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First-class painting artists between our Brothers in Bethel. Here a family in PARADISE ❤ wonderful made, just as the beautiful pictures in all our literature...

Queen Esther

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13 minutes ago, Anna said:


Hahaha, hilarious discussion going on here :D

I know the point you were trying to make, and of course you are right because one has to consider every possible aspect so that one does not give a cause for any kind of reproach or stumbling of anyone.  I "love" the artwork where everyone goes swimming fully dressed  so as not to offend others sensibilities regarding modesty. This was solved by dressing everyone in white robes in the latest video shown at the convention. I thought it looked a little creepy and reminded me fof Mormon baptisms :D:D. We have become too obsessed with that kind of thing I think. Thankfully we are not all like that in real life. In the 30's our books contained illustrations of full frontal views of Eve, nipples and all. It just shows how innocent society was in comparison to now. The porn industry is flourishing on the one hand, and on the other hand people are uber sensitive to showing any kind of flesh....

Anyway, as an artist myself, I couldn't help thinking that this looked like a patchwork of various poses put together in one. At first I thought the sister in the middle with the hat was modeled on a picture of Catherine Zeta Jones.....Then I recognized the signature and was able to check the brother's Instagram account, and sure enough, he was commissioned by a family to paint them in a paradise setting using several different photographs.... So this painting is not going to get anywhere near Bethel, but hangs in a living room.....

???   Its  ok  now  :D

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First-class  painting  artists  between  our  Brothers  in  Bethel... Here  a  family  in  PARADISE ❤   wonderful  made... Just  as  the  beautiful  pictures  in  all  our  literature ;-)

Absolutely beautifully detailed artistry!!  What a gift this artist possesses!!    

Enjoy the beautiful picture ! Thats all ;-)  

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