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Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

Please let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Haiti after the hurricane Matthew. For three days we couldn't have any news from them because there wasn't any cellphone service in the south part of the country. Last night we finally received the news that no one died, but almost every house in Camp-Perrin is destroyed. In the picture is their Kingdom Hall. The rooftop is gone, leaving everything inside wet and broken.

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Sure we will. Hey family,  Let us as brother & sister prayer at one specific time to comfort our dear brother and sister in Haiti   Sister.  Nicole you suggest a suitable that time. Hope to hear f

Jehovah said in the Bible, that we get more and more catastrophes to our end- time... so bad, we never had before. We can't stop it. Maybe, it will come around the world. We don't know what will come

We do that in our congregation and I pray at home again for all these many brothers and sisters ? in different countries. I see that all in TV and its SO sad... :-((    I get always quickly current em

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3 hours ago, Tennyson said:

Sure we will. Hey family,  Let us as brother & sister prayer at one specific time to comfort our dear brother and sister in Haiti   Sister.  Nicole you suggest a suitable that time. Hope to hear from you

We do that in our congregation and I pray at home again for all these many brothers and sisters ? in different countries. I see that all in TV and its SO sad... :-((  :(  I get always quickly current emails from a special sister !  I will post it for us all,  when I get it.

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It is good we hear something about them. It is terrible what they have to suffer again. But good to hear they are safe. It doesn t matter if we pray all together or for our selves. The prayers are cumulutive for Jehovah. Thanks Jehovah for their safety and please help them to stay strong and firm in their faith. And all the friends earthwide who suffer too. 

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Jehovah said in the Bible, that we get more and more catastrophes to our end- time... so bad, we never had before. We can't stop it. Maybe, it will come around the world. We don't know what will come as next, but it will come, I see that daily in TV :-(  I believe, every country around the earth has any  problems, more or less. We can only wait, what will come next.  A very bad time, yes. :(

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Contributions donated by various congregations of Hialeah, Florida USA for brothers and sisters in Haiti, Bahamas and Cuba. 


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