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Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?

Guest Nicole

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Yeah, I don't think they are the type to vote and or pick sides in the realm of politics, but even if they never were neutral, having the option of Trump and or Hilary is a nightmare, granted we have a nightmare in the White House right now. But that being said, they've been neutral for a long time an their neutrality was only brought forth in the 1940s when JW kids refused to stand for the flag that resulted in JWs being hunted down by angry mobs that is of ku klux klan levels of crazy, moreover, the Bellamy Salute (Nazi Salute) had been changed after some time, probably after World War II. Present day because of the whole kneeling thing in the NFL, people are tailing about the JWs' neutrality in this regard, and because of the nations of JWs, a lot of people do not stand for the flag for various reasons, but mostly religious reasons, like a child who months back refused to stand for the flag and says he only stands for God only to be roughhoused by a Teacher who is a Patriotic Nationalist.

But it makes you think, what if kids today were still suppose to o the Nazi Salute/Bellamy Salute even after World War II has long since ended? That would be quite the sight and very eerie, mainly to those who had family members fought in that war to have flashbacks.

If I am not mistaken, I think those who uphold neutrality are often attacked, mainly in African countries where political theatre is at play.


This is what the Bellamy Salute looks like back in those says:



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THE WATCHTOWER (SIMPLIFIED EDITION) APRIL 2016https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-simplified-april-2016/maintain-neutrality-in-a-divided-world/#?insight[search_id]=a2dfe6ab-0328-4e

Yes, the way the question was asked is as if we are brain dead or something. We can do whatever we want. But the real question why would we if we truly love Jehovah as our God. And believe that his ki

I think the question is not so stupid. Ask any Jehovah's Witness in Greece and will tell you that the voting was forbidden in the past. And even now some brothers and sisters advertise in the preachin

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Yeah ....

My allegiance is only to God ... but I will fight with anyone who believes as I do about Freedom and Justice.

It is quite obvious that for the time being, we are on our own .... and we have to do the best we know how.

The only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is Good Men to do nothing.

At least if I screw up, and make a mistake ... it will not cost the Brotherhood 56 MILLION dollars.


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It is bad form to vote only for one party or another solely just because of party affiliation, that is when your in danger of voting strictly for politics rather than substance. Voting also doesn't mean you are choosing party or person over God, that is absurd to think that way. If that were true my favorite color would mean more to me than God because I voted green my favorite color.


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6 minutes ago, Gone Away said:

t could cost your life.....actually worth a lot more....even if you don't agree!!

Probably a lesser risk than my getting killed in my car, driving to Home Depot ... by a factor of about 20,000.

The GOOD news is that Bill can now spend all day, every day ... day in and day out ... 24/7/365 ........ with Hillary.

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1 minute ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

lesser risk

Risk assessment is a complex skill, :

  • Identify the hazards
  • Decide who might be harmed and how
  • Evaluate the risks and decide on control measures
  • Record your findings and implement them
  • Review your assessment and update if necessary

but you are an engineer..................

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7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

It is bad form to vote only for one party or another solely just because of party affiliation, that is when your in danger of voting strictly for politics rather than substance. Voting also doesn't mean you are choosing party or person over God, that is absurd to think that way. If that were true my favorite color would mean more to me than God because I voted green my favorite color.

What of Paul's dealing with the Temple of Artemis?

That being said, Christians will go to Civil Disobedience should their faith be in subjection to things that can effect it. As we can see here, no political ploy going about such ones, for it is an act of defending their faith to those who are attempting to halt said faith.

And it has been done by all persons, for instance, the whole situation with Christians vs. Satanist activities for the last couple of years, even that one situation in Detroit, the other being at a Cemetery. When it comes to defending what is deemed true, like Paul, anything in the realm of Spiritual Warfare and Civil Disobedience will be in total usage.

That being said, this is Russia we are talking about. The same country that has removed all personnel who will influence others to not pick any side whatsoever, and to not partake in an event that glorifies violence.

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1 hour ago, Gone Away said:

It could cost your life.....actually worth a lot more....even if you don't agree!!

At times it can cost anything. Pour encercler un homme assez longtemps, l'opprimer et le faire souffrir, il finira par se défendre par tous les moyens. meaning if you corner a man long enough, to oppress him and make him suffer, he will end up defending himself by all means.

Christians will and always will subjection themselves to Spiritual Warfare and or Civil Disobedience, which at times even when faced with and or in subjection to grave injury and or possibly death. Even with such intense situations what remains intact is one thing, their belief in what is true.

A Real Christians would never crack under pressure, but you'd be surprised of those who claim to be True Christians break like an egg being tossed into the street.

The crazy thing is a lot of people in the realm of religion do not know what is going on, for there are things not many people know of what is going, hence the type of stuff I tend to dwell in. All I can say things will get worse, with a price tag attached to it.

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Here is example how WT neutrality looked before. Before "new light". Before "new understanding", Before "new interpretation". Before "things get from bad to worse".

"....I will support and defend Constitution of US against all enemies, foreign and domestic...So help me God."



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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

current updates

lvs. Jan 2018: "Also, Jehovah’s people make a personal decision not to vote for any political party or candidate. This is because we have already taken the side of God’s government.—Matthew 22:21; John 15:19; 18:36."

lv. April 2016: "Voting in political elections.

True Christians respect the right of others to vote. They do not campaign against elections, and they cooperate with elected authorities. However, they remain resolutely neutral with regard to the political affairs of the nations. (Matthew 22:21; 1 Peter 3:16) What should a Christian do in lands where voting is compulsory or in a situation where feelings run high against those who do not go to the voting booth? Remembering that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went as far as the plain of Dura, a Christian, under similar circumstances, may decide to go to the booth if his conscience permits. However, he will take care not to violate his neutrality. He should take into account the following six principles:

  1. Jesus’ followers are “no part of the world.”—John 15:19.
  2. Christians represent Christ and his Kingdom.—John 18:36; 2 Corinthians 5:20.
  3. The Christian congregation is united in belief, and its members are bound together by Christlike love.—1 Corinthians 1:10; Colossians 3:14.
  4. Those who elect a certain official share responsibility for what he does.—Note the principles behind the words recorded at 1 Samuel 8:5, 10-18 and 1 Timothy 5:22.
  5. Jehovah viewed Israel’s desire for a visible ruler as a sign that they had rejected Him.—1 Samuel 8:7.
  6. Christians must have freeness of speech when speaking to people of all political persuasions about God’s Kingdom government.—Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20; Hebrews 10:35."



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