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What Type Of Books Do You Like? One Can Save Your Life!

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Did you know . . . ? More than a thousand books are published each week in the United States alone.
What to avoid. Similar to movies, many books promote values that are contrary to Bible standards. For example, some are sexually graphic or have spiritistic themes. But the Bible says: “Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you.” (Ephesians 5:3) It also says that spiritistic acts are “bad in the eyes of Jehovah.” (2 Kings 17:17)

Ask yourself,
‘Do the books that I read entertain me with conduct that God disapproves of?’

A Guidebook for the Blessing of All Mankind

The Bible is one of the oldest of the books that have survived till our time, especially among religious texts. Its earliest part was written in ancient Hebrew some 3,500 years ago (which corresponds to the Shang dynasty in China) by an Israelite named Moses. It began with the book of Genesis, an account of the stages of creation and the beginning of the human family. In the following 1,600 years, about 40 different people took part in completing this collection, or library, of 66 books containing laws, prophecies, history, poetry, letters, counsel, and much more.

Even though the Bible is old and has been the target of much vicious opposition and hatred, it has turned out to be the most widely distributed book in history. The Bible has now been translated into some 2,500 languages, and about three billion copies, in its entirety or in part, have already been distributed! It is said that 98 percent of the people on earth have access to the Bible in their own language. Just think: If God intends to communicate with mankind by means of a book, is it not reasonable that this book should be well-known and easily available so that people of all nationalities and races could read and benefit from it? 
(1 Timothy 2:4) 

Of the facts stated in the Bible, some have only come to be known and confirmed by science in recent times. For example, the Bible long ago revealed a beginning for the universe (Genesis 1:1), the correct order in which all living things were formed (Genesis, chapter 1), and the effects of the hereditary process (Psalm 139:16). Long before people had any concept of germs and hygiene, the Bible provided the Israelites with instructions that anyone touching a dead body (or excrement) became unclean and had to wash himself and his garments.
(Numbers 19:11-22; Deuteronomy 23:12-14)

A Guide for the Blessing of All Mankind
Many Orientals contend that the Bible is a product of the West, that its teachings and advice are not necessarily suitable for people living in the East. Is this true? Since the Creator understands human needs better than anyone else does, he has provided the Bible for mankind as a whole so that all people can benefit from its teachings. For instance, Chinese teachers and sages through the ages have provided many ethical aphorisms and sayings, some of which no doubt are of practical value. However, many of these sayings merely echo what the Bible teaches. Here are just a few examples:
Respect your seniors: Before gray hair you should rise up (Leviticus 19:32)
Honor your parents: Honor your father and your mother (Exodus 20:12)
When you drink water, think of its source: Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
He who comes near vermilion is stained red, and he who comes near ink is stained black: He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly (Proverbs 13:20)

Benefits promised in the Bible, however, are not limited to life today. The Bible reveals that God will soon bring an end to all wickedness and injustice, by means of a righteous government of his making. The earth will then become a global paradise. What requirements, though, must you meet so that you can enjoy such marvelous blessings? 
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