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Shirley Ann Lowery - Experiences

Queen Esther

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Hello all my spiritual brothers and sisters...

I just had to share my 2 wonderful experiences, I had Saturday before my field service and during my field service! I usually have my latest issues in my magazine bag, but I had forgotten them at my house, so I went back to get them. Then I went to McDonalds to get my yogurt parfait! I normally  put them in my magazine bag, but I had left them in my lap, so as I was paying for my yogurt parfait, the cashier said to me "Give me one of those books"  I  love to read them and look up the scriptures, and bring me some more! Wow, I was so excited, I said Thank you Jehovah!!

The next experience I had was in the territory we worked in Saturday!  It  just so happens that my return visit was in the territory we were working in,  so I went to his house too,  and gave him his  latest issue, but my experience that I'd love to share with you is that in the last house the woman and man were sitting in their car, so I approached the woman and showed her my Watchtower No.4 and she said " Oh I used to read those books , and the man grabbed it out of her hand, and was going to give it back to me, and told me "She goes to her own church" and she grabbed it back and said"  I'm keeping it" ! So she went into her house and I explained to the man, that were not trying to change their religion, were just carrying out Jesus commandment  to us , to preach the good news as Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19 &20 says !!  He did listen to me !  So Jehovah's Holy Spirit and his angels were with me, as always !!  Agape love, Shirley !

From  Shirley Ann Lowery


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Hello all my spiritual brothers and sisters... I just had to share my 2 wonderful experiences, I had Saturday before my field service and during my field service! I usually have my latest issues

Wonderful  Shirley !  Thank  you  so much  for  sharing  your  nice  experiences  with  us  all !  May  Jehovah  bless  you  always  and  tell  us  here  more  of  that,  yes ?  Thank  you !

Hello everyone, I would love to share with  you two more wonderful experiences that happened to me recently in the Field Service! On May I2, 2018, Saturday,  a lovely sister and I were going door- to-

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Hello everyone, I would love to share with  you two more wonderful experiences that happened to me recently in the Field Service! On May I2, 2018, Saturday,  a lovely sister and I were going door- to- door and I had the latest issue No.2 2018 Watchtower, "What Does the Future Hold?" I introduced myself, and the sister,  then I asked the sweet black lady named Esther," Want do you think about your Future,"? and shortly after I ask her the question, She said "I 'll take that magazine",  we were both shocked, she had responded so quickly! In 46 years, ( July 29, 1972),  since I've been baptized, and went in the door- to- door work,  this was the first time this has ever happened to me!!!!!  My next wonderful experience I had was yesterday, June 23, 2018! It was the first day of our Convention Campaign work, Our Regional  2018 "Be Courageous" Convention starts on July 13-15 2108 in Frisco, Texas! We also were going door- to -door in the Invitation work, and my lovely sister and I were working together, we went to the last house on the street, and a really nice black man named Ron, opened the door, and I introduced myself, and the sister I was with, and showed him our invitation, the times, the date, and any other questions he might have, I directed him to JW.ORG on the back of the invitation, he was really nice, and seemed that he was interested. I hope he does attend our Convention!  I'm going to follow up on these wonderful and hopeful return visits!  At our beautiful Kingdomhall, after Field Service, almost half of my Congregation, attended our Cart Witnessing Training! We were handed a Public Witnessing Guideline List, and after everyone signed the list, who had attended, the Service Committee, has to approve of everyone if their qualified to partake in the Cart Witnessing Program! I've already did Cart Witnessing three times, so I know that I'm already approved! Also the Brothers already told me earlier! Were trying to get two colleges in the Dallas area, and maybe the Dallas Public Library!!! Also the Dart Stations!!!! Our State Fair of Texas is coming up soon on September 28- October 21, 2018!! We had such wonderful experiences, last year, and our congregation was assigned to be a Hub! Jehovah is always blessing me, and as long as I continue to remain loyal and faithful to Jehovah, he will always bless me, and take care of me!!!  I found out on JW.ORG ,On May 18, 2018, Friday, a Boeing 737 crashed, shortly after take off from Havana, Cuba,  113 passengers, with only one person surviving,  and sadly, a Witness family of three, a father, a mother, and their 22 year old son  died in the plane crash!  My heart and prayers go out to their families, may Jehovah comfort them right now!!! Soon we will see them again and our loved ones in the resurrection!!! They are in Jehovah's Memory!  I hope everyone has a great weekend, and enjoy your upcoming Regional Convention!  Agape love, Shirley Ann Lowery

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