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Be Generous Toward Jehovah

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It's certainly right to protect children from exploitation. And direct targeting of children, independent of their carers, by any organisation, (although prevalent), I find distasteful. Obviously, it

Yes, did you happen to notice the different types of charities that those kids donated to? I looked through your links and noticed that these charities support not a single organization, but rather th

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This makes me feel very uncomfortable. There was the animation where Sophia decided to forego her ice cream and put money in the contribution box instead; then there was the praise given by one of the GB on JW Broadcasting to one little girl who sent in cash with a card and photo; and now the concept of children donating to the Org. is further embedded with this little puzzle activity.

Question: If a charity produced a TV commercial, show or website which was specifically designed to influence young children to donate their pocket money to their cause, would you as parents, carers or objective observers think this was appropriate targeting? 


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It's certainly right to protect children from exploitation. And direct targeting of children, independent of their carers, by any organisation, (although prevalent), I find distasteful. Obviously, it is illegal in some contexts.

However, I would have thought most parents, carers etc., like to help children to be unselfish and caring and aware of ways to help toward charitable causes. So I do not object to making children aware of these things in principle.

And it seems children are very willing help if they are made aware of the need, with the BBC in 2013 reporting on a new survey which suggested that primary school children give up to £20 million each year to charity! This worked out as each child giving around £2 of their pocket money to charities every month. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/21771068

Children donating funds to, participating in, and even organizing charitable activities appears to generally meet with approval as many news items indicate.




I do not approve of what I have experienced in the past with the more directly child-targeted endeavors of some organisations raising money for adopting animals, environmental causes, and the like. Some of my children experienced their direct methods through children's magazines, animal parks, or even well meaning school teacher initiatives, in years past. (Creating situations a bit like those caused by child-level sweet counters at supermarket checkouts!). I did not object to their causes, but to their methods.

However, I have found that the various encouragements for children to contribute towards the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses are generally presented in the context of family-based activities with parental/carer involvement.

Therefore, I do not see anything sinister in parents, carers, responsible adults making children aware of, or involving them in supporting Jehovah's Witness activities. I see it as a duty and part of a Christian up-bringing. The videos, experiences, printable excercises etc. on jw.org I just see as a means to that end.

Of course, if one objected to the aims and objectives or tenets of the organisation, then any attempts it made to get support, financial or otherwise, would be objectionable.


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On 3/24/2016 at 11:09 AM, Eoin Joyce said:

And it seems children are very willing help if they are made aware of the need, with the BBC in 2013 reporting on a new survey which suggested that primary school children give up to £20 million each year to charity! 

Yes, did you happen to notice the different types of charities that those kids donated to? I looked through your links and noticed that these charities support not a single organization, but rather the good of all. That is in far contrast to the WTS. Does the WTS have a nursing home? Do they have women's shelters? Orphanages? Food banks? What form of assistance can you get from the WTS if you need it? I'm sorry but I just do not see the WTS as a charity.

Full Definition of charity

plural charities

  1. 1:  benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity

  2. 2a :  generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; also :  aid given to those in needb :  an institution engaged in relief of the poorc :  public provision for the relief of the needy

  3. 3a :  a gift for public benevolent purposesb :  an institution (as a hospital) founded by such a gift

  4. 4:  lenient judgment of others


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On 4/14/2016 at 0:57 AM, Shiwiii said:

Based upon the definition of charity, they don't qualify.  I noticed you wanted to comment, but not address the questions I raised. 

In order for an organization to qualify as a charity, or to have a charitable status, regardless of your definition or the dictionary's  definition, it has to meet specific requirements of the country awarding the charitable status. Obviously, Jehovah's Witnesses meet those requirements in many countries.

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On 12/17/2016 at 1:51 PM, Anna said:

In order for an organization to qualify as a charity, or to have a charitable status, regardless of your definition or the dictionary's  definition, it has to meet specific requirements of the country awarding the charitable status. Obviously, Jehovah's Witnesses meet those requirements in many countries.

you are correct, however just because you call a zebra a dog doesn't make it so, regardless of what the law states. 

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On 12/19/2016 at 11:12 AM, Shiwiii said:

you are correct, however just because you call a zebra a dog doesn't make it so, regardless of what the law states. 

Not really a good argument, since no doubt the law doesn't just arbitrarily qualify something to be called by a particular name just for kicks and giggles, or an organization to be designated a function unless the law is reasonably sure that the organization qualifies. It would not be in the interest of the law makers to do so otherwise. 

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15 hours ago, Anna said:

Not really a good argument, since no doubt the law doesn't just arbitrarily qualify something to be called by a particular name just for kicks and giggles, or an organization to be designated a function unless the law is reasonably sure that the organization qualifies. It would not be in the interest of the law makers to do so otherwise. 

So then you truly believe that "The Naked Clown" charity and "Welfare Group Disabled and Sexuality" charity are on par with the wt. They qualify by the law. You're trying to defend the indefensible, not all laws are written properly and MANY take advantage of those loopholes.  

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Some people have NO sense of humor ....


SOUPY SALES_ Green Pieces of Paper.mp4

With that in mind, I encourage each and ever one of you, from the bottom of my heart,  and yours, to contribute as much as you can, and contribute as often as you can,  to a small charity I manage ... the B.L.F.M,

It is not a recognized charity in the traditional sense, but you can be assured that each and every dollar will be wisely spent to alleviate hunger in elderly people whose circumstances are, like yours, often tenuous and fraught with uncertainty.

So remember, dear Brothers and Sisters, even if you "gave at the office", how about foregoing that fish sandwich, fries, and soft drink at McDonalds after the meeting, or at a mid morning Field Service break ....  and send a few dollars to the B.L.F.M., care of this blog.

Thank You !



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