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Queen Esther

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Those who served many years in the organization of the new world, look carefully every day to our faithful and discreet slave, because all the prophecies revolve around them and live with them.
At one time, we understood a profound change of discernment, which was sufficient a ruler of a few men anointed to administer the land part of our organization body, because the more weight it currently supports Jesus Christ and his Kingdom centenary.
Now, reflect on something remarkable.
The governing body, by a simple natural rule, growing old since his appointment in 1919. The aging of its components, such physical maturity transferred to the group. Inexorably, the governing body would have been consumed in death if not reached before the end of the system.
COULD NOT Jehova rejuvenate its components, as it has done with any human being. Paul well he understood by saying (Romans 7:24) Miserable man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body undergoing this death?

But in the infinite wisdom of Jehovah, he extended the life of the governing body as a whole, its faithful and discreet slave.
As it did?
Since 1994, Jehovah has been giving life and youth to this governing body, by bringing in new members, as was the brother Gerrit Lösch. Then, in 1999, Samuel F. Herd, M. Stephen Lett, Guy H. Pierce, and David H. Splane. Later in 2005, Geoffrey Jackson and Anthony Morris. Finally the youngest member, Brother Mark Sanderson was incorporated.
Who can deny that Jehovah has extended the life of the faithful and discreet slave incorporating youth, to give the food at the right time, in extreme times next?

In 2010, two of the oldest members of the governing body died...  the brothers Ted Jaracz and later John Barr. Observe what was announced at Bethel, the morning of the death of Brother John Barr:
"We are saddened to report that we have heard this morning early in the morning service, Brother John E. Barr, the oldest of the Governing Council living member has completed his earthly course, last Saturday. In the last weeks before his death, when his health had deteriorated a little, he must have felt that the end of his life was approaching. he wrote an emotional letter of thanks to the people who work under him in the Department of Writing and Writing press transmitted to us by two other members of the Governing Body who went to visit him during his illness.

His death is a way represents a generational change from the Governing Body. Brother Barr was the last living member of the Governing Body directly associated with events taking place early in the "Lord's day" (Revelation 1:10) Other members of the Governing Body who still serve usually constitute a "Overlapping generation" Christ's brothers. As with the passage of the theocratic responsibilities of Moses to Joshua or Elijah to Elisha, fully anticipate moving forward undeterred and endlessly and acceleration of theocratic developments in these last moments of the last days and the system of things is very observable in agony.
While there is no doubt that those of us who knew and loved Brother Barr, as one 'of those who say: "Write: Happy they are the dead who die in union with [the] Lord from this time forward. Yes, he says the spirit, rest from their labors, for the things they did go along with them. " (Revelation 14:13), unquote
Right, there was a generational change in 2010, as there was Moses to Joshua Elias or Elisha. Both Joshua and Elisha continued the same work.

So there was also an OVERLAP in the governing body.
As shown in the graph recently used in the congregation book study, there is an overlap of the most aged men with the younger ones in the governing body or faithful and discreet slave.
Since the last knowledge received on the last presence of the faithful and discreet slave on the planet, he tells us not to stay not one member before the outbreak of the war of Armageddon, and since this generation shall not pass, it is time for there is an additional rejuvenation of the governing body?

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REFLECTION ON OUR GOVERNING BODY Those who served many years in the organization of the new world, look carefully every day to our faithful and discreet slave, because all the prophecies revolve aroun

I wonder what is there to 'beware' of? we know this already - same as our body that create new cells every time; so, the new supply of annointed brothers and sisters but that doesn't mean that th

The overlapping generation was first presented by John Barr just months before he died. He was born in 1913 and, technically he qualified to be in Group #1, which would have implicitly allowed Group #

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I wonder what is there to 'beware' of?

we know this already - same as our body that create new cells every time; so, the new supply of annointed brothers and sisters but that doesn't mean that the time will be shortened or lengthened or even changed - Jehovah set the time limit since Jesus enthronement like in Noah's day.   The coundown is there already - we are not just aware exactly when it will be over but it is very close! Like how we observe the leaf of a fig tree - when you see new leaf - you know that the summer is near.  Finding new and young member of the Governing Body is the same -. The Great day of Jehovah is REALLY near.


- if the world says 'calm before the storm'. We say 'prepare for the coming storm and then there will be calm'. ?

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13 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

In 2010 they killed two of the oldest members of the governing body, the brothers Ted Jaracz and later John Barr.

?? Don't understand this. Is this a publication extract in another language run through Google Translate or something?

Do you know where the source material comes from

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The overlapping generation was first presented by John Barr just months before he died. He was born in 1913 and, technically he qualified to be in Group #1, which would have implicitly allowed Group #1 to end in 2010. If there were any 20-year-old anointed contemporaries who were also alive while Barr was alive in 2010, then they could potentially live for another 100 years, and this might imply the possibility that the system could go on until 2110. 

Brother Barr was effectively dismissed from Group #1 when Brother Splane gave the famous presentation based on a chart that used F.W.Franz as a good example of Group #1. It raised the bar (as it were) by stating that the person should have already been anointed in 1914, not merely someone now known to be anointed who was "on hand" in 1914. Note the difference:

*** w10 6/15 p. 5 United in Love—Annual Meeting Report ***
Jesus evidently meant that the lives of the anointed ones who were on hand when the sign began to be evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation.”

*** w14 1/15 p. 31 par. 15 “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When? ***
Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.

The first version in 2009 (Wt, 6/15/2010) could have implied the second, but only the second version made it explicit. Then again, one could still argue that Brother Barr was already "anointed" in 1913 in the sense that Ephesians states:

(Ephesians 1:4, 5) 4 as he chose us to be in union with him before the founding of the world, that we should be holy and unblemished before him in love. 5 For he foreordained us to be adopted as his own sons through Jesus Christ, according to his good pleasure and will,

The choice of young Brother Sanderson who was assigned to the Governing Body in 2012 was supposed to have been directly related to this new teaching. Very few "anointed" in the second group were young, and still had a respectable "high profile" in the organization.


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8 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

?? Don't understand this. Is this a publication extract in another language run through Google Translate or something?

Do you know where the source material comes from

Lol i noticed the same - maybe google translation.  Somehow in some way 'they' (satan and his angels maybe) killed them ?

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We should not quarrel with the "word"  kill.  Why?  Because whether sickness, punishment, prison, hard labour, whatever that terminates one's life comes from the  power of Satan.   1 John 5: 19 says that he is the controller of this world affairs.  What we should be concerned now is not to be side-tracked in the work of the Lord.  It is like an injury time - not much time remains. 

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On 10/29/2016 at 7:38 PM, Queen Esther said:

Right, there was a generational change in 2010, as there was Moses to Joshua Elias or Elisha. Both Joshua and Elisha continued the same work.

So there was also an OVERLAP in the governing body.

Again the GB and their teaching is compared to the inspired prophet, Moses.  The Feb 2017 Wt study, “Jehovah Leads His People” and “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?” attempt to use Moses’ example of leading the Israelites, to weekly compare this powerful man’s role with the GB’s role; implying they, too, are empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. 

Since “both articles will consider three lines of evidence that Jehovah has indeed been behind those men, proving that he was—and still is—the true Leader of his people”.

One line of evidence used is,

“Holy spirit empowered God’s representatives. Consider Moses, who was commissioned to be the leader of the Israelites.  What equipped him to care for that weighty assignment? Jehovah “put within him His holy spirit.” (Read Isaiah 63:11-14.) By empowering Moses with holy spirit, Jehovah continued to lead His people.”

Ah, but….

“The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.

To be inspired, Holy Spirit is “put within” one by the breath of God, as God did to Moses.   It is “divinely breathed in” and settled within the heart.  John 20:22; 2 Cor 1:22

Did Moses err in any direction that God wanted His people to go?  Considering Moses and his blessing of Holy Spirit proves little that the GB is the true leader of God’s people.  It is quite evident that the generation teaching has gone through many changes…since the organization’s inception.  Since the GB is not inspired, how does any JW now know that the present teaching is accurate?  

When David was persecuted by Saul, mighty men came to his side.  It was an inspiring, courageous effort on the part of these men to bring David aid; a great effort made in defense of their God. 

“Then the Spirit clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, and he said, “We are yours, O David, And with you, O son of Jessse! Peace peace to you, and peace to your helpers! For your God helps you”.  Then David received them and made them officers of his troops.”  1 Chron 12:18

Among the divisions of armed troops were those of Issachar, men “who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command”.  1 Chron 12:32

These men had God’s Holy Spirit, in the understanding of the times and in giving necessary direction.

We see it is possible to receive true understanding when one has the blessing of Holy Spirit. Can the same be said for the Governing Body as it leads the army of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when they admit they ‘err in doctrinal matters and organizational direction’?  Mark 7:7; 1 Thess 2:13; Col 2:20-23



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On 10/30/2016 at 3:01 AM, Fmadriaga said:

I wonder what is there to 'beware' of?

If you look at the original version that Queen Esther posted here you can see that the words were translated from " CUÍDENSE HERMANOS ."  This just means "Take Care, Brothers"

Also, if you run the whole thing through Bing translator, it can clear up a couple of the issues that remained from Google translator. (It also translated "died" instead of "killed.") Neither translator is perfect, of course. It helps more to have family members that speak fluent Spanish.

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