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Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"


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Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that she has not put thought in them at all.  Now I understand why - it seems she does not really believe in the Bible as she is questioning the flood.  So to her the Bible is hocus-pocus.

I have recently been watching a lot of videos of ancient periods/cultures (because I have studied many books about the cultures which existed after the flood) and looking into archeology before the flood and the dating.

I recently watched a  few interesting videos on civilization.  There are many theories now about a culture that existed more than 10, 000 years ago (before the flood) which influenced the culture of the Sumerians (after the flood).  And many scientists are postulating that this culture had great influence on the post-flood ideas. For example the Nephilim influence as seen in the pantheon of half gods that were also human after the flood.

I also happened to stumble on a few good programs wherein different scientists depict an ice age and a world-wide flood after the ice age - when it melted suddenly.  This was very interesting to me because there is one video (for the life of me I cannot find it now to paste the link) has footage of animals that were swept together in large piles and the bones are visible - in different parts of the world. (There is also other evidences of a flood in many rock formations high up on mountains etc. etc.)  There no doubt was a flood as the stone formations prove -  and these animal bones are prehistoric animals - together with animals that we know today....  Now I do not believe everything I see on video - but it is very interesting that there are several scientists now postulating these theories of a flood - but they put the dates much father back than the Bible.

Now I happen to have a brother who is a brilliant scientist (analytical chemist) who researched new poison structures for many years (toxicologist).  He became one of JWs and eventually went to prison for his faith because he refused to kill people secretly for the government (All governments do bad things behind the scenes).

I have had some discussions with him on the dating of the planet and I wish you could be there because he refutes all the current tests as to the dates given by science. Similar - as in the science of archeology and the dating of civilizations - there is  a set timeline given by scientists (which were haphazardly put together in the 19th century) but are now followed by scientists and has become like a religion. Scientists who now dare to challenge these dates are ostracized from the scientific community - and if you are a scientist that believes in god - you are the worst of the worst.

Unfortunately, science is not the accurate science that they want us to believe - a lot of it is conjecture and cannot be proved - but it is accepted because there is a "consensus" amongst the learned.

So - I believe that this evidence of a flood goes back to the time of Noah and not to the dates the scientists are allocating to it.

There are also many good videos on youtube which show how they have refuted the dating of certain civilizations..... and rocks..... by the methods used today.  Scientists sent out the same rock samples to different university labs and most of the results came back putting the stones in widely different epochs!

JWs do not believe that the earth was created in literal 6 days because the Bible shows "all 6 days of creation is also called "a day" which indicates that it refers to a period of time. Read genesis.

I do not believe in evolution ..... they are regularly transplanting 'pig heart valves' into humans because the flesh of pigs  resemble our flesh closely - not that of apes.  So the scientific community has got that one wrong by a far shot.  I worked for my brother for a short while and can assure you I understand why Jehovah told the Jews not to eat pigs - they get infections very quickly - like humans. Sheep and other animals are a different kind of flesh and they do not get the same pernicious kind of infections.

Apart from this - the math does not equate.  The complexity of life makes each small little change in the human genome  - exponential. In fact one has to accept more miracles (exponentially) in evolution than the few mentioned in the Bible.  So,  many these exponential changes took place in what scientists call the "goldilocks age" .  This means that the environment had to be stable for a very long periods of time for these small incremental changes to happen for the better - and for the species to survive and adapt - it is  (like the name indicates) a fairy goldilocks story.

The bone record is scanty - and evolutionist know this and therefore there are more and more hoaxes being exposed - but they do not get much publicity these days.  There are very few fossil evidences of the various changes which took place in the evolution of all life into all the various branches of the tree of life.... and most of them consist of only a few bones and the rest is "beautiful drawings of how the scientists think they looked like". ....If these changes took place randomly - there are so many different  species - one should be able to see many fossils of ALL the various animals that did NOT survive the various stages - with the problems evident in the fossil.    It seems that wonderful organs appeared suddenly and functioned perfectly together with other organs in a remarkable way - more evidence of a creator I would say.

But while these complex organs were developing slowly over long periods of time.... it seems that the male and female organs suddenly developed in "one generation" for the species to "survive".   And to crown it all - if one studies the various forms of sexual organs (and there are many - believe me - the variations boggles the mind) then one finds that the various ones fit each other perfectly for the different species..... and these had to develop quickly and accurately for the species to survive.  The male and female developed separately but yet perfectly fitted - so the species could survive. .....

So the more I study and read about these things I am convinced of the " bias and superiority of many scientists" who put themselves above other humans and protect their cushy research jobs - and they like to look intellectual - like the Pharisees.  They have never learnt to think through all the aspects of evolution properly..... they are all like sheep following the mainstream. 

Each person must make up their mind about this but I urge people to make sure for themselves.  Think a little more about a few of the items I mentioned above. 



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Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that

These days science and atheism can be regarded as religions.  I define religion as the personal search for truth and reality, and the influence a person’s conclusion will have on their perspective reg

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These days science and atheism can be regarded as religions.  I define religion as the personal search for truth and reality, and the influence a person’s conclusion will have on their perspective regarding their own life, and in consequence, influencing personal values regarding one’s own and all other life.

The physical universe: I have read enough to know that previously accepted scientific facts have been proven inaccurate because of new ‘light or progress’ on a matter. New ideas are only accepted as accurate science when there is general consensus amongst peers that the calculations and scientific methods used were without flaw or can be reproduced.  

So, let’s face up to this fundamental truth: there is an unfathomable complexity of things at the minute level as well as the infinite (add to that - the dimensions of time and space as well as our own mortality), and this creates a situation where many theories are impossible to test or reproduce to a measurable level where one finds a 'true reality' without any serious unexplained mysteries still lurking in the dark shadows.

Even where there is consensus amongst the learned, there are ample precedents which indicate that there may be gremlin-like flaws in reasoning, mathematics or chemistry which, at this point in time, are still undetected.

And the same for Darwinism.... blind faith in exponential numbers of correct choices "miracles" that happened by 'random chance'.

On the other hand the Bible gives us a way of life (ideology/philosophy) which has the possibility to unite all of mankind and restore the earth. If it is followed by all on earth - this outcome could be a reality...  It tells us that there is a creator and he cares for us and then gives us prophecies and a time-line to prove that he exists - and we can calculate that his plan is moving forward - as discussed above....  it is a better reality than a bunch of theories which have become like a blind religion which does not offer any future - especially, when one looks at the world and understands that most of the problems have been created by science!! ... Atom bombs, all kinds of weapons,  poisons ..... the list goes on ... regarding  the number of destructive man-made innovations wrought on the earth.....by very imperfect scientists... and some people really believe blindly that they will be the heroes and will find the solution for our problems....


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