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Graphic: Anointed Remnant Partakers at the memorial celebrations since 1938

Queen Esther

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This  graphic  is  showing  the  number of partaking anointed remnant at the  MEMORIAL  since  1938.... What  a  big  surprise  is  this  curious  curve ! Many  years  of  lessening # of par

Knock knock knockin' on heaven's door........ It is aways interesting (for me) to look at the partakers graph against the average publishers graph as shown here. (They will be included in these f

Jehovah doesn't  make  any  mistake !!  ONLY  humans...

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"I mean, why shouldn't this number increase? I know we have put date limiters on it in the past, but surely we have become less rigid about this in more recent years? (@Melinda Mills could substantiate this with numerous WT references!)

Anointed ones answer only to Jehovah as to the genuineness of their claim (1Cor 11:27-29)." -- Eoin Joyce

Agree with Eoin that we should not worry about genuineness of the claim to be of the anointed of persons who have caused this number to increase. Jehovah is the one choosing them and he is keeping the tally.  It is possible some are not genuine but it still doesn't matter because we still  won't be able to judge or disallow any, whether they might seem to have emotional problems or not.

I get the feeling also that we have not been stressing the date limit as in the past, but here is a fairly recent one I found.

*** w14 2/15 p. 11 par. 14 Rejoice Over the Marriage of the Lamb! ***
"Since 1935, millions of people have allowed the remnant to ‘bring them to righteousness.’ (Dan. 12:3) These loyal companions of the anointed Christians have purified their lives, becoming spiritual virgins. These “virgin companions” of the bride have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and have proved themselves to be faithful subjects of the Bridegroom-King."

In any case Jehovah is not limited by our understanding of the scriptures or to any time period that we may have in mind.  He is managing the big picture (gathering the ones who would be fitting companions for his Royal Son) and it could be that whereas we were expecting logically a dwindling of the number as the 1914 generation disappears it may be that Jehovah will have more persons representing the epoch wherein more persons are living on earth and wherein a greater shout of praise is being carried out on the earth.  Who knows? It could be too that more surprises might be in store for his servants including the faithful slave.

I also like Eoin's reference to Luke 15 because the increase in the anointed is concomitant with the increase in the average publishers worldwide. So although it is puzzling at first,  on re-examination it should indeed be an outcome deserving applause.

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Jehovah knows His timing. So the numbers of partakers is not relevant.  I know an anointed brother who made know to us that he had received his sealing.  That was some time 2008 or 2009, again Jehovah knows His timing, so if there is an anointed that has not been sealed it doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem with him.  If they were all sealed the Angels would let loose their symbolic winds and the tribulation would start, so we know at least one is not sealed.    There are no clues to be had in finding Gods timing!

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