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LIVE STREAM: Hillary Clinton / Donald Trump 2nd Presidential Debate


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No booing of any kind? How much fun is that?

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump do not shake hands as they take the stage....hmmm.

Clinton starts out with a smart move to the middle. Obviously an attempt to pull and lock in those newly horrified by Trump.

Anderson Cooper sets in first with Trump sexual assault controversy....he says he has great respect for women.

2nd moderator interrupts Trump abruptly to stay right on the same topic.

Donald Trump sets in on Hillary's husband's behavior in the past and also what Hillary used to do as a lawyer.

Basically this whole debate appears to not even touch on actual issues that affect US Citizens but rather is a mud-slinging event.

Donald Trump now attacks Hillary with her email scandal.

@realDonaldTrump to @HillaryClinton: "There were 33,000 emails that you deleted and that you acid-washed."

Donald Trump will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton and her email scandal.

Hillary gets scared in real time..... she jumps up terrified!

"because you'd be in jail"! - Donald Trump toward Hillary Clinton

Anderson Cooper wants to spend very little time on Hillary's crimes on her classified email scandal.

He pushes forward to Obamacare questions

Clinton: "I want to save what works and is good about the Affordable Care Act."

Donald Trump: "ObamaCare will never work... We have to repeal it and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive." 

This is real entertainment...

Anderson Cooper starts to debate with Donald directly.... not moderating... but debating.

CNN really is the Clinton News Network

Now onto the Muslim issue.

Donald starts in first.....

Trump: 'Radical Islamic terror...Before you solve it, you have to say the name' 

Hillary says Muslims have been in America since George Washington

Both basically say the same thing on Islamophobia

"We are not at war with Islam," Hillary Clinton says

"Are we going to have religious tests on people entering this country?" - Hillary Clinton

Trump on Clinton's approach to Muslim immigration: "This is going to be the great Trojan Horse of all time" 

Hillary focuses on the Russia boogeyman hacking her emails....asks for his taxes.

"Honest Abe never lied. That's the difference between Abraham Lincoln and you." - Trump to Clinton.

Clinton: "We should demand" Trump release tax returns so we can see what his financial relationship is with Russia.

'I don’t know anything about the inner workings of Russia...I have no loans with Russia.' - #Trump 

@HillaryClinton: "I want to have a surcharge on incomes above $5 million... I want to invest in hardworking families."

The RNC says as of 9:50 p.m., moderators have interrupted Trump 14 times, Clinton just 3 times

We are back to Russia / Syria....

I'm starting to zone out..... This live blogging of the debate is tiring me..


Trump: I don't like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS

Now the female moderator starts debating with Trump??  What is this with the Moderators chiming in with their opinions? Is it just me?

Trump says Clinton called his supporters "deplorable" and has not addressed issues affecting African Americans, Latinos. "She's all talk."

@HillaryClinton: "I have a deep devotion... to making sure that every American feels like he or she has a place in our country." 

Hillary blames bullying going up on Trump 

Deplorables comment by Hillary Clinton comes up.

Even the moderators are bored with Hillary’s campaign talking points

Trump reveals he's put $100 million of his own funds into his campaign 

He asks Hillary why she hasn't funded her own campaign instead of taking corporate money.

'China is illegally dumping steel in the United States and #Trump is buying it.' - #Clinton  REALLY??

Coal is now sneaking in....

And a last question 

Question of the night - "name one positive thing you respect in one another"

Hillary's answer is so self-absorbed and avoids the question altogether. Slippery woman....

Trump's answer: She doesn't quit... she doesn't give up... I respect that.

His answer is more straightforward I think.....

At this point it appears Donald Trump won round #2 of this debate by not holding back on Hillary's crimes.


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