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What is Crooked Can't be Made Straight

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15 "What is crooked cannot be made straight, And what is lacking cannot possibly be counted." (Ecc.1:15).  

What, though, determines whether a person is wise or foolish? Proverbs 14:2 states: “The one walking in his uprightness is fearing Jehovah, but the one crooked in his ways is despising Him.”                    

The upright one fears the true God, and “the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 111:10)                                  

 A truly wise person knows that it is his obligation to “fear the true God and keep his commandments.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)                        

On the other hand, the foolish one follows a course that is not in harmony with God’s standards of uprightness. His ways are crooked. Such a person despises God, saying in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.”—Psalm 14:1.                          

The wise king warns of where knowledge is not to be found. “Go away from in front of the stupid man,” he says, “for you will certainly not take note of the lips of knowledge.” (Proverbs 14:7)                                      

A stupid person lacks true knowledge. Lips that utter knowledge do not belong to him. The advice is to get away from such a man, and it is wise to stay away from him. Anyone “having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.”—Proverbs 13:20.

When our words and deeds are guided by wisdom, we have the “riches and glory” that exist with wisdom. (Proverbs 8:18)            They include a peaceful relationship with God and our fellowman, a sense of well-being, and a measure of stability.             Yes, “the tent of the upright ones” can flourish even now. JW.ORG


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15 "What is crooked cannot be made straight, And what is lacking cannot possibly be counted." (Ecc.1:15).   What, though, determines whether a person is wise or foolish? Proverbs 14:2 states: “Th

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