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Candace Conti Child Molestation Case


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6 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

OK. I'm sure we've picked over the remains of this dead horse more than enough now. Time to move on.

Hahaha, I agree. But I still maintain that had:

6 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Watchtower petitioned to have the case reviewed at Supreme Court

there is a strong possibility that the whole negligence thing would have been thrown out. Perhaps they should have fought to exonerate themselves of all accusations.

6 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

I'm guessing that pursuing it further would have benefited neither party in the end.


6 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

might only take it to the Supreme Court if Watchtower takes it there. Other than that we are waiting. The ball is still unfortunately in their court.'”

Candace is probably very happy that WT did not take it to the supreme court, she would have ended up stripped of everything, even if WT hadn't won.......WT have their own lawyers, and WT has a lot more money than Candace, WT had not much to lose compared to Candace. She had everything to lose, so I am sure it would have benefited Candace a lot less than WT. Think about that. WT could have fought, but they didn't. What does that tell you? Besides, this is not the only legal case WT has ever fought, being exonerated in the eyes of the world doesn't mean that much to them as long as their conscience is clear before God. Jehovah knows the truth of what happened, and that's more important.

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I have to agree with you there. Just the other day a sister brought up the subject of the convention and the talk about protecting our children. She is now the third person who absolutely did not thin

This is a sad argument about the repercussions of the indefensible and despicable behaviour of people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. The monetary and reputational sanctions against all

I have to admit I didn't read all of the info that Anna and Ann plus others have submitted, but the article (submitted above) about what a child molester looks like :  http://www.childmolestat

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There is no denying that the mishandling of sexual abuse by the JW organization has brought a great reproach upon Jehovah's good name. The response by the GB to these scandals brings even further reproach. I worry that many JWs are completely unaware of how these ongoing legal disputes are destroying public perception of our religion.

It was bad enough that many elders did not report claims of sexual abuse to the police, but when court cases exposed the abuse to the masses the GB should have immediately apologized to the victims for the mishandling and taken steps to make things right. Instead, they made excuses for the abuse and never took accountability. The inability to accept wrongdoing shows a major ego problem and a callousness. Furthermore, the GB has kept JWs in the dark by not addressing the sexual abuse cases. Shouldn't the GB feel a sense of duty to keep JWs informed about a major issue within the organization? 

I worry that saving face is more important to the GB than the safety of our brothers and sisters.

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35 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

Until government accepts responsibility for failed policies and laws? How can religion compete with proven social failures? Many of the past regulations and laws are still found in every STATE, even today.

However, I have yet to hear the Governing Body blame a “Victim” for any heinous crime perpetrated by someone with a sick mind, as other religions upper echelon has done in the past.

Also, NOT every Elder think alike, and can’t be placed in the same barrel as the unwise. Yet, I have seen countless of times, when Elders actually went against the prevailing social laws to see justice was rendered NOT only in a court of law but also to keep the Christian Congregation clean.

Why, doesn’t the NEWS make light of those cases. It wouldn’t be news worthy!!!!!!!!!

The man's lawyer asked Cunningham whether, in the eyes of the church, a child molested by a priest has committed a sin.

"The boy is culpable," Cunningham said Oct. 14, 2011, according to a transcript of the deposition.

His sworn testimony provides rare insight into the thoughts of the highest-ranking Catholic in Syracuse about one of the most troubling chapters in the church's history.



California evidence code 1030 1034

1030.  As used in this article, a "member of the clergy" means a

priest, minister, religious practitioner, or similar functionary of a

church or of a religious denomination or religious organization.

1031.  As used in this article, "penitent" means a person who has

made a penitential communication to a member of the clergy.

1032.  As used in this article, "penitential communication" means a

communication made in confidence, in the presence of no third person

so far as the penitent is aware, to a member of the clergy who, in

the course of the discipline or practice of the clergy member's

church, denomination, or organization, is authorized or accustomed to

hear those communications and, under the discipline or tenets of his

or her church, denomination, or organization, has a duty to keep

those communications secret.

1033.  Subject to Section 912, a penitent, whether or not a party,

has a privilege to refuse to disclose, and to prevent another from

disclosing, a penitential communication if he or she claims the


1034.  Subject to Section 912, a member of the clergy, whether or

not a party, has a privilege to refuse to disclose a penitential

communication if he or she claims the privilege.


Evidence Code - EVID


  (Division 8 enacted by Stats. 1965, Ch. 299.)

CHAPTER 4. Particular Privileges [930 - 1063]

  (Chapter 4 enacted by Stats. 1965, Ch. 299.)


ARTICLE 8. Clergy Penitent Privileges [1030 - 1034]

  (Heading of Article 8 amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 18.)



  As used in this article, a “member of the clergy” means a priest, minister, religious practitioner, or similar functionary of a church or of a religious denomination or religious organization.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 19. Effective January 1, 2003.)


  As used in this article, “penitent” means a person who has made a penitential communication to a member of the clergy.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 20. Effective January 1, 2003.)


  As used in this article, “penitential communication” means a communication made in confidence, in the presence of no third person so far as the penitent is aware, to a member of the clergy who, in the course of the discipline or practice of the clergy member’s church, denomination, or organization, is authorized or accustomed to hear those communications and, under the discipline or tenets of his or her church, denomination, or organization, has a duty to keep those communications secret.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 21. Effective January 1, 2003.)


Subject to Section 912, a penitent, whether or not a party, has a privilege to refuse to disclose, and to prevent another from disclosing, a penitential communication if he or she claims the privilege.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 22. Effective January 1, 2003.)


Subject to Section 912, a member of the clergy, whether or not a party, has a privilege to refuse to disclose a penitential communication if he or she claims the privilege.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 806, Sec. 23. Effective January 1, 2003.)

2005 California Evidence Code Sections 1030-1034 Article 8. Clergy Penitent Privileges

SECTION 1030-1034

1030.  As used in this article, a "member of the clergy" means a

priest, minister, religious practitioner, or similar functionary of a

church or of a religious denomination or religious organization.

1031.  As used in this article, "penitent" means a person who has

made a penitential communication to a member of the clergy.

1032.  As used in this article, "penitential communication" means a

communication made in confidence, in the presence of no third person

so far as the penitent is aware, to a member of the clergy who, in

the course of the discipline or practice of the clergy member's

church, denomination, or organization, is authorized or accustomed to

hear those communications and, under the discipline or tenets of his

or her church, denomination, or organization, has a duty to keep

those communications secret.

1033.  Subject to Section 912, a penitent, whether or not a party,

has a privilege to refuse to disclose, and to prevent another from

disclosing, a penitential communication if he or she claims the


1034.  Subject to Section 912, a member of the clergy, whether or

not a party, has a privilege to refuse to disclose a penitential

communication if he or she claims the privilege.



According to New York state law, confessions and confidences made to a clergyman or other minister are privileged and cannot be used as evidence. This privilege is not limited to communications with a particular kind of priest or congregant, and it is not confined to statements made "under the cloak of confession". What matters is that the conversations were of a spiritual nature, were confidential enough to indicate that the penitent intended that they be kept secret, and that the penitent did not waive the privilege subsequently.

2012 New York Consolidated Laws

CVP - Civil Practice Law & Rules

Article 45 - (4501 - 4548) EVIDENCE

4505 - Confidential communication to clergy privileged.

Universal Citation: NY CPLR § 4505 (2012)


    § 4505.  Confidential communication to clergy privileged. Unless the

  person confessing or confiding waives the privilege, a clergyman, or

  other minister of any religion or duly accredited Christian Science

  practitioner, shall not be allowed disclose a confession or confidence

  made to him in his professional character as spiritual advisor.




RULE 505: Communications to members of Clergy

Texas Rules of Evidence

A member of the clergy” is a minister, priest, rabbi, accredited Christian Science Practitioner, or other similar functionary of a religious organization or an individual reasonably believed so to be by the person consulting with such individual.

(2) A communication is “confidential” if made privately and not intended for further disclosure except to other persons present in furtherance of the purpose of the communication.

(b) General Rule of Privilege. A person has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing a confidential communication by the person to a member of the clergy in the member’s professional character as spiritual adviser.




(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege may be claimed by the person, by the person’s guardian or conservator, or by the personal representative of the person if the person is deceased.  The member of the clergy to whom the communication was made is presumed to have authority to claim the privilege but only on behalf of the communicant.




    Texas Rules of Evidence

    CCP Article 42.12

I don't see what clergy penitence privileges has anything to do with what's under discussion. If a person has reasonable suspicions that a child may be in danger, or if there is evidence that the child has already been a victim, then that person can go to the police, regardless of any confession by the perpertraitor. But really, the other problem is, lack of transparency that WE  have a problem at all, regardless how small in comparison, in our own words "one molested child is one too many". 

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Not to worry .... One of the reasons Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, resigned as Pope, was that he was involved in the Great Pedophile Priest Cover Up .... ( a German in the Hitler Youth as an artilleryman, that looked EXACTLY like the Star wars Emperor ...  what could go wrong ? ... ), it is rumored that he tried to redeem himself by forgiving all those despicable, lustful children that seduced his priests.

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Nobody, but nobody, assembles their entire membership as JWs did at their most recent Regional Conventions, and reviews detailed scenarios under which child sexual abuse might happen, so that parents can train their children - obviously the first line of defense.

Especially emphasized was the fact the the perpetrator is likely to be someone a child knows and trusts.

If a relative, or friend, or anyone, seems overly attentive to your child. If there are tickling sessions. If there are sleepovers. If there are trips alone to the public restroom. If ....there were several others. These are all potential red flags,  maybe harmless, but maybe not, for the parent to be aware of. 'The wise one sees the [potential] calamity approaching, and takes action' is the verse repeatedly applied.

JTR saw it too. But he likes his cartoon and wants to spin it around the world a few more times. 

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Just because someone is EXTREMELY critical of someone else's performance, competence, or motives ... does NOT necessarily make them an opposer.

It's like "God LOVES you, he just hates the bad things you do ..." which we hear quite often.

I can be a great fan of the New York Yankees baseball team but when someone fouls up ... player, coach or manager, etc., I might completely excoriate them, and "rip them a new one" .. AND STILL BE A LOYAL FAN!

Loyalty being "My Country, right or wrong ... but MY COUNTRY" ( Nathan Hale), only works with politics, by those not claiming a special relationship with God.

The German Army once had belt buckles with the inscription "Got Mit Uns", or "God is with us".

Their mission to spread German Culture and Civilization to the World was opposed, and with blood, fire and steel, they had to be destroyed .... TWICE!


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15 hours ago, Anna said:

In the mean time, have you perhaps thought of writing a letter to them, similar in content of what you wrote here? It's possible that if they receive many letters complaining about the lack of transparency regarding this issue it might hurry things along.

I have written letters to the Society in the past about my concerns, but I have never received any word back from them. I just assume at this point that they pitch any letters that questions their policies. I highly doubt that a letter campaign from JWs would work, because JWs either are ignorant to the problems or wouldn't dare question organizational policy.

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49 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

I have written letters to the Society in the past about my concerns, but I have never received any word back from them. I just assume at this point that they pitch any letters that questions their policies

In at least 40 years of my experiences, my experience and conclusions are and have been the same as yours, Noble Berean.

Several times, as an experiment, I wrote about matters as serious as life and death matters .. and enclosed a contribution.  The check was cashed, and I got a form letter back having NOTHING to do with the subject of my inquiry, with a disclaimer at the bottom of the letter that my contribution did not obligate them to do ANYTHING ...

Without the enclosed check, I only received one letter back, circa 1986, after a year, and it said basically I should read the Bible more, completely ignoring the appeal to help other brothers who needed food, and dental care.

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