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Jihadism (also jihadist movement, jihadi movement and variants


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Jihadism (also jihadist movement, jihadi movement and variants)...Do we really know what these terms mean? We read and hear about them regularly, but are the terms something we really understand? I admit that I do not, therefore I am trying to educate myself just a little, as long as it does not interfere with my personal Bible study. I have started with the term Jihad because it seems to be contained in every article I have read so far. The link to info is at the top of this post. Things that caught my eye:

Jihadism (also jihadist movement, jihadi movement and variants) is a 21st-century neologism found in the Western languages to describe Islamist militant movements perceived as a military movement "rooted in Islam" and "existentially threatening" to the West.[


Use of "Jihadism" has been criticized (by Brachman) as "clumsy and controversial", on the grounds that in "much of the Islamic world" the term Jihad "simply refers to the internal spiritual campaign that one wages with oneself".[7]


The term "Jihadist Globalism" is also often used in relation to Jihadism; Steger (2009) proposes an extension of the term "Jihadist Globalism" to apply to all extremely violent strains of religiously influenced ideologies that articulate the global imaginary into concrete political agendas and terrorist strategies (these include Al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah, Hamas and Hezbollah, which he finds "today's most spectacular manifestation of religious globalism").[8]


"Jihad Cool" is a term used by Western security experts[9] concerning the re-branding of militant Jihadism into something fashionable, or "cool", to younger people through social media, magazines,[10] rap videos,[11] clothing,[12] toys, propaganda videos,[13] and other means.[14] It is a sub-culture mainly applied to individuals in developed nations who are recruited to travel to conflict zones on Jihad. For example, Jihadi rap videos make participants look "more MTV than Mosque", according to NPR, which was the first to report on the phenomenon in 2010.[9][15]


According to Bernard Lewis, the term jihad is often followed by the words "in the path of God," (fi sabilillah)[16


"Offensive jihad" (as opposed to "defensive jihad") is jihad to expand Dar al-Islam (the realm of Islam), transforming Dar al-Harb (the realm of war, i.e. the non-Muslim world) into Dar al-Islam and establish Islamic social order, sharia law. (These world divisions were derived by Islamic jurists, but not mentioned in the Qur'an or collections of hadith.[18]



Azzam describes Offensive Jihad as Fard Kifaya, (a collective duty of Muslims) rather than Fard Ayn (an individual duty), and thus a lower priority than defensive jihad:


Where the Kuffar [non-Muslims] are not gathering to fight the Muslims. The fighting becomes Fard Kifaya with the minimum requirement of appointing believers to guard borders, and the sending of an army at least once a year to terrorise the enemies of Allah. It is a duty of the Imam [leader of the Muslim community] to assemble and send out an army unit into the land of war once or twice every year. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Muslim population to assist him, and if he does not send an army he is in sin. - And the Ulama have mentioned that this type of jihad is for maintaining the payment of Jizya [tax on non-Muslims].[19]




; plural noun: neologisms
  1. a newly coined word or expression.
    synonyms: new word, new expression, new term, new phrase, coinage; More
    made-up word, nonce word
    "the delightful neologisms of Lewis Carroll"
    • the coining or use of new words.



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