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Forums vs. Social Media


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Forums, like email, is one of those "killer applications" that made the Internet so powerful. Social media came along and it appeared that forums would be pushed aside as "old technology" like IRC chat etc...

Using the more modern forums though, such as this one, is a different experience than the forums 1.0 of the past.

Videos can now easily be embedded with just a click (just like Facebook and Twitter) and there are even more options for editing text than possible on FB currently.

Images are very easily shareable now on forums compared to previous years.

I will posit that social media made forum 1.0 technology to innovate and keep up. 

Going forward people may soon remember how refreshing categories and topics can be versus the firehose of information people typically get on a FB newsfeed which their algorithims select what you see. (think big brother 2.0)

There is also the possibility of allowing people to talk about things they don't want thier real names attached to. The USA was started in part due to "anonymous free speech". At times it is necessary. Granted, Twitter offers this already but forums had this 25 years ago and still do.

Forums like this one are also innovating with ideas on how to learn more from social media's success with such things as status updates etc...

Will we someday see the resurgence of massive forums where information is exchanged without a nauseating newsfeed?


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Forums, like email, is one of those "killer applications" that made the Internet so powerful. Social media came along and it appeared that forums would be pushed aside as "old technology" like IRC cha

Step by step  I learned here very fast, in few days, alot of different doings !  And I will try more and more, if all will work so easy too... Thank you so much for your hard work

Um, I suppose I better not start on my opinion of the USA, freedom, honesty, etc.  I'll just say Native Americans. 

  • 2 years later...

We put privacy back in the hands of our members.

With social media, it only takes a few clicks to discover more. It's easy to look at your political leanings, which area you live in, what your favourite films are and so on.

All that information comes with you when you join a community on Facebook whether you like it or not.

With a forum, you can create your own personality unique for that forum. You don't need to reveal your real name, or photo.

We really like that.

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On 9/29/2018 at 7:24 AM, admin said:

We put privacy back in the hands of our members.

With social media, it only takes a few clicks to discover more. It's easy to look at your political leanings, which area you live in, what your favourite films are and so on.

All that information comes with you when you join a community on Facebook whether you like it or not.

With a forum, you can create your own personality unique for that forum. You don't need to reveal your real name, or photo.

We really like that.

Um, so people can pretend to be someone else and tell lies and do all sorts of mischief :)

I much prefer to use my own name and be the real person i am. I think it's known as honesty.

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@JOHN BUTLER  When this country (USA) was in its infancy the founding fathers would often use anonymous letters and newspapers to get across their message of freedom in spite of the British tyranny.


I would say we are seeing the enabling of MOBS on social media who are violating the rights of free speech every day.

Check out this latest occurrence with James Woods

His "Honesty" cost him his "voice".....

Hence the rediscovery by the people of FORUMS... FOR THE PEOPLE.


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5 hours ago, admin said:

@JOHN BUTLER  When this country (USA) was in its infancy the founding fathers would often use anonymous letters and newspapers to get across their message of freedom in spite of the British tyranny.


I would say we are seeing the enabling of MOBS on social media who are violating the rights of free speech every day.

Check out this latest occurrence with James Woods

His "Honesty" cost him his "voice".....

Hence the rediscovery by the people of FORUMS... FOR THE PEOPLE.


Um, I suppose I better not start on my opinion of the USA, freedom, honesty, etc.  I'll just say Native Americans. 

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I usually see the forums as part of and or categorized as social media. A place for discussion, debate, conversation, agreeing/disagreeing with someone, and or that one guy in the forums/media who is a clown, and then we have the trolls, the worse of the worse who feed off your anger and sadness, using that collected power against you, then you have the hateful bunch, the white knights who defend any woman/girl they looks good to them, you have the "bros" and so forth.


In short, welcome to the internet.

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I usually see the forums as part of and or categorized as social media. A place for discussion, debate, conversation, agreeing/disagreeing with someone, and or that one guy in the forums/media who is a clown, and then we have the trolls, the worse of the worse who feed off your anger and sadness, using that collected power against you, then you have the hateful bunch, the white knights who defend any woman/girl they looks good to them, you have the "bros" and so forth.


In short, welcome to the internet.

Yes, well it does belong to the world. As for trolls, I have been called such. Unfortunately some people use the term when they don't like what a person says. 

But, it was on Facebook, that I first heard about the child abuse within the JW Org. Well I wasn't going to hear about it in the congregation was I ? But of course i dismissed it for a long time as being 'trolls', 'haters' etc. However when they started posting links that seemed to have some 'cred' then I started looking into in with an open mind. 

I actually like Facebook. It's great fun if used properly. 'Pages' about classic cars for instance, one of my hobbies and loves. And lets not pretend that any JW doesn't have some outside interest. 

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On 9/30/2018 at 3:11 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Yes, well it does belong to the world. As for trolls, I have been called such. Unfortunately some people use the term when they don't like what a person says. 

But, it was on Facebook, that I first heard about the child abuse within the JW Org. Well I wasn't going to hear about it in the congregation was I ? But of course i dismissed it for a long time as being 'trolls', 'haters' etc. However when they started posting links that seemed to have some 'cred' then I started looking into in with an open mind. 

I actually like Facebook. It's great fun if used properly. 'Pages' about classic cars for instance, one of my hobbies and loves. And lets not pretend that any JW doesn't have some outside interest. 

If it is of the world, why are you using it, let alone why are you here or using the Internet? Unless you didn't mean to say such or otherwise. And as for Facebook, okay if used properly, but is it not of the world as you stated just now? Like I said time and time again, people with good intent and those with bad intent can use and or affiliate themselves with anything and or anyone, examples being surely you do not know about those on Facebook who in secret exchange information regarding child human trafficking and so forth or perhaps manipulators on that platform and or the very fact your every move is being monitored, etc.for not everyone uses Facebook properly, I myself do not use Facebook at all and speaking about Facebook I suggest you change your password and but a 2-step due to recent hacks of many users.

The same point I made to Srecko assume in his own cryptic message in his own word that the birds provide for him regarding internet access.

Social media is both a blessing and a curse, it can be used for good intent while for others bad intent. Being informed of something be it late and or at an expecting time does not define you as a hater and or troll. Haters are those who rally and entice hatred of a person and or group, to the point of mob mentality, examples being anyone who is of the same ethnic group of me can say all white Americans are evil, surely I do not believe that for I believe there is good people and among the good bad people, nor do I adhere to racism and discrimination even if it comes from blood and or friend or foe, etc.

Social media can spark conspiracy and even going as to the point to cloud information and or sources until research is made to find said truth in a bail of hay, examples like being aware of what Israel and US allies are doing that the general public does not know about, and or any action made to take out a person and or group of people and so forth.

No on is pretending anything, only you brought this up. Whatever decision one makes with his or her time they will answer for that, mainly if their intent is of bad taste, regardless of who you are.

Also read up on the behavior of trolls on the internet, it is important to know these things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll


As far as I know majority of trolls, in the religious space are Anti-Religious, little to no one who is religious is a troll for they are the ones defending themselves against trolls.

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14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

If it is of the world, why are you using it, let alone why are you here or using the Internet? Unless you didn't mean to say such or otherwise. And as for Facebook, okay if used properly, but is it not of the world as you stated just now? Like I said time and time again, people with good intent and those with bad intent can use and or affiliate themselves with anything and or anyone, examples being surely you do not know about those on Facebook who in secret exchange information regarding child human trafficking and so forth or perhaps manipulators on that platform and or the very fact your every move is being monitored, etc.for not everyone uses Facebook properly, I myself do not use Facebook at all and speaking about Facebook I suggest you change your password and but a 2-step due to recent hacks of many users.

The same point I made to Srecko assume in his own cryptic message in his own word that the birds provide for him regarding internet access.

Social media is both a blessing and a curse, it can be used for good intent while for others bad intent. Being informed of something be it late and or at an expecting time does not define you as a hater and or troll. Haters are those who rally and entice hatred of a person and or group, to the point of mob mentality, examples being anyone who is of the same ethnic group of me can say all white Americans are evil, surely I do not believe that for I believe there is good people and among the good bad people, nor do I adhere to racism and discrimination even if it comes from blood and or friend or foe, etc.

Social media can spark conspiracy and even going as to the point to cloud information and or sources until research is made to find said truth in a bail of hay, examples like being aware of what Israel and US allies are doing that the general public does not know about, and or any action made to take out a person and or group of people and so forth.

No on is pretending anything, only you brought this up. Whatever decision one makes with his or her time they will answer for that, mainly if their intent is of bad taste, regardless of who you are.

Also read up on the behavior of trolls on the internet, it is important to know these things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll


As far as I know majority of trolls, in the religious space are Anti-Religious, little to no one who is religious is a troll for they are the ones defending themselves against trolls.

Admin said : With a forum, you can create your own personality unique for that forum. You don't need to reveal your real name, or photo.

My reply was : Um, so people can pretend to be someone else and tell lies and do all sorts of mischief :)

You said : No one is pretending anything,

Um, your user name is : Space Merchant, Biblical Storm Trooper. With a picture of a Storm Trooper :) 

And you still say 'No one is pretending anything' ?

Wow, so you are a real Storm Trooper, fantastic. 

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7 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Admin said With a forum, you can create your own personality unique for that forum. You don't need to reveal your real name, or photo.

This is true, but a forum is still listed under anything and everything social media. Anyone can go on the internet and say that they are Batman, they can lie about their age and or background, they can identify themselves that they are a Toaster with strict conviction.

9 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

My reply was : Um, so people can pretend to be someone else and tell lies and do all sorts of mischief :)

Indeed, and even lies can be believed as truths as well as conspiracy, thus being used against those they target and or deem as a, in their eyes, a threat, other times for ill intent and or an attempt to become viral in some cases, of which there are many, many examples of.

10 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You said : No one is pretending anything,

I rather you not twist my words, I stated that regarding this response: And lets not pretend that any JW doesn't have some outside interest.

The very reason it was the last one in my response, to which I even concluded by saying: Whatever decision one makes with his or her time they will answer for that, mainly if their intent is of bad taste, regardless of who you are.

So I ask you, Butler, what did you not get in what I have stated in regards to my response to you so I can make it even more detailed and clear?

13 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Um, your user name is : Space Merchant, Biblical Storm Trooper. With a picture of a Storm Trooper :) 

And there is a reason as to why I use the Storm Trooper image and what I have been called by the late young one who loved Storm Troopers, the very reason I maintain this avatar. I am actually an islander, for my own culture and background is entrenched in the islands itself, I am refereed to as a Biblical Storm Trooper because of my Biblical studies and this young one knowing how I am seeking all kinds of knowledge regarding God, I am referred to as such, hence his word sits in my memory and very soon I will see this young one again when he is rearrested by the Christ by means of God.

The name Space Merchant comes from short stories my mother made when she was a child, and I figured, the name was not taken here so I reside with it.

20 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And you still say 'No one is pretending anything' ?

Read and understand what I stated before you yield about empty assumptions or ask for better clarification if you are still lost, for if you had noticed I was being very specific on a portion of what you said.

22 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Wow, so you are a real Storm Trooper, fantastic. 

And when they hear his voice and they come out of their tombs and such ones being reunited with lost loved ones, this will be among the many things I will speak to the young one of what I had endured before the conclusion of the end times.

That being said, mainly in regards to my own experiences and history, I am not one to pretend things, therefore, I hold conviction to what I say and to what I myself make note of and research, especially when it comes to the Bible.

Everyone can say or do things on social media, but there are those who are true to themselves and do not kid, they do not lie, they do not speak of conspiracy or yield upon something in terms of emotional and position based on mere opinions.

As for a forum, it is no different, for just like anything and everything on the internet, you have a mixed bag of persons all over the place. This also goes for the virtual space, i.e. those who are in the realm of online video games for some are true to themselves, thus not here to play pretend while others are lying to themselves and fool around, even those who reveal themselves to have very bad intent and causes such both verbally, and at times, physical should they meet the person.

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