule? Well, do not forget that Satan was able to mislead the perfect Adam and Eve while they were enjoying life in the Paradise of Eden. And he was able to lead astray heavenly angels who had seen the bad results of the original rebellion. (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6) So we should not be surprised that some perfect humans will be enticed to follow Satan even after a delightful thousand years of rule by God’s Kingdom.


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6 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

but the point is that they are JW's who have gained perfection, or so the society says. The Bible speaks of those who align with Satan after the 1000 year reign, and according to WT theology they have to be JW's and they have to be perfect. 

You want to continue to put a label. There will be no name branding. They will simply be God’s Children. If after the 1000-year reign, people presume to give themselves labels? It will have come out from God’s Children, God’s Creation. What label was there with Adam and Eve?

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6 minutes ago, JWTheologian said:

incorrect, the WTS teaches JW's have been taking the lead to obey God's Laws. After the 1000 reign, they will be known as God's Children, a perfect creation finally.

And then they'll be tested by Satan and a vast multitude of them will join him and go to war against the other JWs.  That's the teaching of the WTS.  Why do you not know this?

And the WTS teaches that even after that, those who survive that final test will still have death and annihilation in the lake of fire forever hanging over their heads for any mis-step they take.

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2 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Then how can some of them side with Satan if they are perfect? 

You are suggesting that after God's Day and during the 1000 year reign, they will have become robots. How did Adam and Eve get tempted. Free Will. Let's not confuse the notion.

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1 minute ago, JWTheologian said:

You want to continue to put a label. There will be no name branding. They will simply be God’s Children. If after the 1000-year reign, people presume to give themselves labels? It will have come out from God’s Children, God’s Creation. What label was there with Adam and Eve?

I didn't choose the label, the WT did.

I didn't apply the conditions of these people, the WT did.

I didn't say who would make it and who wouldn't, the WT did. 

Read your Revelation book, Aid to bible understanding, reasoning from the scriptures, etc. Its all there where the WT has made these claims, I am just asking you about them, and how YOU align that with the Bible. Obviously you are not in agreement with the WT on this one, so tell me what you do believe. 

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4 minutes ago, HollyW said:

And then they'll be tested by Satan and a vast multitude of them will join him and go to war against the other JWs.  That's the teaching of the WTS.  Why do you not know this?

Because ignorance is no excuse for not understanding. You call yourself a loyalist of Christ without understanding a word in scripture.

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1 minute ago, JWTheologian said:

Because ignorance is no excuse for not understanding. You call yourself a loyalist of Christ without understanding a word in scripture.


I know you're having a struggle here with this teaching because you probably were not aware of it and haven't taken the time yet to research it.  I did post the references from the WT publications, but you seem to have not taken them seriously.

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7 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

I didn't choose the label, the WT did.

I didn't apply the conditions of these people, the WT did.

I didn't say who would make it and who wouldn't, the WT did. 

Read your Revelation book, Aid to bible understanding, reasoning from the scriptures, etc. Its all there where the WT has made these claims, I am just asking you about them, and how YOU align that with the Bible. Obviously you are not in agreement with the WT on this one, so tell me what you do believe. 

The WTS is a mere instrument, as was with the Apostles to their converts. You continue to label in order to reject, and out of spike. If that were the case, then Christendom have that label as well. So you are contradicting yourself.

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2 minutes ago, HollyW said:

I know you're having a struggle here with this teaching because you probably were not aware of it and haven't taken the time yet to research it.  I did post the references from the WT publications, but you seem to have not taken them seriously.

Oh! I understand. I have NO difficulties. However, you need to continue to learn about scripture, and not play into your own desires, of thinking you comprehend facts.

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4 minutes ago, JWTheologian said:

The WTS is a mere instrument, as was with the Apostles to their converts. You continue to label in order to reject, and out of spike. If that were the case, then Christendom have that label as well. So you are contradicting yourself.

The instrument is broken, all of them!!!! 

That is why we are to follow Jesus and not ANY so called organization. I say so called because those in each organization do not and cannot follow men, because men change their ideas to suit their needs. 

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24 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

The instrument is broken, all of them!!!! 

That is why we are to follow Jesus and not ANY so called organization. I say so called because those in each organization do not and cannot follow men, because men change their ideas to suit their needs. 

I didn't choose the label, the WT did. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Context: Members of Christ

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to nor perform homosexual acts,

The WTS is an organization just like any other church. Be it Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc. They all publish their own understanding. However, the WTS publishes its understanding directly from scripture.

I didn't apply the conditions of these people, the WT did. Luke 23:43English Standard Version (ESV)43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

I didn't say who would make it and who wouldn't, the WT did.  Revelation 2:7 English Standard Version (ESV)7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’

So your anticlerical question. The WTS didn’t God’s Word did. Learn scripture.

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