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What should I gift a new born of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Guest Nicole

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@Nicole"I'm curious, in Spanish it says, "sin gas" which the translator tool, says it is equal to "still mineral water""

Evian mineral water has always been presented as "natural" or "still" as a characteristic. (without gas).

Badoit, on the other hand, is said to be "naturally carbonated" and thus provides the alternative to bottled water consumers. 

"In 1971, Badoit became part of EvianSA, which later became a fully owned subsidiary of Boussois Souchon Neuvesel. Today, Badoit is a product and brand of the Danone group". Evian is also part of this group now. So says wikipedia.

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Everyone knows Jehovah is going to kill you for buying and giving a birthday present, Jehovah really hates birthdays.(according to jw dogma at least).

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Matt, It isn't JWs alone last I explained to you. It didn't stop the early Christians who wanted to ban such things, and yes. God isn't a fan of pagan-like practices.

There is no problem with gifts, however, the significant of a gift when it comes to specific days, that is where the problem is drawn.


Other than that, as for others, mocking is beneath any man who is a follower of Christ, in doing so, one reduces themselves to a worm beneath notice.

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 I don't like your comment, while appropriately stated by means of the wt view,  I will say something that makes me feel better about myself and pins you and other's with sarcastic humor beneath me. 

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Actually I don't think there are ANY scriptures which say God hates birthdays or birthday presents. 

There are two instances where bad things happened on people's birthdays in the Bible. 

@Space Merchant  said "It didn't stop the early Christians who wanted to ban such things"  Could we have some enlargement on this please. 

The three 'wise men' that took gifts to Jesus on his birth. Were they offering 'birth-day presents' ? 

And ( and i promise you this is not of my own originality ), an Elder once said that the gift of the Holy Spirit from God to Jesus Christ, was given to Christ on his 30th birthday. A present at Christ's baptism.. Don't shoot me down for telling the truth of what I'd heard. Unusual thought that one. 

And what is that scripture about 'one man thinking one day is different from another, whereas another man thinks all days are the same' ?

SM, I think 'the problem is  drawn' when people poke their noses in where they are not needed. God Himself, through Jesus Christ, will do the judging. Who are we to judge our brother ? Straw and rafter come to mind. 

Pagans breathe you know. Maybe we should all stop breathing. Stopping everything just because pagans do it is not the true answer is it.

Balance, mercy, love, understanding. Forgiveness, not being domineering, not pushing our own ides onto others. Qualities like those are much more important than obeying 'rules'  laid down by other humans.  

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Actually I don't think there are ANY scriptures which say God hates birthdays or birthday presents. 

There are two instances where bad things happened on people's birthdays in the Bible. 

@Space Merchant  said "It didn't stop the early Christians who wanted to ban such things"  Could we have some enlargement on this please. 

The three 'wise men' that took gifts to Jesus on his birth. Were they offering 'birth-day presents' ? 

And ( and i promise you this is not of my own originality ), an Elder once said that the gift of the Holy Spirit from God to Jesus Christ, was given to Christ on his 30th birthday. A present at Christ's baptism.. Don't shoot me down for telling the truth of what I'd heard. Unusual thought that one. 

And what is that scripture about 'one man thinking one day is different from another, whereas another man thinks all days are the same' ?

SM, I think 'the problem is  drawn' when people poke their noses in where they are not needed. God Himself, through Jesus Christ, will do the judging. Who are we to judge our brother ? Straw and rafter come to mind. 

Pagans breathe you know. Maybe we should all stop breathing. Stopping everything just because pagans do it is not the true answer is it.

Balance, mercy, love, understanding. Forgiveness, not being domineering, not pushing our own ides onto others. Qualities like those are much more important than obeying 'rules'  laid down by other humans.  

isn't this the whole beheading thing at birthday parties in the Bible? 

John the Baptist as an example ?


Well then naps in the daytime must ALSO fall under that category. 

2 Sam 4:5-8

Now the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, set out, and about the heat of the day they came to the house of Ish-bosheth as he was taking his noonday rest. And they came into the midst of the house as if to get wheat, and they stabbed him in the stomach. Then Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped.[a] When they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, they struck him and put him to death and beheaded him. They took his head and went by the way of the Arabah all night,

So all the mothers who gave their children a nap during the day also made Jehovah sad, and are despised by him. 

I mean standards are standards, right? 


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Il y a 20 heures, Matthew9969 a dit :

Dommage pour vous laisser tomber, il était de notoriété publique et est toujours que Jéhovah déteste la célébration d'anniversaire et donner un cadeau pour célébrer un anniversaire

La bible ne parle que de deux anniversaires et les deux ce sont mal terminés.

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39 minutes ago, Josué2 said:

La bible ne parle que de deux anniversaires et les deux ce sont mal terminés.

lisez mon post sur les siestes de l'après-midi. 2 Samuel 4
Selon la logique du raisonnement WT, alors les siestes sont également détestées par Dieu.

En outre, il y a plus d'anniversaires mentionnés dans la Bible, Jésus étant le plus significatif. Les anges ont célébré la naissance de Jésus. En outre, Isaaic, le fils d'Abraham, a organisé une fête d'anniversaire le jour où il a été hanté et rien de mal n'est arrivé à personne. Genèse 2: 8 spécifiquement. Faites une recherche sur ce que signifie «weening» et quand il a été interprété dans la culture israélite.

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