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Question: How is the Trinity of the Godhead seen in nature as in Romans 1:20 ‘for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

Answer: a) We see God’s eternal power in earthquakes, volcanoes, wind, millions of stars, galaxies, waves, floods, lightning, sun, moon, nuclear bombs, etc.

b) We see the Trinity of the Godhead with so many things coming in ‘threes’, reminding us of Father, Son, Holy Spirit, all three members of the creator Godhead. Examples include:

1) The Physical Universe: Space, mass, time.

2) Space: 3 dimensions of space are: length, breadth, height.

3) Mass: 3 phases of matter are: solid, liquid, gas.

4) Time: 3 tenses of time are: past, present, future.

5) Light: 3 directions of light wave oscillation are: horizontal, 
vertical, back and forward.

6) Colours: 3 primary colours of light are: red, blue, yellow.

7) Kingdoms: 3 Kingdoms are: Animal, vegetable, mineral.

8) Animal: 3 main kinds of Animal are: fish, bird, land animals.

9) Minerals: 3 main kinds of Minerals are: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.

10) Heavens: 3 heavens are: atmosphere, space, God’s throne.

11) Man: 3 components of Man are: body, soul (personality), spirit. (I Thess. 5:23).

12) Divine institutions: 3 Divine institutions are: marriage, human government, church.

13) Musical notes: 3 notes make up a musical chord.

14) Sub-atomic particles: 3 main sub-atomic particles are: proton, electron, neutron,.

15) Mankind: 3 divisions of the human race: Jew, Gentile, Church of God. (I Cor.10:32).

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THE TRINITY OF THE GODHEAD SEEN IN NATURE. Question: How is the Trinity of the Godhead seen in nature as in Romans 1:20 ‘for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly

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26] Don't forget that YOU are also proof since you were made in the "image of God". Oh wait you are only ONE human? Guess that REMINDS us that God is NOT a Trinity.

27] I am also proof since I am a Father a Son and a Grandfather.

28] Also I found three fleas on my cat the other day so he must be a Trinity

   If you can find NINES then according to the Egyptians it would be an ennead a Triple Trinity of three groups of three. There were an incredible number of Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Egypt, one for almost every situation and place [see first post]. Many of the Gods began as local deities and were later organised and merged with others to form either a Triad or an Ennead (nine). http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/thegods.html

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The three eventualities of a tossed coin: heads, tails, and sides

Footprints of a man with a cane

Footprints of a dog with an amputated leg. 

Bob Guzzie's fingers, after that buzz saw accident.

Bob Guzzie's eyes, after that overhead comet mutated another one for him

Positive numbers, negative numbers, and imaginary numbers.

The four corners of the earth, after one was scraped off by the passing comet that made trouble for Bob

The Beatles after John died, but before George did.

A car with a flat tire.

The three lug nuts you hope will keep the repaired wheel on because you lost one of them

The Pentagon after 911

The Pleades on an overcast night.

The carbon atom, the very building block of life, capable of four strong bonds, after the entire lot of them was run over by a steamroller.

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