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6 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

In John 8:24 Jesus said "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

The dreadful unscholarly NWT mistranslates the name of Jehovah in this verse.


There isn't any mistranslation of any name in John 8:24. You need to understand BASIC Greek grammar so as to not confuse personal pronouns (εγώ) and verbs (ειμί) with names.

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There have been several statements in the publications for those concerned about children, mentally incapacitated, and those alive at Armageddon who have never had an opportunity to learn of Jehovah's

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13 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

(1) If I may ask... How do you arrive to this number? Why you think nearly half and not, let's say, 3/4? I'm just asking because I'm trying to understand your reasoning here.

(2) Personally I don't care how long the "generation" is/will be, when it started, how many will "pass" etc. I prefer to focus on becoming a better christian/servant of God so as to be ready whenever the end may come. I concluded this from these scriptures: Mark 13:32, Acts 1:7, 1 Thess. 5:1-5


Hi Praeceptor,

I said nearly half because there is 8 million of us right now, so if the other 7 million also came in then that would be almost double, i.e. 8 + 7 = 15. But if the 7 million do not ever hear of the truth (which was my reasoning prior to that) then they would have to enter the new system ignorant of Jehovah.....so that would mean nearly half of the people who would survive Armageddon would not know him....

I agree with you fully, I don't care either how long the "generation" is and that is why I wish we would stop discussing it. We will be going through it (again!) at our congregation Bible Study at the end of this month.....Just like you, I prefer to focus on becoming a better Christian, and the ministry, and to be ready. I get a little frustrated when we go on about the "overlapping" I wish we would stop it, as (to me) it makes no sense at all....

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3 hours ago, HollyW said:

Anna, it's not necessary for salvation for anyone to have heard of Jehovah's Witnesses.  It's Jesus they would have heard of to be saved.

I found some information about the spread of the Christian gospel around the world.  They might be of some interest to you.





Holly, I'm afraid I do not subscribe to the beliefs of Christendom. To me, their leaders are counterfeit Christians, and most of who follow them, or profess to be Christians are such in name only.

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7 minutes ago, Anna said:

Holly, I'm afraid I do not subscribe to the beliefs of Christendom. To me, their leaders are counterfeit Christians, and most of who follow them, or profess to be Christians are such in name only.

That's quite the broad brush you're painting with there.

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2 minutes ago, Anna said:

If they do not get the chance, because of the circumstances I talked about, then it would be up to Jehovah to see their hearts, because if Jehovah wants to, he can predict whether someone would be receptive to the truth if given the chance or not. So my suggestion was that this may have to happen because of the limited time left to reach all those people... then no, maybe not everyone surviving Armageddon will be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, whether they are "saved", would ultimately rest with them according to how they reacted afterward.


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6 hours ago, Anna said:

so that would mean nearly half of the people who would survive Armageddon would not know him

I don't think anyone who doesn't know God and lives by His principles will enter but that's just my interpretation of things. It would make some sense if we take in account the Jesus' parable of the workers in the field (Mat 20:1-15). I say some sense because in the parable even those hired at the end of the day had done some work.

In reality we don't know how many and in what level of knowledge will survive. We are not the judges of that and Jehovah keeps these things for Himself. Additionaly I think that such things are inconsequential to us. Yes they are fun and sometimes helpful to think about them (because one must summon his/her knowledge of the scruptutres to try to give an answer or do additional research) but regardless our conclusions, in essence are theoretical games.

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8 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

I don't think anyone who doesn't know God and lives by His principles will enter but that's just my interpretation of things.

Well that is what I generally think, because it would seem like that according to Matt 20:1-15. That is why I started wondering about those billions of people in India and China and the statistics of 1:400, which of course do not exist there. It seems illogical to think that those two countries would have virtually no one (relatively speaking) whose heart would be inclined to the truth, because all people are basically the same as regards heart conditions; that there should be at least 1 out of 400 Chinese and Indian persons who would accept the truth. If we were to say no, wouldn't that be racist? So in view of this, there is at least 7 million who still need to come to know Jehovah....and there is no time for that....so that is why I got to wondering about how would it be done and if anyone had any scriptural suggestions.

But you are right, in the end these are theoretical games. In any case, with Jehovah, anything is possible.

P.S. I spoke to a brother at our hall the other day whose son and his wife are special pioneers in Indonesia and they have a nice little congregation going there. I think that's what got me to thinking about the vastness of the far east, and all those billions of people living there....

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On 9/22/2016 at 9:51 PM, ThePraeceptor said:


There isn't any mistranslation of any name in John 8:24. You need to understand BASIC Greek grammar so as to not confuse personal pronouns (εγώ) and verbs (ειμί) with names.

Then show me WHO translated the NWT and what manuscript they used for this passage, please.

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2 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

Then show me WHO translated the NWT and what manuscript they used for this passage, please.

You are changing the subject. Personally I don't care who translated the NWT. I was reading AND studying the Bible long before becoming JW and I was doing it using the Septuagint and the Nestle-Aland critical text. When the NWT came along I didn't find ANY changes to the meaning of the texts. For the most part I noticed a word by word accurate translation from the original.

To address the second part of you question. I'm attaching a foto of the relevant part of the Codex Sinaiticus just for the shake of the argument. To be more accurate I underlined the part you think mistranslated and I'll also give you the exact location (Johannes, 7:51 - 8:41  Archiv: BL  Folio: 252  Schreiber: A) in order for you to verify that this is indeed part of the Codex Sinaiticus and not some image I photoshoped. This is only one of the manuscripts. I could give you more but I won't. You don't ask to learn or because you have a sincere question about something. You ask only to start what we, old-timers of the internet, used to call "flame wars". That effectively classifies you as an Internet Troll and I'm not in the habit of "feeding the trolls".

Have a nice day! (Matthew 10:13)


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