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Proudly Flying The Flag of Chile at a Kingdom Hall - Tell me about JW Neutrality again please?

Jack Ryan

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I see also that the society allows different internet pages, facebooks, and “closed” facebooks to operate. Something that was not done some years ago. Seems there is a need for that.  

Surely, by now, others have come into contact with brothers from Chile and have been able to confirm or deny what I was told about it. I spoke with a brother who had been there, and had relatives ther

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On 11/6/2017 at 8:38 AM, The Librarian said:

There is a reason the society allows it.

I see also that the society allows different internet pages, facebooks, and “closed” facebooks to operate. Something that was not done some years ago. Seems there is a need for that.


…. To All those “internet experts”, please Do not forget that, it was a Librarian that started collected news in English (and other languages too) some years ago. Thank you.

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Ah, the Atheist returns. I was still waiting on your response concerning Adam and Eve, and your belittling of the religion of Islam with falsehood and misconceptions you proposed on both topics.

That being said, this has been debunked several times. A simple search is only required.

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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, this has been debunked several times. A simple search is only required.

I can't remember it being debunked. I though we had researched it and found the photograph was genuine. Someone also inquired of the brothers who were familiar with the situation in Chile and they confirmed it...

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7 hours ago, Anna said:

I can't remember it being debunked. I though we had researched it and found the photograph was genuine. Someone also inquired of the brothers who were familiar with the situation in Chile and they confirmed it...

There were several posts a while back with misinformation of the whole ordeal, it only took one Chilean source to profess what was the cause and effect of the situation in Chile.

That being said, you'd be surprised of how people spread misinformation without even looking into facts, and ignore the situation because they see a flag there without going upon understanding why. So, it was debunked with credible and factual information vs. the misinformation presented out there with a  single source, as is with evidence found by others.

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4 hours ago, Anna said:

So what exactly was debunked?

The claims of nationalism and idolatry worship due to the fact the flag was there, as is with claims of hypocrisy when it comes to neutrality, which stirred up some misinformation about this whole flag situation. JWinsider provided some information on this in the past, as is with The Librarian, but I can no longer find that topic for it no longer exists. I myself pointed out to Chilean Decree and the like.

The source I professed is below:


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On 6/23/2020 at 4:22 PM, Space Merchant said:

Surely, by now, others have come into contact with brothers from Chile and have been able to confirm or deny what I was told about it. I spoke with a brother who had been there, and had relatives there. I also made lot of phone calls to various congregations (and got no response). I believe the photos are genuine. I believe that the letter content is genuine, although it still bothers me that the words SERVICE DEPARTMENT are in English. I have not been able to find another example of a letter like this. The English contents of the letter are evidently copied exactly from directives on the topic written by brothers at NY HQ. There is absolutely nothing here inconsistent with what Bethel HQ would say about the topic. The inconsistent application of governmental requirements in Chile was also explained to me in a way that makes sense (even if I personally disagree with it).

But I agree with the contents of the letter itself. And I think you are right, SM, that conforming to the governmental requirements about the use of a Chilean flag does not reflect idolatry by the Witnesses there. I doubt they even think about it as anything more than an annoyance to have to put up a national flag now and then. No one is idolizing it. No one is saluting it. In the United States, Witnesses often stand for a flag salute, and just refrain from putting their hand over their heart and repeating some words that people quote mindlessly. The idol itself is meaningless. To me it's a far cry from even "a pinch of incense" at an idol.

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