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Something I thought might be relevant since we are studying the God's Kingdom book. Not long ago, in a WT article, it was mentioned in reference to the "Kingdom being preached in all the inhabited earth" that this will not mean that literally everyone on Earth would have heard about the Kingdom before Armageddon starts.

When one does a bit of mathematics (not my forte) and calculates the percentage of current Jehovah's Witnesses in comparison to the World's population we arrive at 0.1%. This is a very small percentage indeed. (8 million JW to 8 billion population)

If we were to assume some averages, and use the United States as a fair example, then we can assume the ratio of 1 publisher to roughly around 400. This seems a fair number since "only a few are the ones finding the road to life". However, as we know, there is practically a non existent ratio when it comes to India and China, two of the world's countries with a population of over 1billion each (the majority of whom have never heard of the Bible, never mind Jehovah's Witnesses).  If we would assume the same ratio of 1:400, then this would immediately create over 3 million Witnesses in each of the two countries, i.e. over 6 million in India and China alone, bringing the total of JWs to over 14 million. If we were to also add 650 thousand in Indonesia, 485 thousand from Pakistan, and 402 thousand from Bangladesh that adds another 1.5 million bringing the total to over 15 million, almost doubling the Witnesses today.

If we go by the fact that all people are equal in Jehovah's eyes, and that no nation is above another when it comes to salvation, and that all people are basically the same, then we have to assume that there are people in those countries who, if given the chance, would embrace the truth and put themselves on Jehovah's side and create that ratio of 1:400.

With that in mind, it is evident that either there is going to have to be a lot of preaching done, verging on the miraculous, in order to bring in over 7 million new Witnesses within the allotted time of the "Generation", or, Jehovah will judge their hearts and allow nearly HALF of the people, (agnostics or believers in false Gods) entry into the new world without them even needing to know him.

Or, is "this Generation" a lot longer than we think.....

Any scriptural thoughts?


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There have been several statements in the publications for those concerned about children, mentally incapacitated, and those alive at Armageddon who have never had an opportunity to learn of Jehovah's

That "succinct" answer is a perfect example of the "skirting" I referred to earlier: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Feel That They Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?

Perhaps it is one of the best ways to find the proper meaning of the following verses, among several others:   (Matthew 5:18) 18 Truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass

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Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved from what?  Sin and death?  

2 hours ago, Anna said:

Or, is "this Generation" a lot longer than we think.....

What do you think about the possibility that there's another group of spirit-anointed JWs whose lives overlap the second group of that generation?

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1 minute ago, HollyW said:

Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved from what?  Sin and death?  

What do you think about the possibility that there's another group of spirit-anointed JWs whose lives overlap the second group of that generation?

In this particular instance I mean survive Armageddon. I should change the title.

Another group? No, I can't see that. The scriptures only mention 2 groups, the anointed and the other sheep


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1 minute ago, Anna said:

In this particular instance I mean survive Armageddon. I should change the title.

Another group? No, I can't see that. The scriptures only mention 2 groups, the anointed and the other sheep


The Great Tribulation and Armageddon......not to put too fine a point on it. ;)

Yes, another group. I was referring to the two groups of spirited-anointed JWs that make up "the generation".

January 15, 2014, pages 30-31 of The Watchtower

 In his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, Jesus said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” (Read Matthew 24:33-35.) We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year. —Rom. 8:14-17.

The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of “this generation will by no means pass away” before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13

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14 minutes ago, HollyW said:

The Great Tribulation and Armageddon......not to put too fine a point on it. ;)

Yes, another group. I was referring to the two groups of spirited-anointed JWs that make up "the generation".



OK, to put an even finer point on it: to be granted the prospect of everlasting life.

I knew what you were referring to. This area is something that I think we haven't got quite right yet.

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1 minute ago, Anna said:

OK, to be even more specific, to be granted the prospect of everlasting life.

I knew what you were referring to. This area is something that I think we haven't got quite right yet.

Well, you had asked if "this Generation" is a lot longer than you think, hasn't another hundred years been added to it already with the overlapping second group?

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37 minutes ago, Anna said:

OK, to put an even finer point on it: to be granted the prospect of everlasting life.

Christian don't have just the prospect of everlasting life, they have everlasting life already:

John 3:14-18 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; 15 so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. 16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 

John 3:36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life 

For Jehovah's Witnesses to have everlasting life, they must come to Jesus, receive him and believe in him and become children of God by being born of God. (John 1:12,13)


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6 hours ago, Anna said:

Or, is "this Generation" a lot longer than we think.....

Any scriptural thoughts?


3 hours ago, Anna said:

In this particular instance I mean survive Armageddon. I should change the title.

Many say the Bible doesn't tell religion like Jehovah's Witnesses... But it takes a religion not to fall in snare in the world, so we will see :) 

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In John 8:24 Jesus said "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."


The dreadful unscholarly NWT mistranslates the name of Jehovah in this verse.


So, my question to Jehovahs Witnesses is "Do you believe Jesus is the I AM?".


Jesus also said "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God."


So, JW's, are you born again?

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14 hours ago, Anna said:

With that in mind, it is evident that either there is going to have to be a lot of preaching done, verging on the miraculous, in order to bring in over 7 million new Witnesses within the allotted time of the "Generation", or, Jehovah will judge their hearts and allow nearly HALF (1)of the people, (agnostics or believers in false Gods) entry into the new world without them even needing to know him.

Or, is "this Generation" a lot longer than we think.....

Any scriptural thoughts? (2)


(1) If I may ask... How do you arrive to this number? Why you think nearly half and not, let's say, 3/4? I'm just asking because I'm trying to understand your reasoning here.

(2) Personally I don't care how long the "generation" is/will be, when it started, how many will "pass" etc. I prefer to focus on becoming a better christian/servant of God so as to be ready whenever the end may come. I concluded this from these scriptures: Mark 13:32, Acts 1:7, 1 Thess. 5:1-5


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