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Wal*Mart and the Jehovah's Witnesses

The Librarian

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We don't respond to Rabshakeh...  Worshippers of Jah don't need to fight.. Isa 36:21; 2 Tim 2:24

The book is someone's opinion, a wrong look at us, but still simply a person's opinion.  Here's why: 1)  Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians.  A Christian is one who follows Christ TO his God, Jehov

And yet you haven't read the pamphlet. So you have no idea whether there is any truth or logic to what he argues or not. Iirc, Campbell was moved eventually to write his pamphlets (there's anothe

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I wish I could complain to them about selling the book but that would be the wrong thing to do as I would then be imitating other extremist religions which become political when they try to exert pressure on communities to follow what they morally feel obligated to do. 

To illustrate: If Walmart today sold a book with only 'one' chapter in it that is anti-Islam they would have a bunch of people on their back threatening them with islamophobia law suits - especially organizations affiliated with CAIR (even though Islam is not a race but is an ideology/religion).  

Does Walmart not realize that we are living in a world at present where "offending another religion" has now become an offence? The united nations Resolution 18/20, which promotes religious tolerance has been adopted by most western countries and it is now part of America's official policy. 

I personally will do nothing about this but I do feel somewhat offended because I know the reasoning in the book (like others before it) is most probably not logical at all, will be full of dogma, and will depend on spreading deception to get its point across. That is what irks me...Walmart being an accomplice in spreading falsehood.

The only thing one can do is: buy the book, read it, and write an excellent review on their website which exposes all its flaws.....(and then hope they have stock they cannot get sold as a result of their injustice).

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The book is someone's opinion, a wrong look at us, but still simply a person's opinion.  Here's why:

1)  Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians.  A Christian is one who follows Christ TO his God, Jehovah.  We do that.

2)  Jehovah can use "anti-JW" opinions to draw the right hearted ones to Him.  I became a witness because I was presented with a LOT of hate against them and said to myself "well I wonder why so many hate them?  There must be something there since Jesus said the world would hate his followers"  So I checked them out thoroughly and found: "Yes the world does hate them because they have biblical truth."

3)  Why should we waste what little precious time we have before the end even acknowledging such hate?  Naw, we concentrate on the job Christ gave us:  Jehovah's work: preaching of God's wonderful Good News!!! 

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On 8/14/2016 at 5:34 AM, Arauna said:

I personally will do nothing about this but I do feel somewhat offended because I know the reasoning in the book (like others before it) is most probably not logical at all, will be full of dogma, and will depend on spreading deception to get its point across. That is what irks me...Walmart being an accomplice in spreading falsehood.

And yet you haven't read the pamphlet. So you have no idea whether there is any truth or logic to what he argues or not.

Iirc, Campbell was moved eventually to write his pamphlets (there's another one I know about) after an encounter with a regular pioneer who made him think about and research his own evangelical beliefs. And don't forget he wrote this booklet in 1990. Some of his criticisms may be outdated as the Org has changed its mind on several doctrines since then. You never know, there may be a teaching or two Campbell and JWs agree on now! ;)

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Anti-Jehovah's Witness books and videos on YouTube make money-loving people an added little income.  Money and hate is a great incentive..... 

Like satan, they think only of their own benefit and wish to destroy as much as possible.  They definitely do not have the lowly spirit of Christ but like satan they have great anger.

Our stance on neutrality is rare in the world. Most religions do combat or push a political agenda.   This is a clear indication that we are the people spoken of in Isaiah 2:2,3,4 (In end of days there will be a people for Jehova's name and they will learn war no more) ... I do not know of another earthwide nation which refuses to kill or do combat  With our warts and all we are serving the true god and following his instructions in a very imperfect way. 

We hope to improve our personalities in the 1000 years rule under Christ. These propagandists who spread hate for us are doing a good job for satan. I am almost sure that our neutrality, together with our stance on gender issues and feminism, will unleash a political hate for us before Armageddon starts.  

This gender fluidity and non-binary gender subjects together with hate for "patriarchal oppression" as well as the extreme feminism we see now is frightening.  Watch a few videos of Prof Jordan Peterson on youtube to get an idea of what is going on...  he says that Western society as we know it (based on Judeo-christian principles) is facing obliteration. 

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