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21 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

It was a common saying in our home growing up, 'those Christians are demons'. And when you think about it, I don't think the watchtower has ever had anything to say about Christians other than they serve satan.

On the contrary, it would be known to you that those who call themselves Christians tend to lead a double life, as do those in most Churches in America. Women tend to go to churches in seductive clothing yet at the end of the day, they hold conviction to being Christian, as do some who do other vile things,for instance, an example I can bring young ones tend not to pay attention to what the bible says yet turn a cheek to do something differently, another case where during a sermon, you have teens who talk about things not of the church, even vile things like if they had drank alcohol, if they had intercourse with so and so, and things of that nature. This is what will prompt Christians who follow the bible to raise concern of Christians who do not.

I know most Christians, even JW Christians will say something of those who do not follow the bible, for the conduct of one who claims to be a Christian, conduct that is brazen or negative, of course one will call this out. Like what you have stated, those Christians are demons, that is a new one, never heard of it, most sincere Christians will clearly bring up misguidance and clear ignorance of biblical application.

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There have been several statements in the publications for those concerned about children, mentally incapacitated, and those alive at Armageddon who have never had an opportunity to learn of Jehovah's

That "succinct" answer is a perfect example of the "skirting" I referred to earlier: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Feel That They Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?

Perhaps it is one of the best ways to find the proper meaning of the following verses, among several others:   (Matthew 5:18) 18 Truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass

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21 minutes ago, Anna said:

Know the difference between counterfeit Christians and true Christians. It's not a new teaching. The scriptures warn about this and give clear identifying marks to help distinguish the two.

Seconded. We have to recognize the weeds in the wheat, you can't leave them to continue to grow and spread, it will only cause problems, thus a correction is demanded.

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

But not all of them right? I mean the ones without jw parents are toast correct? As Tony Morris said "like human hotdogs"

The righteous and the meek, those who adhere to faith and salvation and of course the works, recognizing God's grace by means of his Son, knows what the New Covenant entails, such ones who profess what the bible tells us, are the only ones who will survive the Great day of God, Judgement Day for we do not know the day or the hour, and Jesus does not know but it is very certain he will be coming with a Sword in hand and a legion of angels that technically consist and or is God's army, will follow. We surely we know what Angels are capable of, we haven't seen what the the Exalted Jesus Christ can do other read a glimpse of him, with the angels following him, cast Satan and his Demons out of Heaven in a Great Battle, as seen in Revelations. One can only imagine how this will go down on earth, perhaps it would be very critical in levels perhaps surpassing cataclysmic proportions.

Those who do not adhere to such, those who break God's Law, those who do not recognize who God is or his Son, as well as the teachings of which they do not follow, those who teach an accursed doctrine or teach an Angel has taught them when the bible says not even to take direction from an angel that was clearly not sent by God, those who do not do the works and think once saved always saved, those who blasphemy the Holy Spirit (a big mistake anyone can make and surely regret), will not really be able to inherit God's Kingdom.

So therefore, like what you quoted, like human hotdogs, if you want an more explicit example, like  tossing a raw chicken into the mouth of a volcano, and it will be far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, far worse than those who were deemed cursed, far worse than in Noah's Day.

JW or not, if you do not adhere to the teaches, the 2 options that are available, Life and Death, it will be obvious of which one who does not listen will fall into. As harsh it may sound, this is the truth, for there is Life and Death before us, there is no middle ground, either you are for Life or you will simply perish and be brought to nothing and be made, no mores if you never existed to begin with, that my friend, is the second death, for everlasting destruction pretty much means you cease to exist.

People tend to think it is all fun and games, candy and rainbows, but this is indeed, very serious, and to not take such seriously, makes one like a child who does not understand of what is being said or what is to come, for mentally, majority of folks to not take the bible seriously and should they do take is seriously, they tend to be the very people who end up being persecuted, such ones who profess what the bible says, not even death will shake their faith, which seems to be the case in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

Note: I remember someone elsewhere on a Christian fourm posted this to prove a point. She wasn't wrong.

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On 6/17/2018 at 10:27 PM, Queen Esther said:

And NOT  forget  @Matthew9969....  Babies  and  little  children  are  holy  through  their  JW  parents !  ONE  is  enogh  -  Mom  or  Dad....

First  after  Jehova's  DAY  -  the  end  of  the  1000 years,  then  we  perhaps  know  the  exactly  count  of  all  JW....   But  thats  not  really  relevant,  bec. we  can  hope,  reaching  our  last  goal, the  paradise...  ONLY  Jehovah  is  knowing  the  JW  count. I'm  NOT  interested,  I  would  be  more  happy  for  SO  much  other  things,  they  are  coming  now 1f601.png1f495.png

Yes. Jesus did say the path is very narrow, as I said before to others here, God knows who is for him, mainly those who take total seriousness in what His Word means, and what he has enabled his prophets, including his Son, to make known to us.

For this is why, according to Paul, we thank God the Father for our Lord Jesus Christ, for clearly accurate truth allows us to see and be prepared of what is to come, especially when it comes to obstacles to the very goal we are aiming for, hence we endure and remain vigilant.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:


I erased your text in my quote to save space. 


That still doesn't address the belief of jw's that unless you are a jw you will not be saved. QE mentioned that if one parent/guardian were a jw then the kids are safe, my point was that those kids who do not have a jw parent/guardian (according to jw beliefs) are burnt hotdogs. 

Is this or is this not the jw/wt stance on the matter? While your opinion may differ, which I hope it actually does, it is still the question being asked from the beginning of this thread. 

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

That still doesn't address the belief of jw's that unless you are a jw you will not be saved. QE mentioned that if one parent/guardian were a jw then the kids are safe, my point was that those kids who do not have a jw parent/guardian (according to jw beliefs) are burnt hotdogs. 

It does not matter if one is a Jehovah's Witnesses or not a Jehovah's Witnesses, especially when one is able to know and identify which branch of Christianity they stem from, example, they are Restorationist because they take the bible in total seriousness, everything they teach and address comes from the bible, even their publications. Their Christology is Non-Trinitarian, that speaks for itself, and any man who has studied not just the bible, but Christianity's history, the very root they originate from, the Apostolic Age, sola scriptura, etc.

According to their Theology and practice, they believe all men, women and children can be saved, which is in fact true, hence what the bible speaks of, for God want all kinds of people to be saved and he knows who is for him, those who make the attempt and because of his justice, those who do not, they perish. What JW opponents fail to realize is that those who have JW parents if not a JW anymore and speak ill of the bible and ill of the faith, then that puts you in line for what is to come, on the other side of the spectrum, those who are no longer JW, however still maintain a total respect to the parents who follow the faith, at the same time, such ones still believe that God is indeed true and what his Son had taught is indeed true, as well as coming to a common ground with their JW parents, the irony is, both former JW groups are present, but the ones who go about attacking the faith, also attack those who, also former JWs, who still maintain a defense of what the bible says, at the same time, defend the faith of those in their former faith, and clearly, some of us, even God can see this himself, this is why I brought up before that a man who is totally neutral with JWs defended them and only those JWs deem real apostates, those who bash the faith and scriptures and act out in totally hypocrisy, attack such a man. This was the case with some punk rocker, young man, who, former JW, defended the faith even though he is no longer a JW, he even addressed that his moral code was because of his former faith, and the only reason he left was due to just wanting to do his own thing, but still maintains family ties because he, makes the effort to meet his family and he does not bash them for what they believe every second. If I still have access to the thread I had elsewhere, I can bring this up.

So the so called, "hotdogs" that will be burning, are the ones who do not adhere to the teaches, preach against God's Law, and clearly those who are against what the bible says. You fail to see that the whole JW opponent thing is clearly one sided, because everyone who is a former JW and defenses the faith are drowned out by the likes of real apostasy.

Understand this and know it and believe me, I have been around. I would have agreed with you if such people didn't exist, but they do. And clearly God sees the actions of such ones and they would go out like Korah and his comrades.

Speaking of Korah, the end time tribulations when things do kick of, it may be in similar fashion, but far greater than what we have seen in Numbers 16, only this time, there is a lot of things in the way than just a field and a temple.

At the end of the day, you do not have to like the faith group, but take into the example of what Bereans are, or that of John 4, Jesus, a Jew, to a Samaritan woman, or in another passage, the Samaritan Leper. Sometimes fir the minor things you have to be very careful of, for even minor things beget large consequence that cannot be reserved, the only reason why True Christians outside of the mainstream do not mess around with JWs, let alone run into JW churches and cause a disturbance.


That being said, I believe the JWs made it clear, based on the bible, of who will be saved, it is safe to also mention they also believe others can be saved too, even outside of their faith, as long as those on the outside accepts what the bible says. We also cannot be ignorant of the fact that there is indeed many, many places in the world where God is not known and no one knows who or what Jesus is, hence why the preaching exist, Thailand is a fine example of what I mention of majority of people, mainly farmlands, that do not know God, the Bible, etc.


Also just mention my name, my comments, tend to be long at times, so as long as I see my name or you use @ option below, I will see it.

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17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

It does not matter if one is a Jehovah's Witnesses or not a Jehovah's Witnesses

right here tells me you do not know the position of the jws and thus cannot dismiss the questions asked. 


17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, I believe the JWs made it clear, based on the bible, of who will be saved, it is safe to also mention they also believe others can be saved too, even outside of their faith, as long as those on the outside accepts what the bible says.

again, not according to their teachings. 


You may want to believe that the jws think the way you do, but the reality is that the wt teaches otherwise. I can, if you require it, provide proof.


You certainly write a lot, but I think some of that is to side track the actual topic in discussion and create an alternate argument about something not even relevant.  

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54 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

right here tells me you do not know the position of the jws and thus cannot dismiss the questions asked. 


You seem to be missing the point of what I had addressed. It does not matter if one is a JW or not, was mention still stands. You have former members who speaks against those who see JWs in a negative light, I myself have witnessed such and clearly the very person was attacked for his views and his experience. There is a point to where a former member of a faith can reach apostasy and that is when they speak against either the bible or what the faith teaches, if you preach Jesus is God inside a JW church while being a member, obviously it is going to get you expelled.

There are two groups of former JWs, the ones who continue relentless opposition of a faith to the point of church disruption, be it a meeting, a wedding, communion, a funeral, the list goes on, it has been taken up to an extreme when now such churches are lit on fire and shot at. Such ones see everyone who sees differently as them as an enemy.

The latter is former JWs who respect their former faith and continue to live about their day without inciting and or influence any sort of Christian In-fighting, never will you see such ones disrupt a church or refer to God is such a slander that will make even nuns quake in fear with disgust face. These people often come to blows with their counterparts and these people defend their relatives and friends who are JWs, only to be met with opposition and threats from other former JWs with a negative view, this was the case with what I had addressed months ago, the negative ones who are not Christ-like and clearly against the faith, ran a man off the internet, they ran an art student off the social media, they ran a gay man out of YouTube, why? Because they defended JWs, even though they agree/disagree with somethings, 2 of the 3 people being former JWs themselves. Never has such people speak ill of God, the bible, or his Kingdom.

This is what I addressed before and this is what I will address again.

Out of the two, it is clear who will be judged, especially those judged with clear path for the second death, those who speak ill of God and everything he says through his Word and the Word he has sent. You have one group who is that clearly is of no faith, but still has a hope in what the bible says, for they themselves having demons they are battling with within them, they know what is right and what is wrong and clearly will defend what the bible says when the situation calls for it.

Therefore, it does not matter who is a JW and who is not, you even have those who are not of the faith at all defend what is true, i.e. that Jesus is the Son, not God the Father.

Such things is very serious and one shouldn't be playing around and should be taking the bible seriously.

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

again, not according to their teachings. 

You may want to believe that the jws think the way you do, but the reality is that the wt teaches otherwise. I can, if you require it, provide proof.

You are going to have to prove how it differs because according to the Christian not of the mainstream, it is quite identical, and such can indeed also be proven, with not only the bible, a clear hermeneutical view of what was taught, of which is clear fact, the mainstream do not follow, which is addressed by Christians who are not part of it, and to some extend, non-Christians can call such things out and tell you ant the bible says.

Because when one has something to say, they say it. Probably not in the way that I tend to do it with being overly detailed, but whatever works.

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

You certainly write a lot, but I think some of that is to side track the actual topic in discussion and create an alternate argument about something not even relevant.  

I do write a lot, always have, we have discussed before about Religious worship regarding God vs Jesus, Jesus' birth and the Traditions of man. Information and detail well put together is like fine art to a final piece, mainly if said information is 100% true.

Then again, sometimes I quote myself or allude to something I tend to have said before, only this time I probably got a mix of both regarding both your comments, both alluding to each other because I was busy with @Jesus.defender claims, back to back claims all within seconds of each other, hence the 2 responses to your comment tend to be be nearly similar. But yes, proof is good.

That being said, you can post your prove, just know what I will make in response is regarding what the bible says and the practices of the non-mainstream ones.


Other than that, all men are saved when they recognize God's purpose and will as well has his grace through his Son, in addition to maintaining faith and adhere to what the bible teaches. JWs, you, etc, only saved if you adhere to what is taught. Those in any group who do any thing of the accursed, even being ignorant of truth, well, you can throw in the hamburgers with the hotdogs too - there is no middle ground.

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1 minute ago, Space Merchant said:

You seem to be missing the point of what I had addressed. It does not matter if one is a JW or not, was mention still stands.

I'm sorry but it is you who missed the point. The point is the title of this thread. 


 Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization." Watchtower 2006 May 15 p.22

"They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation." Kingdom Ministry 1990 Nov p.1


There is more if needed. 

12 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Other than that, all men are saved when they recognize God's purpose and will as well has his grace through his Son, in addition to maintaining faith and adhere to what the bible teaches. JWs, you, etc, only saved if you adhere to what is taught. Those in any group who do any thing of the accursed, even being ignorant of truth, well, you can throw in the hamburgers with the hotdogs too - there is no middle ground.

In general I agree with you on this view point, but unfortunately the wt does not as you can see from their publications I quoted above. 

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2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

I'm sorry but it is you who missed the point. The point is the title of this thread. 

I wasn't referring to the thread itself, I was referring to the response you made. As I said to before, I make a direct response to a claim, for the response here, I never made no mention of the main topic of the thread, solely my response is to direct and at times specific comments. But if you want me to address op, I will do just as that.

That being said, what I have said before, still stands, in response, to a comment which you made to which I made the direct comment to, the very reason I break them down and target a specific claim.

2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

In general I agree with you on this view point, but unfortunately the wt does not as you can see from their publications I quoted above. 

And of course, you pulled it from the very website that is clearly in opposition of the faith, anyways, let us analyze it anyway.

Provide more, for the more information, the better. And all pages included, not one sole page.

2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization." Watchtower 2006 May 15 p.22

"They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation." Kingdom Ministry 1990 Nov p.1

To start, it is known that, the Jehovah's Witnesses faith would have no reason to engage in the preaching of the gospel alongside their community,  if they didn't believe that there wasn't any hope for others. Certainly if JWs believed only THEY will be saved, that would defeat the purpose of the whole evangelizing work, now wouldn't it? They are certain that God's mercy will extend to all kinds of people, black, white, Chinese, an adult, a child, etc, regardless of sex, such ones are preached to about the good news gospel, the same of which Jesus himself preached himself, as addressed by the four gospel accounts. At Acts 24:15, apostle Paul stated that God the Father is going to resurrect even the unrighteous, alongside the righteous.

  • having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust.


One can ask, do they truly believe that they themselves are the only ones who will be saved? The simple answer is no, and everyone knows how a Restorationist is and how they operate in this regard, mainly the ones who adhere to the early Christians and the early Church's structure.

They hold to, and even profess by evangelicalism, that many people that have lived centuries ago and who were not  one of Jehovah’s Witnesses will come back in  the resurrection and have an opportunity for life, as well as being granted of what the bible informs is about - eternal life, life that is everlasting. Moreover, many now living right now, have yet take a stand for truth and righteousness that is heavily expressed in the bible and what Jesus had taught, such ones before the end times and tribulations begin, these people will gain salvation and be saved, especially those who identify who God is and who Jesus is and adheres to what the bible says. In addition, we should also be very aware that God looks at the heart of each and every one of us. He sees everything in total accordance and judges mercifully and he has also committed judgment into Jesus’ hands, not ours, for it is known Jesus was given authority and power (Matthew 28:18). Judging a Restorationist, even when one is a total stranger to you, is very telling and it reveals much about the one who judges, we are not even discussing/ and or including the things in the realm of conduct (from the absurd to brazen) either in this regard.

The 2006 source of which you linked: Your link is dead (x_x), so therefore, a response cannot be made to this one nor can your claims be taken as truth, unless you have a correct link of said information, until then, this claim is as empty as a drunkard's bottle.

The 1990 source of which you linked: You do realize of whom the JWs are making a direct reference to, right? The THEY of whom they speak of in this article is in large purple text. Directing Bible Students to Jehovah's Organization. Such ones that the JW faith start a study with, for the article does teach the disciple of the JW church how to direct one into as well as establish a study. The article also makes it clear of how the viewpoints of the bible and what society is now has changed, an example of our day and age, how one can easily use the bible itself refer to God as Jesus when we know God is not Jesus, or those who defend and justify homosexuality (even to the point they address the word is not mentioned in the bible at all), males sleeping with the same sex, in addition to a defense for same sex marriage by using the bible, or that of slavery and inciting of religious hatred or fighting, and there is indeed a big claims regarding all these things that an uneducated bible student will easily fall to and take every word of what is being professed, if they do not understand fully of what the bible teaches. This is where the JW comes in pertaining to this article, to teach about God's Kingdom and to profess the faith that lines up with scripture, judging by what is being read in this article. The goal in question is to teach them how their organization is bible-based, following the scriptures accordingly, bringing the sheep into the flock with accurate knowledge of what the bible says. What is also addressed is drawing the bible student to the teachings of God, be it by visualizing what the scriptures profess or that of, for instance, how the grown ones teach the young one about God and what he has done, how God, their Rock, has safeguarded them, for the learning of God is Law, as the bible tell us. In the JW's case, pictures and illustrations of passages in the bible as well as accounts, in addition to what is being said at their sermons/meetings of which what is being talked about regarding the bible, as well as things of the past, and things taking place now in today's society, the positives an the negatives, and how it affects Christians, how it affects them as Christians. Jehovah's Witnesses speak such of their church because they follow the same scripture of what the early Christians had with their church, hence why the reference in this same article that even addresses it, for following the structure of the church as did their 1st century counterparts, who were pretty much Non-Trinitarian prior to the Council situation, they are organized and united in the same teachings The Church and Her People, who in turn make up the Church and follow the teachings as they say, (somewhat quoting Irenaeus sort of) and adhere together what the bible teaches, even learn from each other. Anyone who recognizes salvation knows that clear adherence to the scripture is indeed vital for salvation, mainly if following that of the original organization in regards to the 1st century. As long as the JWs get you to learn what your bible says, as long as they make God's name known, his Kingdom, his Son, etc, that alone enables one to go on a path of seeking salvation, for indirectly they can pretty much put you in the very Apostolic roots of which their organization is structured upon, the only difference is the group itself is doing the Great Commission regarding the good news gospel, a command from Jesus, they also take into account of what Jesus had entrusted the church to do, an ability given regarding the Holy House, that is the church, most importantly, its foundation being the Christ, for the Christ is indeed the head of the church and the head of the Christ is God. That being said, it is silly to think only they can be saved, it would be hypocrisy to even preach and evangelize if that is their mindset, let alone bear the interference of their Apostolic Age and Restorationism roots, that is, literal primitive Christianity in the most basic of sense. For the goal for them is simple, get the knowledge of what the bible teaches out to the people, make them learn about it and pave a way for their salvation by means of their organization, for clearly they take into account others, that is why, they preach. Therefore, the whole Jehovah's Organization is following the early church regarding salvation and being saved, to understand the bible, you are part of the Spiritual House, no matter of how you try to knock it, JWs, on the other hand, stick together and like the Restorationist they are, they are adhere to command when it comes to having students; a teacher teaches a student do the student becomes the teacher, and he too will have a student. Therefore, this denomination, that is indeed their Christology and understanding. The only thing that seems to be lacking from this article is the other pages and portions that connects, but clearly, as addressed before about this site, they have some misinformation that can easily be spotted out, example, the Russian I mentioned a while back regarding what and why is a Watchman's Tower is important, hence as to why JWs use that as their identifying logo.


Other than that, this is one but many articles posted by JWs on the CSE forums, 4C is quite the knowledgeable:

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe That They Are the Only Ones Who Will Be Saved? The link itself of which I copied from CSE also points to similar articles. It would seem the JW website have also saved me the trouble of searching everything.

Also you can post whatever you got left, so I can read it, please, make sure the link is not dead.

I can go on, but perhaps maybe for the time being I can cut down on somethings. At times, even I feel as though, as I said before, speak too much.


I'd also like to address that one can see the answer for this when they are not solely one-sided. This has been addressed, time and time again in minor to very strong discussions about salvation and the like, those saved, those of the church, etc. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last time, just as there is already a huge ongoing discussion about who God is, and another regarding those who are trying to push immorality defense by using the bible, such things have to be addressed and never one sided, for if such remains one sided, one can easily be blind and not see the other side of the discussion that has more fruits in the basket than the latter.

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28 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Certainly if JWs believed only THEY will be saved, that would defeat the purpose of the whole evangelizing work, now wouldn't it?

Actually no, since that is their carrot, that is the exact thing in which they use to lure in others. 

30 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

One can ask, do they truly believe that they themselves are the only ones who will be saved? The simple answer is no, and everyone knows how a Restorationist is and how they operate in this regard, mainly the ones who adhere to the early Christians and the early Church's structure.

How can you believe this when their publications state otherwise? 

31 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

They hold to, and even profess by evangelicalism, that many people that have lived centuries ago and who were not  one of Jehovah’s Witnesses will come back in  the resurrection and have an opportunity for life, as well as being granted of what the bible informs is about - eternal life, life that is everlasting.

This is actually their slight of hand tactic. I say this because they will say that "well, those folks never heard of our message" and that gives them the escape from the argument. It is a diversion from the actual beliefs that they currently hold. 

34 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The 2006 source of which you linked: Your link is dead (x_x), so therefore, a response cannot be made to this one nor can your claims be taken as truth, unless you have a correct link of said information, until then, this claim is as empty as a drunkard's bottle.

I never meant for it to be linked. It kind of makes me chuckle that instead of addressing the quote, you dismiss it because the internet link doesn't work. Its equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU" 


Your response to the 1990 quote says nothing about the fact that the wt says one MUST appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation. Reworded it is saying that if one does not identify themselves as jw they have no salvation. Its the crucial element of this thread. You can wish it away all you 'd like, but the fact remains that in their publications it clearly states the answer to the question in the title of this thread. 


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25 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Actually no, since that is their carrot, that is the exact thing in which they use to lure in others. 

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Actually it does, it is no lure, for the Great Commission is what it means and it has been commanded by profess Christians. Evangelicalism is the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness. zealous advocacy of a cause, in addition, missionary zeal, purpose, or activity. What man does not take great zeal in what Jesus commanded? A Restorationist' main focus is the Good News Gospel, of which, Jesus himself preached. The JWs are basically acting out as their role as ministering missionaries who preach to convert to their church, therefore, such ones become students, and eventually teachers.

You cannot preach the good news gospel when doing nothing, Jesus himself went from town to town, spoke in synagogues, such is done in a similar fashion today, the only different is some preach from the bible, some do not.

31 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

How can you believe this when their publications state otherwise? 

You sure about that? What do you think I am even quoting from? That being said, anyone understands the functions and operations of a Restorationist individual and or group, everything and anything they do is in the bible, it is for the bible and it comes from the bible, for that is how the early church operates, so do they. There is no bunny in a hat magic, in this sense, for core Christianity being profess is indeed a practice by some, even JWs. Muslims recognizes this also.

Than again, you only cited a 1990 publication with 1 page when there is evidence that there is more pages to this article, and a 2006 that has not been addressed yet. If anything, to state your resolve, just copy and paste the article here if it does not work, surely that would have reaped success on your part.

34 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

This is actually their slight of hand tactic. I say this because they will say that "well, those folks never heard of our message" and that gives them the escape from the argument. It is a diversion from the actual beliefs that they currently hold. 

Friend, this is indeed fact of what I stated. As for this escape argument, it is evident, that JW opponents only got for inexperienced. Jehovah's Witnesses and or novices of the faith, they never dare to cross an experienced one, which was the case with some Trinitarians. Even with Muslims, they never came across an experienced JW let alone someone who knows the bible very well, Hyde Park speaks for itself, for instance, there was a case with Christian who said they manage to win an argument against a JW, but later on, that same argument revealed their hypocrisy on the verse that they posed to JWs, therefore, making JWs and the Bible experienced Sunni, correct.

The silliness however, is when a JW is indeed right, he is said to be wrong, which was the case in a debate video I posted several months back.

As for actual beliefs, I believe they can speak for themselves on what they belief, and what they see that is true from the bible, they can explain it, but they won't waste time with nonsense of those who do not listen, so they simply dust off their feet, and go to the next person.

That being said, the theology of JWs and their Christology is very, very obvious. The primary problem Mainstream Christianity has with the Jehovah's Witnesses is that they do not believe Jesus is God, others are neutral with JWs because they do not want to make mistake when the day and hour comes, therefore, they wait an they watch being very careful with making accusations to those who do not fit the description.

41 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

I never meant for it to be linked. It kind of makes me chuckle that instead of addressing the quote, you dismiss it because the internet link doesn't work. Its equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU" 

And? If a link is dead, the person in question who will have to edit and or correct it, make sure the link is visible, at CSE, you can be called out for it, during my early years, I have posted broken and misdirected links when I wanted to prove something, over time, I learn the importance of making sure such links match what I am saying, which was the case with nearly all my comments on this forum and elsewhere.

So I say to you, I do not address nor believe your claim, that is why I made mention of the link being dead, so therefore, you can update and or post the link to prove your resolve, or just leave it as is. As for the last bit of comment you made, grown men do not adhere to antics of children, so what I had mention is with utter seriousness for what is being talked about, nothing more. But if it assumes you to speak of such, so be it, for if it was not any clearer to you before, I value information, therefore, I expected, yet saw nothing.

46 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Your response to the 1990 quote says nothing about the fact that the wt says one MUST appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation. Reworded it is saying that if one does not identify themselves as jw they have no salvation. Its the crucial element of this thread. You can wish it away all you 'd like, but the fact remains that in their publications it clearly states the answer to the question in the title of this thread. 

I add address it, didn't quote it exactly though, more of making a point here regarding the practices of JWs.

Anyone who recognizes salvation knows that clear adherence to the scripture is indeed vital for salvation, mainly if following that of the original organization in regards to the 1st century. As long as the JWs get you to learn what your bible says, as long as they make God's name known, his Kingdom, his Son, etc,

Like I said, their organization follows the same structure as that of the 1st century Christians, and if we are to be honest with what was said about the church, the same can be said about this faith group also. For it is a must to follow what the church has taught, the teachings that come from the bible, anything outside of it will render hope for salvation. the JWs believe that their church follows the 1st century, they even address their structure in that same article and how they operate. The article itself, as stated, it directed to helping a bible student learn the teachings and be among the flock, like I said, bringing the sheep into the flock with accurate knowledge of what the bible says. JWs believe what they teach is the truth, their Restorationist roots, even tracing to that of their Apostolic counterparts, do whatever is necessary to be closer to the truth than far from it. This is the case with even non-denominational Restorationist who are of no group and live a lifestyle that you wouldn't even adapt to, but they fail in one aspect, Great Commission, and only the group in question professes such.

For if salvation was indeed important to you, why not you preach it then if you think of the JWs to be on a rocky path themselves?

It is no surprise that Jehovah's Witnesses will separate themselves from Mainstream Christianity, for even the things that Jesus entrusted, they take seriously oppose to the mainstream, who do not. For as the saying goes, being a Christian, mainly a hardcore one, is not for everyone.

Therefore, I remain as neutral with them because I am being careful myself not to break any of God's Laws, to accuse a man and later on to find oneself subjected to judgement, is not the path I or wish on any man. I have respect for those who takes the bible seriously, and not adhere to accursed teachings, hence my stance with them ans several others who are trying to seek truth with a great deal of struggle. But clearly those who are far from the truth and spark ignorance of what the bible says, using the bible to defend what is accursed, such ones, will be refuted. As for information and knowledge of what each denomination stands for, such ones will also be refuted and corrected on such.

That being said, the other pages of that 1990 article, I will find them, for that is a link. As I said, provide more, with the pages intact.

Other than that, JWs would be 100% hypocrites, if they say such a thing and do not preach, for knowing what the bible says and not to preach it at all, especially the good news gospel - that is utter selfishness, but clearly, they preach it, as did Jesus, and as do those who fight against what is accursed.

Lastly, you mention crucial element of this thread, this same article makes mention to other pages, can you provide so we can go on further? or perhaps update the other link? Maybe provide the the more evidence that you seem to have?

As for what I address, my source was the link provided in my other response, as well as the history of Restorationist Christians who emerged from The Great Awakening from many many years back, in addition to a former JW, being a source as well.

Also I don't make wishes, that is something, culturally, as absurd and somewhat related to pagan-like practices of men.

The original church and anyone who adheres to the original church and those who profess this same structure, such is essential to one being saved. Any practices outside or does not follow the church, such is accursed and will get more of what is coming to them than those they show deceit to. This goes for what you have shown me in the past to which I spoke in correction.

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