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The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.

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Amazing how fashion dictates a person's thinking without them really being aware of the influence. The guys on the right look like they have been sleeping out in the rain a couple of days, or tha

My point exactly, Q. Esther. Jehovah sees the heart and even if a poor servant of Jehovah doesn't have much, Jehovah still provides for them just like He did for the nation of Israel. He can make a po

Exactly. We should reflect the fruitage of the spirit even by the way we dress   

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@JOHN BUTLER I'm sure anyone can find a scripture to suit their own needs. 

sami  - Why have you not done that then? I'd like to see that scripture that says to wear clothing where your private parts protrude whether upper body or lower body.

@JOHN BUTLEROne other point on the clothing of brothers and sisters.  Assemblies and conventions are where the young ones / single ones go to find a marriage mate. Well they are not supposed to be looking 'in the world', so it has to be at the conventions. Not everyone wants someone from their own congregation. 

Hence the young and single want to look like young and single and who can blame them. Just because the GB are old frumps doesn't mean everyone has to be... And just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it.


sami - I wonder how people attracted the opposite gender before the mass production of obscenely designed clothing? Could be Christian personality and spirituality would and has attracted the special person one would want to spend their lives with, HUH!!



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12 minutes ago, sami said:

@JOHN BUTLER I'm sure anyone can find a scripture to suit their own needs. 

sami  - Why have you not done that then? I'd like to see that scripture that says to wear clothing where your private parts protrude whether upper body or lower body.

@JOHN BUTLEROne other point on the clothing of brothers and sisters.  Assemblies and conventions are where the young ones / single ones go to find a marriage mate. Well they are not supposed to be looking 'in the world', so it has to be at the conventions. Not everyone wants someone from their own congregation. 

Hence the young and single want to look like young and single and who can blame them. Just because the GB are old frumps doesn't mean everyone has to be... And just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it.


sami - I wonder how people attracted the opposite gender before the mass production of obscenely designed clothing? Could be Christian personality and spirituality would and has attracted the special person one would want to spend their lives with, HUH!!



You don't think that there has always been attractive clothing for people to wear then?

You don't know that people used to make their own before mass production ?

But you sound like a frump or an Elder anyway, so you probably don't understand. 

I said the young and singe wanted to look young and single, I didn't say obscene. 

So come on then roll out the scripture that says a Brother has to wear a suit and tie and the trousers must be baggy. .

And the scripture that says a woman cannot wear properly made trousers designed for ladies. 

And then the scripture that says a women must wear a dress that comes down to her ankles and up to her neck. Oh a Burka maybe ?

You seem to have all the answers, let's hear them with scriptures of course.



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1 hour ago, sami said:



In Ezekiel chapter 47 we begin to see an expanded vision of  Revelation, chapter 22. Again there is a “river” of water of truth being channeled to the earth out from Jehovah’s spiritual temple. The waters begin to flow through the channel of the “slave” class from their restoration in 1919. This “river” is described as going eastward, in the direction of greater light, signifying that the Society’s publications of truth would be progressing in the light of truth as the years advanced after 1919. Ezekiel makes a periodic survey, every thousand cubits, of the increasing depths of this river, which first was ankle deep, then up to the knees, and further up to the loins, and finally the river was so deep that one had to swim if he wished to cross it.—Ezek. 47:1-5.

So in the latter days of fulfillment a periodic survey of every three years shows a steady increasing in the spiritual depth and clarity of the published waters of truth by the Watch Tower Society.

From whom then, have these waters of truth flowed? Who has brought to light the false teachings of an immortal soul or hellfire and the trinity doctrine or all good people go to heaven?  From whom did we learn of God's kingdom and the earth becoming a paradise and a resurrection would take place here on earth?

What organization brought to light the history of the pagan celebrations of Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Samhain (halloween)  purgatory, limbo etc. etc.?

So then, who is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? The slave and the domestics are the same persons, only from different viewpoints. Under the term “slave” Christ’s anointed followers of today are viewed as a class, a composite slave or composite servant. God himself so interprets matters: “Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen.” (Isa. 43:10, AS) Note that many witnesses are called one servant. Under the term “domestics” those making up the slave class are viewed as individuals. They are spoken of as “body of attendants” at Luke 12:42 (NW). Murdock’s translation from the Syriac agrees in using “domestics” at Matthew 24:45, and another translation from the Syriac, by A. S. Lewis, renders it “companions”, that is, companion slaves. They are domestic slaves in the household of God and, as a united class or society, are termed “the faithful and discreet slave”. Similarly, when a number of domestics turn wicked and start to beat their fellow slaves these evildoers become the foretold “evil slave” class.—Matt. 24:48-51, NW.


 Matthew 24:45-51 shows the service privileges granted to the faithful ones as a class and the punishment meted out to the unfaithful ones as a class. Matthew 25:14-30 shows the Lord’s dealing with faithful and unfaithful slaves as individuals. As individuals each one must strive to measure up to the Master’s requirements. United as a faithful company of slaves they comprise a visible theocratic organization and in Jesus’ illustration here under discussion are pictured as a “faithful and discreet slave”, and this composite slave class must see to it that it provides properly for all its individual members, the domestics. Prior to the coming of the Master, Christ Jesus, it must be providing for all its members “their food at the proper time”. It must also be noted that God does not have several discreet-slave classes, several theocratic organizations among which the work is divided. “Does Christ exist divided?” No! It is “one body”.—1 Cor. 1:13; 12:12, 13


“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time?” In 1878, forty years before the Lord’s coming to the temple for judgment, there was a class of sincere consecrated Christians that had broken away from the hierarchic and clergy organizations and who sought to get back to true Christianity, as practiced by early Christians before the grievous wolves ravished the flock after the death of the apostles. They launched a campaign to restore the fundamental truths for the spiritually hungry to feed upon, to replace the pagan doctrines that had been adopted by apostate Christendom. It was the proper time for such spiritual food, to prepare the way before Christ’s coming for judgment at the temple. (Mal. 3:1; 4:5, 6) This group of faithful students began publication of The Watchtower, then called “Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence”, and in the first issue, July 1879, its announced purpose was to provide “meat in due season” to the “little flock”. The facts show that it did this from 1879 on. In 1884 they formed a legal corporation to represent in a business or legal way the society of witnesses or ministers. Down to this day the legal corporation, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, has been used as an agency to publish for and direct and unify the preaching activities of the society of witnesses overspreading the earth. When Christ came for judgment in 1918 he found some associated with this group that thought the Lord had delayed his coming and they were oppressing their fellow slaves in Christ. These were cast off as the “evil slave” class. Those faithfully serving God were identified as the “faithful and discreet slave” class.

Oh i didn't know Ezekiel mentioned 1919 in the writings ?

I thought I'd just leave this here :-


And the GB say only they, that is those 8 men, are the 'Faithful and discreet slave ' They say that other anointed ones are not the 'faithful ... slave'.

The GB even say that some, who say they are anointed, are mentally ill. 

Don't you understand that 'truth' has not advanced through these men ?  Their predictions have not happened. 

It's not God's word that is wrong, it is these 8 men that do not have God's holy spirit to guide them. 

And before you say that the JW Org has grown so much, well so has Muslim related terrorism and other false religions. 


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6 hours ago, sami said:

@JOHN BUTLER I'm sure anyone can find a scripture to suit their own needs. 

sami  - Why have you not done that then? I'd like to see that scripture that says to wear clothing where your private parts protrude whether upper body or lower body.

@JOHN BUTLEROne other point on the clothing of brothers and sisters.  Assemblies and conventions are where the young ones / single ones go to find a marriage mate. Well they are not supposed to be looking 'in the world', so it has to be at the conventions. Not everyone wants someone from their own congregation. 

Hence the young and single want to look like young and single and who can blame them. Just because the GB are old frumps doesn't mean everyone has to be... And just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it.


sami - I wonder how people attracted the opposite gender before the mass production of obscenely designed clothing? Could be Christian personality and spirituality would and has attracted the special person one would want to spend their lives with, HUH!!

When dealing with someone who has sold themselves to the mainstream Christendom, they yield upon their own understanding, opinions and emotion instead of the Bible, thus becoming easy prey to the E.I.I. the embodiment of Babylon's religion (as millions and millions, including those of a former faith denomination), from Israel, to the US, to the world and soon their little event will take place in Texas.

That being said, God knows who is form him, those who think they can approve for God are kidding themselves, thus such ones remain lost and or lukewarm.

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@JOHN BUTLER Do you actually know what PROPHECY is? Isaiah 4610 "From the beginning I foretell the outcome, And from long ago the things that have not yet been done....."


Isaiah 42:9  See, the first things have come to pass; Now I am declaring new things. Before they spring up, I tell you about them.


Isaiah 45:21  Make your report, present your case. Let them consult together in unity. Who foretold this long ago And declared it from times past? Is it not I, Jehovah? There is no other God but me; A righteous God and a Savior, there is none besides me.


Are you following the unauthorized course of Eve who forsook her belief in the word of her Creator and wrong became right to her?  She deliberately violated God’s commandment and she lost her standing of perfection. Her act constituted  the unmistakable crime of "lese majeste"  or treason which cost her her life.


There has always been one channel, used by Jehovah, to impart spiritual food. Ephesians 4:5,6 " one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." 


You can bend and twist your position all you want and it all comes back to the same thing you want to go. Jehovah God is cleaning house - it is his time to reveal the apostates hiding within the organization. You've gone on social media to swallow up those unsteady and new in the truth.


As for me, I've been a baptized member of the congregation for sixty nine years and have seen people come and go. The door is always open to those who want to come in and that same door closes behind when you want to leave.


Isaiah 29:16 "But now, O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; We are all the work of your hand."



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6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And before you say that the JW Org has grown so much, well so has Muslim related terrorism and other false religions

Please, do not bring Islam into this to compare to Christian faiths of any kind, you will be corrected, even regarding the Qu'ran.

Islam has indeed increased worldwide while mainstream Christendom has decreased, especially in the EU, mind you, Christians minorities HAS not decreased in a great number compared to the mainstream, it is its own category compared to mainstream Christendom, for instance in Japan, mainstream Christianity has declined, however minority groups show a slow increase.

that being said, I even stated before, that the increase is due to people figuring out the falsehood professed by mainstream Christendom thus people going to minorities and or becoming atheist and or Agnostic, as well as Muslim.

Muslims are not related to terror for terror is committed by ALL men regardless of background and or faith, not solely Muslims, and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves, and do not be quick to call them false either, for although their views differ they do have something to say, and their issue is, like many out of failed mainstream Christendom, the Trinity is false.

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The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York,  Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests.

What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.

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20 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York,  Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests.

What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.

The actual difference between Islam and Christendom is that Christians believe Jesus suffered and died, while Muslims do not believe Jesus died, but an impostor was placed on the stauros, and Jesus escaped.

Muslims also believe that Jesus will come back, and that he will make everyone Muslims, while Christians believe Jesus will return to set things straight, rid of wickedness.

Muslims believe in eternal paradise also, and they also believe in hellfire, while Christians, well it is different because of many denominations, but the truth of the matter is the earth will be the paradise and there is no hellfire torment, for anyone who reads knows exactly as to why God hates fire torment.

Not all Muslims are of terror, this is the idea that is pressed on to the people by those who are Islamophobic, for their counterparts who are bad is no different from the Christian's Crusaders, the Ku Klux Klan, and or Christian Militants, for a several weeks ago, Christian Militant leader got busted for making child soldiers.

As someone who dwells in a whole lot of, Dawah, what can be said it is very easy to correct you on the Qu'ran and the Islamic faith.

At the very CORE of both sides, both Christians and Muslims believe there is one God who is True and this One God is the Father, no Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, only YHWH, the one you call Yahweh/Jehovah, to them it is Yahuh, or most commonly known, Allah.

Christian means someone who believes and or has their faith based on God's Word and believe in the Christ.

Muslim means someone who believes in and puts their faith in God and follow his Word, accordingly.

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23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York,  Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests.

What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.

When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins.

If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!

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