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Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump - 2,700-year-old... (video)

Queen Esther

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Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump... A 2,700-year-old royal seal bearing the mark of the biblical King Hezekiah has been unearthed in Jerusalem. The tiny oval piece

Jesus House Discovered in Nazareth! 

Yes, I agree..........it is far better for us to watch the video "O Jehovah......I Trust in  You"..........we do know that it follows accurately the Biblical account of Hezekiah, when Assyria tried to

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Queen Esther,

I have one question. Why would King Hezekiah have a pagan symbol like the ank on his official seal? He was so firm for true religion, tearing down pagan religious idols on several occasions. Also, we just learned from our midweek meeting that he did not form an alliance with Egypt. The information in the video may not be correct. Might want to be careful what is posted here as others might take it for fact, when it may not be. Just a suggestion....

*** it-1 p. 1103 Hezekiah ***
Hezekiah set the example by crushing to pieces the copper serpent that Moses had made, because the people had made it an idol, burning sacrificial smoke to it. (2Ki 18:4)


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@Susan Ramirez  Thanks  for  your  good  question,  Sister  Susan !  But  I  can't  give  you  a  quickly  answer  to  that, sorry ;-(   Its  VERY  long  ago...   we  know,  humans  in  the  past  made  mistakes !  In  the  first  time,  our  WT  Literature  still  had  a  cross  on  the  front  site,  the  JW  were  celebrating  Christmas  etc. etc. -  By  and  by  we  got  more  &  more  new  light,  until  today...  We  can  ask  our  elders  about  your  question, but  they  also  have  sometimes  no  answer  of  all...  Our  Librarian  has  a  very  deep  Bible knowledge !  I  am  sure, he  can  help  you  quickly  -  Its  very  interesting  and  importend  to  know  it,  yes !  When  the  video  is  faulty,  I  will  remove  it !

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Yes, I agree..........it is far better for us to watch the video "O Jehovah......I Trust in  You"..........we do know that it follows accurately the Biblical account of Hezekiah, when Assyria tried to plot Jerusalem's demise.

The main problem with people who put some of these other videos together and narrate them, is that they do not know Jehovah, and the cannot even read the Bible account of events accurately...........also omit "minor" things, like the angel of Jehovah destroying 185 000 of Senacharib's army in one night......only a minor point.......NOT. That was the main point of the entire incident, to my way of thinking.........Jehovah acting on behalf of his people.........and isn't that what we are all looking forward to in the not too distant future, we say in effect "O Jehovah......we trust in you"

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11 hours ago, Susan Ramirez said:

I have one question. Why would King Hezekiah have a pagan symbol like the ank on his official seal?

Could it be that Hezekiah did actually form an alliance with Egypt and those symbols were a declaration of this? 

Yes, Isaiah warned about making an alliance with Egypt, but apparently Hezekiah did anyway. And Rabshakeh wasn't contradicted when he talked about Judah's trust in Egypt ... just like he wasn't contradicted when he talked of Judah's trust in YHWH ... because both those statements were true. 

And before anyone says, 'Oh but Hezekiah was a good king who only relied on God so he wouldn't have formed political alliances,' it's worth considering that other good kings formed political alliances with their neighboring lands - good king Solomon with Egypt (by marrying Pharaoh's daughter; note 1 Ki. 3:3); good king Jehoshaphat with wicked Ahab and Ahaziah (2 Chron. 18:1-3; 20:34-37 but cp. v. 32).

Also look at Josiah. He was a much-loved king who restored 'true worship.' He didn't make an alliance but he meddled in a political situation, i.e. he tried to prevent Pharaoh Necho and his army joining with the remaining Assyrians against the new Babylonian empire to get Harran back. Maybe he thought he was acting in line with God's purpose ('why is Egypt helping those evil Assyrians who have oppressed our people for so long?'). Whatever Josiah's motives, it was a big error of judgment that cost him his life.

So, good Judahite kings who loved and worshipped YHWH, sometimes got politically involved. Actually, it's kinda naive to think you can be a king ruling a kingdom or country without being 'political' and cutting deals with the surrounding kingdoms or countries.

If anyone is a little wary of the OP video, here is an article from the Biblical Archaeology site. 


I'm sure the name Dr. Eilat Mazar will already be familiar to many of you. 

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@Ann O'Maly Re Biblical Archaeology site:

I read an article on Sodom and Gomorrah........I do not have the exact quote, but, the gist of one part of the article was.........that the Bible did not supply any details of the prevalence of homosexuality within those cities..........my question would be "What Bible was the archaeologist(s) reading?"...........certainly not the Word of God.

Always be wary of reports of this nature........our faith is not based on archaeological finds, our faith is based on what is contained in God's Word, even though, at times, some of these finds do clearly back up Bible accounts.

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