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How Bibles and Bible Based Publications Are Created

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Bethelites from more than 48 different countries reside at the Bethel, Patterson facility. Each year more than 70,000 visitors come for tours which are given in more than 36 languages. Videos and art designs are created not only for Bible publications but also the "world's most translated website, jw.org." More than 400,000 publications are produced around the world through the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

Exquisite paintings grace the walls of #Patterson's Educational Center. Such paintings as Jesus' ascension to heaven as his disciples looked on, Jesus sending his disciples into the preaching work by twos, Apostle Peter's visit to the home of Cornelius and the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus. Careful research is compiled to create appropriate settings and costumes for the time period of each painting or photograph. These stunning pieces of artwork, create a worldwide appeal as thousands of visitors take the time to photograph them.

Audio and video publications are created at Patterson's facility to reach the hearts of our young people. Such animated characters as Caleb and Sophia, help young ones understand the Bible and how they can live their lives daily. Our tour guide, Nathan Wheeler explained how the paintings, videos and illustrations can, "reached the heart and move people to acts of faith. This can strengthen our hope and build confidence in God's word." Within the tour, he also expressed how photographs taken at the facility for the publications, reflect the various cultures around the world. Admirable black and white photos are displayed that tastefully demonstrate how the preaching work was accomplished all over the world in the early 1900s. Phonographs were used from door to door, along with the first film of sound and moving pictures called The Creation, as well as boats, bicycles and cars. Similar methods are used today to reach as many people as possible with the promise of God's Kingdom to rid the earth of all problems that exist today.

The Legal Department, is also located at Patterson Facility. "It works to protect our legal rights to worship and work to defend the truth all the way to the Supreme Court. A legal case in Ohio was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. This applied to the public ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. Since 1919 Jehovah's Witnesses have obtained 50 victories before the Supreme Court," stated Nathan. Numerous victories have also been obtained in the Court of Human Rights. The Witnesses firmly believe it is vital to stand up before all mankind and express, "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." (Acts 5:29)

#Volunteers Help to Maintain these Bible Teaching Facilities

A video was shown during our tour to demonstrate how the volunteers who reside at Patterson, are responsible for the maintenance and care of each other. These Bethelites or volunteers work in such areas as laundry, housekeeping, medical care and food preparation. No salaries are paid to individuals and their focus of spirituality is vitally important. Regardless of their race, they must love Jehovah God, his son Jesus Christ, their brothers and sisters as well as mankind. These 1,525 individuals act as a united family where they not only share meals together that may include more than 70 gallons of coffee, more than 3,200 pancakes and more than 1,900 pastries per day for breakfast which starts at 7:00 a.m. Morning worship includes Bible discussions that are also scheduled daily. Lunch and dinner are prepared daily as well for this large spiritual family of all nations. Schools for Travelling Overseers, Elders and Pioneers are held for volunteers at Patterson, where Bible students who are Jehovah's Witnesses are taught how to proclaim the good news to others. Just as Jesus trained his disciples and sent them out by twos, Jehovah's Witnesses try to follow in his footsteps. (Luke 10:1) The various departments at #Patterson Educational Center, effectively contribute to the printing process of God's word the Bible and Bible based publications. Once we completed our tour at Patterson, it was time to attend Wallkill, New York's printing facility of Jehovah's Witnesses.

How Printing by Jehovah's Witnesses Is Accomplished at Wallkill, NY Facility

Printing of the omniscient thoughts of our Heavenly Father, is accomplished at the Wallkill facility by over 2,000 volunteers. Congregations throughout the world receive spiritual literature from this printing facility. Barcodes are scanned to help decide where these publications should be sent. Darlene, our Tour Guide, explained the process of printing from beginning to end. She described how previously conveyor systems were used which took up more space. Now the "pic to cart is used which is more effective." To arrange orders properly,"a wiring system is embedded in the floor which guides the pallet trucks so when they go down the isle it can pick up what it needs to."

Darlene, demonstrated how plates were previously used where words appeared to be spelled backwards. Now everything is computerized for printing purposes. She went on to explain how "we are not a printing facility but we do this because we need Bibles. Once #Jehovah's Witnesses decided to make their own Bibles and books, they decided to start printing and they learned how to do it." Large presses were showed to our group that were behind glass displays. This helps protect the printing process from dust particles in the air. After the literature came off the press, it was cut and trimmed. Such publications as the Bible, are placed in stacks on blocks. These pallets are then stored within the facility. From the 19th century up until the present time, Bible production has been developed through the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in harmony with its translation services. Darlene expressed how, "Files are arranged electronically. These electronic files are used to make printing plates." She then went on to describe how "the pressroom transfers ink to the paper. In graphics they figure out how they want everything situated. On the page they start with a plate that has a chemical process that is receptive to the plate. Then they put the plate on the press. They keep making the same plate and it is printed over and over again." One signature may be used as many as 94,000 times. In the end this will be more than one page. This signature is the size of a study article within the pages of the Watchtower magazine which is usually about 32 pages. The Watchtower and Awake magazines can be printed at the same time due to this technology. A type of dryer is used to dry the ink. The paper is cooled down by a chiller before the cutting procedure occurs in order to create the book or Bible. This was just some of the fascinating information presented even how "it takes about 14 seconds to make a congregation order of 350 magazines. The signatures gets folded together then trimmed to make a book." Once the book is trimmed it is placed in a box. A Gathering Machine is used to complete this process. The spine of the book is also trimmed before it is glued and bound. Each book receives a cover "then it goes to an embossing machine to get heat and pressure. Then the text is glued to the cover. A ribbon is placed within the book and it is sanded down. When the book comes out it has 90 degree corners. It then goes through another machine where it is glued together. This process of book printing can travel as much as a quarter mile, especially in the process of hardcover publications from start to finish." A sign was displayed which indicated how on March 1,1973, the first issue of the Watchtower magazine was printed at the Wallkill facility.

We were then taken on a tour of the "Imitate Faith Hallway" which led to the dinning room and was also near the volunteer residences. Organization and cleanliness are vital for the maintenance of dinning room. "It must be cleaned and set up within two hours." Darlene explained how dinner is served around 5 p.m., until 5:30 p.m., during the weekdays. On the weekends from 5 to 6:30 p.m., where all Bethel family members eat together, including breakfast as well which starts at 7 a.m. A Nutritionist is available to plan all menus for Patterson, Wallkill and Brooklyn Bethel facilities. Dental and medical offices are also located on the facility.

The locations of Patterson and Wallkill, exist for the sole purpose of spreading the good news of Jehovah God's kingdom to people throughout the world. These volunteers work diligently with the help of God's spirit to provide free Bibles, Bible based publications and even videos are available for anyone who desires to learn more about God, in order to draw close to him. (James 4:8) May each individual be allowed to accomplish this tremendous blessing.

The tours ended as we returned to our bus. We decided to stop by TGI Friday's Restaurant for dinner. We enjoyed a day of tremendous spiritual encouragement. It was now time to chow down on a Jack Daniel's Platter, with chicken fingers, fried shrimp and spareribs. Other family members and friends feasted on delectable hamburgers, salads, French onion soup and fries. It turned out to be an absolutely perfect day. We were tired because the tours do consist of a lot of walking. There are wheelchairs available for anyone who may need one.

These tours should be considered by individuals who may genuinely want to see, how Bibles and Bible based publications are created. The answers to the world's problems can be found in the Bible. #President Obama's summit based on his statement, "We are not at war with #Islam. We are at war with people who perverted Islam." The ultimate way we can teach our children and others not to become radicalized by these groups such as #Isis, is to teach them the truth based on what the Bible really says. Psalms 119:165 states, "Abundant peace belongs to those who love your law. Nothing can make them stumble." When we study God's word, it makes us stronger because these are the thoughts of the Most Powerful Being that exist. Jehovah God, defeated all false gods in the Hebrew scriptures and he continues to defeat any false god or religion today, that is not in harmony with his will. It truly gives each person that visits the facilities a unique source of appreciation for their Heavenly Father and how he continues to communicate, with his people in these critical times we are living in.





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