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"He became a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah?

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Nimrod was the founder and king of the first empire to come into existence after the Flood. He distinguished himself as a mighty hunter “before” (in an unfavorable sense; Heb., liph·nehʹ; “against” or

oh, I like that book !! "2 babylons" drawing of Nimrod -  http://www.buzzardhut.net/index/htm/Babylon/Nimrod_files/nimrod.gif       Nimrod the Hunter - relief from t

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NIMROD (Nimʹrod). Son of Cush. (1Ch 1:10) The rabbinic writings derived the name Nimrod from the Hebrew verb ma·radhʹ, meaning “rebel.” Thus, the Babylonian Talmud (Erubin 53a) states: “Why, then, was he called Nimrod? Because he stirred up the whole world to rebel (himrid) against His [God’s] sovereignty.”—Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, by Menahem M. Kasher, Vol. II, 1955, p. 79.

Nimrod was the founder and king of the first empire to come into existence after the Flood. He distinguished himself as a mighty hunter “before” (in an unfavorable sense; Heb., liph·nehʹ; “against” or “in opposition to”; compare Nu 16:2; 1Ch 14:8; 2Ch 14:10) or “in front of” Jehovah. (Ge 10:9, ftn) Although in this case some scholars attach a favorable sense to the Hebrew preposition meaning “in front of,” the Jewish Targums, the writings of the historian Josephus, and also the context of Genesis chapter 10 suggest that Nimrod was a mighty hunter in defiance of Jehovah.



Pictured to the left is an image that we’ve all seen on Christmas cards and Catholic imagery, but this image is none other than the pagan goddess Semiramis, Easter, Isis, and her son & husband Nimrod, Tammuz, Horus, Osirus etc. In order to understand how Satan slipped in his false religion into modern-day Christendom, we must first understand the origin of Satan’s first religion from ancient Babylon. Nimrod was one of Noah’s great grandsons who was known as a “mighty hunter” of men’s souls, and he also married his mother Semiramis. ----The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop.


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Pictured above is Isis “Queen of Heaven” holding her baby son Horus. The Roman Emperor Constantine renamed this image “Mary & Baby Jesus” in the 3rd Century, but this image is none other than the original Queen of Heaven named Semiramis and she is holding her baby son Tammuz. When Nimrod and Semiramis’s religion migrated to other parts of the world, she took on different names. Another one of her aliases is “Easter.” This is the true identity of EASTER and her son Nimrod who was later supposedly reincarnated as Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). Mythology purports that she spends six months each year in the underworld, but on Easter “Sun” day (named after the sun-god) she resurrects in the “East” because the sun rises in the East, and the pagans worship the sun.

Her name started out as Semiramis, but then it was changed in other cultures. She is also known in other cultures as Isis, Diana, Astarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, Easter and also as the false deified version of the “Catholic Mary.” Her baby son Nimrod (later reincarnated as Tammuz) also had other names in various cultures because this Babylonian religion migrated around the world. He is also known as Horus, Apollo, Sol, Krishna, Hercules, Mithra, and many others.

This image of Isis Queen of Heaven with baby Horus the sun-god is the true identity of the Catholic “Mary & baby Jesus” that is worshipped by Catholics unawares through icons and graven images.

You will also notice the two horns on her head are for the “horned god” Lucifer and the “disk” within the horns symbolizes the sun. This image violates the second commandment in Shemoth (Exodus) 20:4 which says “you shall not make unto you any graven image.”


Nimrod married his mother Semiramis in order to acquire this special power from the fallen angels, and together they started a “one world religion and government” called “The Babylonian Empire.” Nimrod built a tower that would reach towards heaven because he wanted to consult the fallen angels through the use of astrology. Together, Semiramis and her son/husband, Nimrod started this occult religion of sacrificing babies to Moloch, aka Satan which they especially did on the winter solstice and the vernal equinox in the spring also called “Easter ‘Sun’ Day.” Nimrod’s name literally means “tyrant, rebellion.” The city of Rome was once known as Saturnalia, “The city of Saturn,” and in the Chaldean mysteries, the Babylonian dictator Nimrod was deified as Saturn. His birthday was celebrated on December 25th or “Saturnalia.” In Chaldee, Saturn is spelled as “STUR” which totals 666. Nimrod led the Babylonians to pay tribute to the skies (the sun, the moon, the stars, and planets) by sacrificing infants and children to these pagan deities. The Tower of Babel which expressly built for this purpose, as it echoed in other cultures such as the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Incas. Research Bible archaeology, Babylon and Nimrod. -The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop.




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