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Act With Humility That Others Are Superior To You

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Lesson for today  (Phil 2:3)  

"Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you."

PEOPLE today take great pride in personal accomplishments, and they are often quick to boast about them. Christians are different. They refrain from overemphasizing their own accomplishments, even those having to do with true worship. While they rejoice over what Jehovah’s people accomplish as a whole, they keep their individual contribution in the background.

They realize that in Jehovah’s service, right motives are more important than personal accomplishments.

Anyone who is eventually given the gift of eternal life will have gained it, not by personal accomplishments, but through faith and by God’s undeserved kindness. This may be a challenge, especially if we happen to be in a position of responsibility.

Perhaps the difficulty arises because we have been influenced, to a certain extent, by the spirit of competition so prevalent in the world today.

Possibly, as children we were taught to compete, either with our siblings at home or with our classmates at school.

We were perhaps constantly urged to reach out for the honor of being the school’s star athlete or its top student. Of course, giving our best in any proper undertaking is commendable.

However, Christians do so, not to call undue attention to themselves, but to benefit fully from the activity and perhaps to benefit others as well.

However, aspiring always to be praised as number one can be dangerous.  

Yes, we can draw comfort and encouragement from knowing that we can be saved, not by works alone, but by Jehovah’s undeserved kindness!  



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Lesson for today  (Phil 2:3)   3 "Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you." PEOPLE today take great pride in personal accomplis

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