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Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?

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THE WATCHTOWER (SIMPLIFIED EDITION) APRIL 2016https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-simplified-april-2016/maintain-neutrality-in-a-divided-world/#?insight[search_id]=a2dfe6ab-0328-4e

Yes, the way the question was asked is as if we are brain dead or something. We can do whatever we want. But the real question why would we if we truly love Jehovah as our God. And believe that his ki

I think the question is not so stupid. Ask any Jehovah's Witness in Greece and will tell you that the voting was forbidden in the past. And even now some brothers and sisters advertise in the preachin

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À l’époque des apôtres. Les disciples de Jésus utilisèrent les sorts, conjointement avec leurs prières, pour déterminer qui, à la place de Judas Iscariote, serait un des 12 qui avaient été témoins des activités de Jésus et de sa résurrection ; Matthias fut choisi (Ac 1:21-26). Le mot grec employé ici est klêros, qui est apparenté à klêronomia (“ héritage ”). Klêros figure en Colossiens 1:12 et en 1 Pierre 5:3 où il désigne l’héritage, ou part, que Dieu a donné aux chrétiens.
Toutefois, il n’est plus question d’utilisation de sorts après la Pentecôte 33 de n. è. pour choisir les surveillants et leurs assistants ou régler des questions importantes. Le choix des surveillants et de leurs assistants devait être fondé sur la façon dont ils manifestaient le fruit de l’esprit saint dans leur vie (1Tm 3 ; Tt 1), tandis que d’autres décisions s’appuyaient sur l’accomplissement des prophéties, l’aide des anges, les principes de la Parole de Dieu et des enseignements de Jésus et, enfin, la direction de l’esprit saint (Ac 5:19-21 ; 13:2, 3 ; 14:23 ; 15:15-19, 28). L’apôtre Paul écrit : “ Toute Écriture est inspirée de Dieu et utile [...] pour remettre les choses en ordre. ” — 2Tm 3:16.
Ceci dit le sujet et un vrais foutoir car il question de tout et de n'importe quoi.🙁

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13:36 video - we support our communities ( i guess he talking about worldly communities) through volunteer service or compulsory civilian service where that exists and we pay our taxes

Supporting communities would mean: to give those in need - bread, job, shelter, clothes, etc. without expecting from them to accept Bible study, going to meetings and similar. JW are discourage from WT publication to participate in social work by some kind of volunteer service organized by "worldly" people. JW community, as far as it is known, not organizing public kitchens, shelters or other social helping acts for people out side JW community.

To merging, as he suggesting , Compulsory civilian service and Volunteer service is funny. These are two different activities. 

Another question that he put to listeners is, Where such services exists?. Is that mean how in places where such services not existing, JW NOT participated in any sort of Supporting communities? Preaching is not supporting communities, that sort of service is "mandatory" for JW members. 

Compulsory definition - required; mandatory; obligatory

 Volunteer/ing (service) - to offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment; an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or organization"


13:56 video - but neither do we criticize those in power undermine their policies or demonstrate for political change .... neither do we condemn any political position

14:48  video - neutrality means we don't take sides

This is not correct statement. Sending Letters to Putin and Medvedev, to Russian Government (or to any other as past WT publications shows) and to other Individuals who are powerful,  with call to change their Policies, Political decisions and Juridical decisions is DIRECT Attempt to influence on Worldly System, Political, Social, Religious system of Russian Government, as last example we have . 

In purpose to do this, WTJWorg lawyers, run the lobbying and making legal moves, that are initiated in front of the Political and Judicial bodies of Western countries, from, so called Democracy.

And, do not forget, JW preaching how this Democratic Countries of West are under direct "satan's influence". So, tell us please, how it is possible that Representatives, Ambassadors of only true religion, of JHVH  Earthly Organization asking for help "satan's Servants" in The West Side that are in opposition to their Colleges on The East Side ? 

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

13:36 video - we support our communities ( i guess he talking about worldly communities) through volunteer service or compulsory civilian service where that exists and we pay our taxes

Supporting communities would mean: to give those in need - bread, job, shelter, clothes, etc. without expecting from them to accept Bible study, going to meetings and similar. JW are discourage from WT publication to participate in social work by some kind of volunteer service organized by "worldly" people. JW community, as far as it is known, not organizing public kitchens, shelters or other social helping acts for people out side JW community.

To merging, as he suggesting , Compulsory civilian service and Volunteer service is funny. These are two different activities. 

Another question that he put to listeners is, Where such services exists?. Is that mean how in places where such services not existing, JW NOT participated in any sort of Supporting communities? Preaching is not supporting communities, that sort of service is "mandatory" for JW members. 

Compulsory definition - required; mandatory; obligatory

 Volunteer/ing (service) - to offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment; an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or organization"


13:56 video - but neither do we criticize those in power undermine their policies or demonstrate for political change .... neither do we condemn any political position

14:48  video - neutrality means we don't take sides

This is not correct statement. Sending Letters to Putin and Medvedev, to Russian Government (or to any other as past WT publications shows) and to other Individuals who are powerful,  with call to change their Policies, Political decisions and Juridical decisions is DIRECT Attempt to influence on Worldly System, Political, Social, Religious system of Russian Government, as last example we have . 

In purpose to do this, WTJWorg lawyers, run the lobbying and making legal moves, that are initiated in front of the Political and Judicial bodies of Western countries, from, so called Democracy.

And, do not forget, JW preaching how this Democratic Countries of West are under direct "satan's influence". So, tell us please, how it is possible that Representatives, Ambassadors of only true religion, of JHVH  Earthly Organization asking for help "satan's Servants" in The West Side that are in opposition to their Colleges on The East Side ? 

One lie after another, after another, after another.  It gets so tiring.   You would think JWs would see just one of them, and ponder on it; catching it before swallowing it down - hook, line, and sinker.  Oh, the leaders are so adept at lying for the benefit of their idol.   It is a shameful thing to be blindly led along by liars and sharing their intoxicating "wine".  If we swallow falsehoods and repeat them as truth, we  don't escape judgment by putting the blame on those who taught us.  We are individually responsible to speak truth; if in the least, we believe and have faith in God and Jesus Christ.  1 Pet 4:3-5

Blindness, idolatry, lies, go hand in hand.  

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