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How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.


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Watch this video: A dangerous poison and a professor threatened / entrapment because he published his findings and did not take bribes.  

If you watch the video - you will see how they discredited him, threatened, hounded him and spied on him.  I have seen this so many times before - in other cases.  These are the tactics these companie

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its independent Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) examined all available studies on this topic and concluded that "atrazine does not adversely affect amphibian gonadal development based on a review of laboratory and field studies.".[10] The EPA and its SAP made recommendations concerning proper study design needed for further investigation into this issue. As required by the EPA, Syngenta conducted two experiments under Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and inspection by the EPA and German regulatory authorities. The paper concluded "These studies demonstrate that long-term exposure of larval X. laevis to atrazine at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 100 microg/l does not affect growth, larval development, or sexual differentiation."[11] A report written in Environmental Science and Technology (May 15, 2008) cites the independent work of researchers in Japan, who were unable to replicate Hayes' work. "The scientists found no hermaphrodite frogs; no increase in aromatase as measured by aromatase mRNA induction; and no increase in vitellogenin, another marker of feminization."[12]

In 2010, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) responded to Hayes' 2010 published paper,[13] by stating that his findings "do not provide sufficient evidence to justify a reconsideration of current regulations which are based on a very extensive dataset.".[14]



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If you watch the video - you will see how they discredited him, threatened, hounded him and spied on him.  I have seen this so many times before - in other cases.  These are the tactics these companies use.  Where money is at stake - people are bought and they lose their integrity very quickly.  These corporations usually pay other scientists to bring out studies that prove the opposite.  Come on Ann, I did not think you were so naïve  ......this is going on all the time!  

It is an established fact that environmental poisons disrupt the hormone systems of people ...... and Americans are getting sicker and sicker.... because the FDA and EPA are not the watch dog they purport to be. A lot of  the members are compromised... but that is another subject. Many of the poisons allowed in America are not allowed in Europe at all!

To give you a another good example: climate change.  There are scientists who were paid to "scientifically" disprove climate change...and for a long time they had many Americans fooled.  The evidence is now overwhelming...

When we are dealing with human lives - we need to show respect for lives - not money.  If there is the slightest inkling that a substance can hurt people or the environment then companies must not react in this way - but voluntarily withdraw a substance and not adhere to the subterfuge they put this professor through.

I put this video for viewing so people can see what is going on.  People know that these corporations are corrupt... but some do not realize how much they hound their victims.  This scientist acted in good faith and  was sure his data was correct - and look how he was treated.  You really think this does not happen more often?  This system is corrupt  - only Jehovah will fix this when he removes all people without a conscience.. America's motto:  In the dollar we trust.   Definitely not God.


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Oh I have no doubt that big corporations don't like their harmful products and practices exposed, and employ all kinds of dirty tricks to silence whistle-blowers. I'm under no illusions, Arauna;) I'm also well aware that reputable scientists can produce flawed studies sometimes. What caught my eye was the comment that independent Japanese researchers as well as an Australian governmental authority could not replicate Hayes' findings.

I was merely showing that there may be another side to this controversy.

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