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Can You Find Peace in This Troubled World? Let People Be Who They Are They Are Lacking the Peace of God! - Satan is Trying to Deceive Us, Be on Guard! - Don't Waste Valuable Time! 

DO YOU live in peace? For many, the clear answer is no. They live in areas plagued by wars, political unrest, ethnic violence, or terrorism. Even if you are spared such calamities, you might find your peace disturbed by crime, harassment, and quarrels with business partners or neighbors. Families too are often like war zones rather than havens of peace.

Many people yearn for inner peace. They may search for it in religion, meditation seminars, or yoga groups. Others hope to find peace in nature—taking vacation trips, hiking in mountains and wilderness areas, or visiting natural spas. 

Even if the searchers seem to find some inner peace, they may soon come to realize that such peace is superficial and short-lived.

So where can you find real peace? The source of peace is our Creator, Jehovah God. Why? He is the “God who gives peace.” (Romans 15:33) 

Under the rule of his Kingdom that is soon to come, there will be an “abundance of peace.” (Psalm 72:7; Matthew 6:9, 10) 

This is far more than just a feeble peace settlement. Such accords often herald little more than a brief interruption in hostilities. But God’s peace will eliminate all causes of war and strife. In fact, no one will learn war anymore. (Psalm 46:8, 9) Real peace for all at last!

“The Peace of God”
In verse 7 we read: “The peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.” This peace does not come through mere meditation or character development. Rather, it comes from God. This peace is so powerful that it “excels all thought.” 

It surely surpasses all our anxieties, knowledge, and reasoning. We might see no way out of our problems, but God’s peace can fill us with the well-founded hope that one day all our troubles will be gone.

Impossible? With men yes; but “all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27) Faith and trust in God help us to control our worries. everything will be fine again. Like that child when lost is found, we can trust that God will take us in his arms, so to speak. He will soothe us and finally chase away all our anxieties.

Many worshippers of Jehovah have experienced the peace of God under the most severe trials. 

For example, consider Nadine, who lost her unborn baby. She relates: “I find it hard to talk about my feelings, and I always try to keep a stiff upper lip. But inside, I was brokenhearted. Almost every day, I poured out my heart to Jehovah in prayer and begged him for help. I have felt the power of prayer, for whenever I was at my worst and thought, ‘I can’t go on any longer,’ I experienced inner serenity and peace. I felt safe and secure.”



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Can You Find Peace in This Troubled World? Let People Be Who They Are They Are Lacking the Peace of God! - Satan is Trying to Deceive Us, Be on Guard! - Don't Waste Valuable Time!  DO YOU live in

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