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Throw all your Anxiety


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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

it's from London somewhere near Bond Street and  Piccadilly Circus:

Oxford Circus. Thank the Interwebs for Google Street View ?  

I would love to know the story behind that picture. Is 'loudspeaker man' shouting about JWs or something completely unrelated?

1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

We can even shout in a bolder and larger font if we wish.


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The first man seems to have got some kind of terrible news; his blood pressure shoots up and he has a stroke - now in hospital. Helps us to remember Jesus's words about not being anxious.  

I love it. Just a couple of nights ago, I "drove" through my old hometown in a place I hadn't been in for 30 years, to see if I could still find the places I had worked, the old territories I had work

. I think this could be a good "Class Project" ! Everybody that reads your question give their interpretation, and let's see what everybody comes up with! As an example, the guy with th

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39 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Thank the Interwebs for Google Street View

I love it. Just a couple of nights ago, I "drove" through my old hometown in a place I hadn't been in for 30 years, to see if I could still find the places I had worked, the old territories I had worked by myself as a pioneer (my "magazine route"), schools I attended, the bowling alley, the parks, the restaurants, my studies and return visits, where all the friends from the congregation lived. It's a great way to trigger memories I might otherwise have forgotten about. I was able to make a list of about 60 names from a congregation of 70 publishers. 

49 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Is 'loudspeaker man' shouting about JWs or something completely unrelated?

Judging from his shirt, I think he's saying this:


But you are right that we can't make any assumptions here. In NYC there are competing voices at the same corners as the Witnesses all the time. At Union Square Park (14th St) the carts used to set up early last year, and there have been so many competing messages for the past couple years that this park hardly sees any Witnesses now except on the weekend, and even then it's in the quietest area where hardly anyone notices.   

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My 2 cents? It's a protester crying for peace when there is none! Many have ran to the streets to demonstrate or rebell in malls or protest anything in the last days of this wicked world. White and black blame each other. Respect is nowhere, as we see Satan stirs up the many to be mislead and will continue his control. 

As a consequence of Satan’s activities, the condition foretold by the prophet Isaiah now applies to all mankind except for those who serve Jehovah: “Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups.”—Isaiah 60:2.

In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.

No hope, no solution! Yet they still look to men and governments. Hoping it will change. Anxiety? For some, they will die for the cause of their rebellion! Yet we know the "father of the lie" petitions them on in rebellion instead of wanting them to look to God for answers. 

My 2 cents? It's a protester crying for peace when there is none! Many have ran to the streets to demonstrate or rebell in malls or protest anything in the last days of this wicked world. White and black blame each other. Respect is nowhere, as we see Satan stirs up the many to be mislead and will continue his control. 

As a consequence of Satan’s activities, the condition foretold by the prophet Isaiah now applies to all mankind except for those who serve Jehovah: “Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups.”—Isaiah 60:2.

In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.

No hope, no solution! Yet they still look to men and governments. Hoping it will change. Anxiety? For some, they will die for the cause of their rebellion! Yet we know the "father of the lie" petitions them on in rebellion instead of wanting them to look to God for answers. 

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On 2017-02-18 at 9:06 AM, TrueTom said:

He is one of those morons protesting a Regional Convention, where thousands pass within feet of him, and it is rare for anyone to exchange a word.

Isn't it a bit disrespectful to call them "Morons" ? Try instead to feel like Jesus did for the misled people. Feel sorry for them?

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7 hours ago, Micael Frost said:

Isn't it a bit disrespectful to call them "Morons" ? Try instead to feel like Jesus did for the misled people. Feel sorry for them?

Yes, you are possibly correct. But I will call them morons anyway, for purposes of this post. In some cases, they have been around and should know better. In other cases (of simple disagreement) it is the method - blaring a loudspeaker before passing thousands who pay not the slightest attention to you. But you offer food for thought, which is good.

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51 minutes ago, TrueTom said:

In other cases (of simple disagreement) it is the method - blaring a loudspeaker before passing thousands who pay not the slightest attention to you.

I don't have a problem with "morons" either, but only if we are fair and balanced and willing to refer to the Bible Students and early JWs as "morons" for following the instructions to do the same thing with loudspeakers, amplified phonographs, and sound cars in the area of churches. (In Russell's day they targeted churches, but only with tracts, not loud preaching.)

My parents and their fathers (my grandfathers) did this, but the closest I ever got to that old-time preaching style, was wearing sandwich signs at the 1963 Peace on Earth convention in Pasadena. Sandwich signs had already lost their popularity by then, but the city servant or assembly servant had made a few for some reason. I was only 6 and I vaguely remember it dragged on the ground in front of me and I think I might have even tripped a time or two. I've seen the picture, and will ask my parents for a copy to post.

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Our morons went on to build a massive infrastructure, even including an 880 language website, in order to declare the Bible's Kingdom hope to populations worldwide at minimal cost - a hope that transforms even their present life for the better. When your morons have done the same, then we can talk. So far they seem only interested in destroying, not building 

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On 2/25/2017 at 8:47 PM, TrueTom said:

 Our morons went on to build a massive infrastructure, even including an 880 language website . . . . When your morons have done the same, then we can talk.

I didn't miss your point. These morons who simply yell out against us very often do not even know exactly what we teach. Even ones who have been Witnesses, and left, are often just angry because they blame our rules for destroying their families, destroying love between children and parents, husbands and wives, etc. But there comes a time to move on, and do their best to start over. They probably don't realize that yelling out in anger probably just makes all of us more sure that we are right and they are wrong. 

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25 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

The definitive word here is 'angry.' Sometimes life does not work out the way we would like. When that is the case, it is best to try to move on and heal. Sometimes that healing may consist in revisiting and making peace with where you came from. Sometimes not. 

At present, the country (U.S.) is torn apart by Trump people screaming at Hillary people and Hillary people screaming at Trump people, in both cases, as with megaphones. Nobody looks like they are healing to me. Nor does it look like they ever will. But they are venting their anger. It that makes for a good purpose in life, then go for it.


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